// Start of context.h // Internal functions. static void set_error(struct futhark_context* ctx, char *error) { lock_lock(&ctx->error_lock); if (ctx->error == NULL) { ctx->error = error; } else { free(error); } lock_unlock(&ctx->error_lock); } // XXX: should be static, but used in ispc_util.h void lexical_realloc_error(struct futhark_context* ctx, size_t new_size) { set_error(ctx, msgprintf("Failed to allocate memory.\nAttempted allocation: %12lld bytes\n", (long long) new_size)); } static int lexical_realloc(struct futhark_context *ctx, unsigned char **ptr, int64_t *old_size, int64_t new_size) { unsigned char *new = realloc(*ptr, (size_t)new_size); if (new == NULL) { lexical_realloc_error(ctx, new_size); return FUTHARK_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else { *ptr = new; *old_size = new_size; return FUTHARK_SUCCESS; } } static void free_all_in_free_list(struct futhark_context* ctx) { fl_mem mem; free_list_pack(&ctx->free_list); while (free_list_first(&ctx->free_list, (fl_mem*)&mem) == 0) { free((void*)mem); } } static int is_small_alloc(size_t size) { return size < 1024*1024; } static void host_alloc(struct futhark_context* ctx, size_t size, const char* tag, size_t* size_out, void** mem_out) { if (is_small_alloc(size) || free_list_find(&ctx->free_list, size, tag, size_out, (fl_mem*)mem_out) != 0) { *size_out = size; *mem_out = malloc(size); } } static void host_free(struct futhark_context* ctx, size_t size, const char* tag, void* mem) { // Small allocations are handled by malloc()s own free list. The // threshold here is kind of arbitrary, but seems to work OK. // Larger allocations are mmap()ed/munmapped() every time, which is // very slow, and Futhark programs tend to use a few very large // allocations. if (is_small_alloc(size)) { free(mem); } else { free_list_insert(&ctx->free_list, size, (fl_mem)mem, tag); } } static void add_event(struct futhark_context* ctx, const char* name, char* description, void* data, event_report_fn f) { if (ctx->logging) { fprintf(ctx->log, "Event: %s\n%s\n", name, description); } add_event_to_list(&ctx->event_list, name, description, data, f); } char *futhark_context_get_error(struct futhark_context *ctx) { char *error = ctx->error; ctx->error = NULL; return error; } void futhark_context_config_set_debugging(struct futhark_context_config *cfg, int flag) { cfg->profiling = cfg->logging = cfg->debugging = flag; } void futhark_context_config_set_profiling(struct futhark_context_config *cfg, int flag) { cfg->profiling = flag; } void futhark_context_config_set_logging(struct futhark_context_config *cfg, int flag) { cfg->logging = flag; } void futhark_context_config_set_cache_file(struct futhark_context_config *cfg, const char *f) { cfg->cache_fname = strdup(f); } int futhark_get_tuning_param_count(void) { return num_tuning_params; } const char *futhark_get_tuning_param_name(int i) { return tuning_param_names[i]; } const char *futhark_get_tuning_param_class(int i) { return tuning_param_classes[i]; } void futhark_context_set_logging_file(struct futhark_context *ctx, FILE *f){ ctx->log = f; } void futhark_context_pause_profiling(struct futhark_context *ctx) { ctx->profiling_paused = 1; } void futhark_context_unpause_profiling(struct futhark_context *ctx) { ctx->profiling_paused = 0; } struct futhark_context_config* futhark_context_config_new(void) { struct futhark_context_config* cfg = malloc(sizeof(struct futhark_context_config)); if (cfg == NULL) { return NULL; } cfg->in_use = 0; cfg->debugging = 0; cfg->profiling = 0; cfg->logging = 0; cfg->cache_fname = NULL; cfg->num_tuning_params = num_tuning_params; cfg->tuning_params = malloc(cfg->num_tuning_params * sizeof(int64_t)); memcpy(cfg->tuning_params, tuning_param_defaults, cfg->num_tuning_params * sizeof(int64_t)); cfg->tuning_param_names = tuning_param_names; cfg->tuning_param_vars = tuning_param_vars; cfg->tuning_param_classes = tuning_param_classes; backend_context_config_setup(cfg); return cfg; } void futhark_context_config_free(struct futhark_context_config* cfg) { assert(!cfg->in_use); backend_context_config_teardown(cfg); free(cfg->cache_fname); free(cfg->tuning_params); free(cfg); } struct futhark_context* futhark_context_new(struct futhark_context_config* cfg) { struct futhark_context* ctx = malloc(sizeof(struct futhark_context)); if (ctx == NULL) { return NULL; } assert(!cfg->in_use); ctx->cfg = cfg; ctx->cfg->in_use = 1; ctx->program_initialised = false; create_lock(&ctx->error_lock); create_lock(&ctx->lock); free_list_init(&ctx->free_list); event_list_init(&ctx->event_list); ctx->peak_mem_usage_default = 0; ctx->cur_mem_usage_default = 0; ctx->constants = malloc(sizeof(struct constants)); ctx->debugging = cfg->debugging; ctx->logging = cfg->logging; ctx->detail_memory = cfg->logging; ctx->profiling = cfg->profiling; ctx->profiling_paused = 0; ctx->error = NULL; ctx->log = stderr; set_tuning_params(ctx); if (backend_context_setup(ctx) == 0) { setup_program(ctx); init_constants(ctx); ctx->program_initialised = true; (void)futhark_context_clear_caches(ctx); (void)futhark_context_sync(ctx); } return ctx; } void futhark_context_free(struct futhark_context* ctx) { if (ctx->program_initialised) { free_constants(ctx); teardown_program(ctx); } backend_context_teardown(ctx); free_all_in_free_list(ctx); free_list_destroy(&ctx->free_list); event_list_free(&ctx->event_list); free(ctx->constants); free(ctx->error); free_lock(&ctx->lock); free_lock(&ctx->error_lock); ctx->cfg->in_use = 0; free(ctx); } // End of context.h