module Futhark.Internalise.TypesValuesTests (tests) where import Control.Monad.Free (Free (..)) import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.String (fromString) import Futhark.IR.Syntax hiding (Free) import Futhark.IR.SyntaxTests () import Futhark.Internalise.TypesValues import Language.Futhark.SyntaxTests () import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit internaliseTypeTests :: TestTree internaliseTypeTests = testGroup "internaliseType" [ mkTest "[0]()" [Free [Pure "[0i64]unit"]], mkTest "{a: [t_7447][n_7448](f32, f32), b: i64, c: i64}" [Free [Pure "[t_7447][n_7448]f32", Pure "[t_7447][n_7448]f32"], Pure "i64", Pure "i64"], mkTest "([0]i32, {a: f32, b: f32, c: f32, d: [0]((f32, f32), (f32, f32))})" [ Free [Pure "[0i64]i32"], Pure "f32", Pure "f32", Pure "f32", Free [Pure "[0i64]f32", Pure "[0i64]f32", Pure "[0i64]f32", Pure "[0i64]f32"] ], mkTest "[0]([1]i32, f32)" [Free [Free [Pure "[0i64][1i64]i32"], Pure "[0i64]f32"]] ] where mkTest x y = testCase (prettyString x) $ internaliseType x @?= y sumTypeTests :: TestTree sumTypeTests = testGroup "internaliseConstructors" [ testCase "Dedup of primitives" $ internaliseConstructors ( M.fromList [ ("foo", [Pure "i64"]), ("bar", [Pure "i64"]) ] ) @?= ( [Pure "i64"], [ ("bar", [0]), ("foo", [0]) ] ), testCase "Dedup of array" $ internaliseConstructors ( M.fromList [ ("foo", [Pure "[?0]i64"]), ("bar", [Pure "[?0]i64"]) ] ) @?= ( [Pure "[?0]i64", Pure "[?0]i64"], [ ("bar", [0]), ("foo", [1]) ] ), testCase "Dedup of array of tuple" $ internaliseConstructors ( M.fromList [ ("foo", [Free [Pure "[?0]i64", Pure "[?0]i64"]]), ("bar", [Pure "[?0]i64"]) ] ) @?= ( [Pure "[?0]i64", Free [Pure "[?0]i64", Pure "[?0]i64"]], [ ("bar", [0]), ("foo", [1, 2]) ] ) ] -- Be aware that some of these tests simply reinforce current -- behaviour - it may be that we want to restrict aliasing even -- further in the future; these tests would have to be updated in such -- cases. inferAliasesTests :: TestTree inferAliasesTests = testGroup "inferAliases" [ mkTest [Free [Pure "[0i64]i32"]] [Free [Pure "[?0]i32"]] [[("[?0]i32", RetAls [0] [0])]], mkTest [Free [Pure "[0i64]i32", Pure "[0i64]i32"]] [Free [Pure "[0i64]i32", Pure "[0i64]i32"]] [ [ ("[0i64]i32", RetAls [0] [0]), ("[0i64]i32", RetAls [1] [1]) ] ], -- Basically zip. mkTest [Free [Pure "[n_0]i32"], Free [Pure "[n_0]i32"]] [Free [Pure "[n_0]i32", Pure "[n_0]i32"]] [ [ ("[n_0]i32", RetAls [] [0]), ("[n_0]i32", RetAls [] [1]) ] ], mkTest [Free [Pure "[0i64]i32"], Free [Pure "[0i64]i32", Pure "[0i64]i32"]] [Free [Pure "[?0]i32", Pure "[?0]i32"]] [ [ ("[?0]i32", RetAls [1] [0]), ("[?0]i32", RetAls [2] [1]) ] ], mkTest [Free [Pure "[0i64][1i64]i32", Pure "[0i64][1i64]i32"]] [Free [Pure "[?0]i32", Pure "[?0]i32"]] [ [ ("[?0]i32", RetAls [0] [0]), ("[?0]i32", RetAls [1] [1]) ] ], -- Basically unzip. mkTest [Free [Pure "[n_0][n_1]i32", Pure "[n_0][n_1]i32"]] [Free [Pure "[?0]i32"], Free [Pure "[?0]i32"]] [ [("[?0]i32", RetAls [] [0, 1])], [("[?0]i32", RetAls [] [0, 1])] ], mkTest [ Free [Pure "*[n_0][n_1]i32"], Free [Pure "[n_2]i64"], Free [Pure "[n_3]i64"] ] [Free [Pure "*[n_0][n_1]i32"]] [[("*[n_0][n_1]i32", RetAls [] [])]], mkTest [Free [Pure "[n_0]i32", Free [Pure "[n_0][n_1]i32"]]] [Free [Pure "[n_0]i32"]] [[("[n_0]i32", RetAls [1] [0])]], mkTest [] [ Free [Pure "[n_0]i32", Free [Pure "[n_0][n_1]i32"]], Free [Pure "[n_0]i32"] ] [ [("[n_0]i32", RetAls [] [0]), ("[n_0][n_1]i32", RetAls [] [1])], [("[n_0]i32", RetAls [] [1, 2])] ], mkTest [Free [Pure "[n_0]i32"]] [Free [Pure "[m_1][m_1]i32"]] [ [("[m_1][m_1]i32", RetAls [0] [0])] ] ] where mkTest all_param_ts all_res_ts expected = testCase (show all_param_ts <> " " <> show all_res_ts) $ inferAliases (map (fmap fromString) all_param_ts) (map (fmap fromString) all_res_ts) @?= expected tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Futhark.Internalise.TypesValuesTests" [ internaliseTypeTests, sumTypeTests, inferAliasesTests ]