module Language.Futhark.TypeChecker.TypesTests (tests) where import Data.Bifunctor import Data.List (isInfixOf) import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Text qualified as T import Futhark.FreshNames import Futhark.Util.Pretty (docText, prettyTextOneLine) import Language.Futhark import Language.Futhark.Semantic import Language.Futhark.SyntaxTests () import Language.Futhark.TypeChecker (initialEnv) import Language.Futhark.TypeChecker.Monad import Language.Futhark.TypeChecker.Names (resolveTypeExp) import Language.Futhark.TypeChecker.Terms import Language.Futhark.TypeChecker.Types import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit evalTest :: TypeExp (ExpBase NoInfo Name) Name -> Either String ([VName], ResRetType) -> TestTree evalTest te expected = testCase (prettyString te) $ case (fmap (extract . fst) (run (checkTypeExp checkSizeExp =<< resolveTypeExp te)), expected) of (Left got_e, Left expected_e) -> let got_e_s = T.unpack $ docText $ prettyTypeError got_e in (expected_e `isInfixOf` got_e_s) @? got_e_s (Left got_e, Right _) -> let got_e_s = T.unpack $ docText $ prettyTypeError got_e in assertFailure $ "Failed: " <> got_e_s (Right actual_t, Right expected_t) -> actual_t @?= expected_t (Right actual_t, Left _) -> assertFailure $ "Expected error, got: " <> show actual_t where extract (_, svars, t, _) = (svars, t) run = snd . runTypeM env mempty (mkInitialImport "") (newNameSource 100) -- We hack up an environment with some predefined type -- abbreviations for testing. This is all pretty sensitive to the -- specific unique names, so we have to be careful! env = initialEnv { envTypeTable = M.fromList [ ( "square_1000", TypeAbbr Unlifted [TypeParamDim "n_1001" mempty] "[n_1001][n_1001]i32" ), ( "fun_1100", TypeAbbr Lifted [ TypeParamType Lifted "a_1101" mempty, TypeParamType Lifted "b_1102" mempty ] "a_1101 -> b_1102" ), ( "pair_1200", TypeAbbr SizeLifted [] "?[n_1201][m_1202].([n_1201]i64, [m_1202]i64)" ) ] <> envTypeTable initialEnv, envNameMap = M.fromList [ ((Type, "square"), "square_1000"), ((Type, "fun"), "fun_1100"), ((Type, "pair"), "pair_1200") ] <> envNameMap initialEnv } evalTests :: TestTree evalTests = testGroup "Type expression elaboration" [ testGroup "Positive tests" (map mkPos pos), testGroup "Negative tests" (map mkNeg neg) ] where mkPos (x, y) = evalTest x (Right y) mkNeg (x, y) = evalTest x (Left y) pos = [ ( "[]i32", ([], "?[d_100].[d_100]i32") ), ( "[][]i32", ([], "?[d_100][d_101].[d_100][d_101]i32") ), ( "bool -> []i32", ([], "bool -> ?[d_100].[d_100]i32") ), ( "bool -> []f32 -> []i32", (["d_100"], "bool -> [d_100]f32 -> ?[d_101].[d_101]i32") ), ( "([]i32,[]i32)", ([], "?[d_100][d_101].([d_100]i32, [d_101]i32)") ), ( "{a:[]i32,b:[]i32}", ([], "?[d_100][d_101].{a:[d_100]i32, b:[d_101]i32}") ), ( "?[n].[n][n]bool", ([], "?[n_100].[n_100][n_100]bool") ), ( "([]i32 -> []i32) -> bool -> []i32", (["d_100"], "([d_100]i32 -> ?[d_101].[d_101]i32) -> bool -> ?[d_102].[d_102]i32") ), ( "((k: i64) -> [k]i32 -> [k]i32) -> []i32 -> bool", (["d_101"], "((k_100: i64) -> [k_100]i32 -> [k_100]i32) -> [d_101]i32 -> bool") ), ( "square [10]", ([], "[10][10]i32") ), ( "square []", ([], "?[d_100].[d_100][d_100]i32") ), ( "bool -> square []", ([], "bool -> ?[d_100].[d_100][d_100]i32") ), ( "(k: i64) -> square [k]", ([], "(k_100: i64) -> [k_100][k_100]i32") ), ( "fun i32 bool", ([], "i32 -> bool") ), ( "fun ([]i32) bool", ([], "?[d_100].[d_100]i32 -> bool") ), ( "fun bool ([]i32)", ([], "?[d_100].bool -> [d_100]i32") ), ( "bool -> fun ([]i32) bool", ([], "bool -> ?[d_100].[d_100]i32 -> bool") ), ( "bool -> fun bool ([]i32)", ([], "bool -> ?[d_100].bool -> [d_100]i32") ), ( "pair", ([], "?[n_100][m_101].([n_100]i64, [m_101]i64)") ), ( "(pair,pair)", ([], "?[n_100][m_101][n_102][m_103].(([n_100]i64, [m_101]i64), ([n_102]i64, [m_103]i64))") ) ] neg = [ ("?[n].bool", "Existential size \"n\""), ("?[n].bool -> [n]bool", "Existential size \"n\""), ("?[n].[n]bool -> [n]bool", "Existential size \"n\""), ("?[n].[n]bool -> bool", "Existential size \"n\"") ] substTest :: M.Map VName (Subst StructRetType) -> StructRetType -> StructRetType -> TestTree substTest m t expected = testCase (pretty_m <> ": " <> T.unpack (prettyTextOneLine t)) $ applySubst (`M.lookup` m) t @?= expected where pretty_m = T.unpack $ prettyText $ map (first toName) $ M.toList m -- Some of these tests may be a bit fragile, in that they depend on -- internal renumbering, which can be arbitrary. substTests :: TestTree substTests = testGroup "Type substitution" [ substTest m0 "t_0" "i64", substTest m0 "[1]t_0" "[1]i64", substTest m0 "?[n_10].[n_10]t_0" "?[n_10].[n_10]i64", -- substTest m1 "t_0" "?[n_1].[n_1]bool", substTest m1 "f32 -> t_0" "f32 -> ?[n_1].[n_1]bool", substTest m1 "f32 -> f64 -> t_0" "f32 -> f64 -> ?[n_1].[n_1]bool", substTest m1 "f32 -> t_0 -> bool" "?[n_1].f32 -> [n_1]bool -> bool", substTest m1 "f32 -> t_0 -> t_0" "?[n_1].f32 -> [n_1]bool -> ?[n_2].[n_2]bool" ] where m0 = M.fromList [("t_0", Subst [] "i64")] m1 = M.fromList [("t_0", Subst [] "?[n_1].[n_1]bool")] tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Basic type operations" [evalTests, substTests]