{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE Strict #-} -- | This module defines an efficient value representation of the -- Futhark data format. module Futhark.Data ( Value (..), Vector, valueText, -- * Types of values PrimType (..), primTypeText, primTypeBytes, ValueType (..), valueTypeTextNoDims, valueType, valueElemType, valueShape, valueTypeText, -- * Converting values GetValue (..), PutValue (..), valueElems, ) where import Control.Monad import Data.Binary import Data.Binary.Get import Data.Binary.Put import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS import Data.Char (chr, ord) import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8) import Data.List (intersperse) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as SVec import Data.Vector.Storable.ByteString (byteStringToVector, vectorToByteString) import Numeric.Half -- | The value vector type. type Vector = SVec.Vector -- | An efficiently represented Futhark value, represented as a shape -- vector and a value vector, which contains elements in row-major -- order. The size of the value vector must be equal to the product -- of the shape vector. This is not enforced by the representation, -- but consuming functions may give unexpected results if this -- invariant is broken. Scalars are represented with an empty shape -- vector. -- -- Use 'valueText' to get a human-readable representation, and v'put' -- to obtain binary a representation. -- -- The 'Eq' instance is the naive one, meaning that no values -- containing NaNs will be considered equal. Use the functions from -- "Futhark.Data.Compare" if this is not what you want. data Value = I8Value (Vector Int) (Vector Int8) | I16Value (Vector Int) (Vector Int16) | I32Value (Vector Int) (Vector Int32) | I64Value (Vector Int) (Vector Int64) | U8Value (Vector Int) (Vector Word8) | U16Value (Vector Int) (Vector Word16) | U32Value (Vector Int) (Vector Word32) | U64Value (Vector Int) (Vector Word64) | F16Value (Vector Int) (Vector Half) | F32Value (Vector Int) (Vector Float) | F64Value (Vector Int) (Vector Double) | BoolValue (Vector Int) (Vector Bool) deriving (Eq, Show) binaryFormatVersion :: Word8 binaryFormatVersion = 2 instance Binary Value where put (I8Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " i8" shape vs put (I16Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " i16" shape vs put (I32Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " i32" shape vs put (I64Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " i64" shape vs put (U8Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " u8" shape vs put (U16Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " u16" shape vs put (U32Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " u32" shape vs put (U64Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " u64" shape vs put (F16Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " f16" shape vs put (F32Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " f32" shape vs put (F64Value shape vs) = putBinaryValue " f64" shape vs -- Bool must be treated specially because the Storable instance -- uses four bytes. put (BoolValue shape vs) = putBinaryValue "bool" shape $ SVec.map boolToInt8 vs where boolToInt8 True = 1 :: Int8 boolToInt8 False = 0 get = do first <- getInt8 version <- getWord8 rank <- getInt8 unless (chr (fromIntegral first) == 'b') $ fail "Input does not begin with ASCII 'b'." unless (version == binaryFormatVersion) $ fail $ "Expecting binary format version 1; found version: " ++ show version unless (rank >= 0) $ fail $ "Rank must be non-negative, but is: " ++ show rank type_f <- getLazyByteString 4 shape <- replicateM (fromIntegral rank) $ fromIntegral <$> getInt64le let num_elems = product shape shape' = SVec.fromList shape case LBS.unpack type_f of " i8" -> get' (I8Value shape') num_elems 1 " i16" -> get' (I16Value shape') num_elems 2 " i32" -> get' (I32Value shape') num_elems 4 " i64" -> get' (I64Value shape') num_elems 8 " u8" -> get' (U8Value shape') num_elems 1 " u16" -> get' (U16Value shape') num_elems 2 " u32" -> get' (U32Value shape') num_elems 4 " u64" -> get' (U64Value shape') num_elems 8 " f16" -> get' (F16Value shape') num_elems 2 " f32" -> get' (F32Value shape') num_elems 4 " f64" -> get' (F64Value shape') num_elems 8 -- Bool must be treated specially because the Storable instance -- uses four bytes. "bool" -> BoolValue shape' . SVec.map int8ToBool . byteStringToVector . BS.copy <$> getByteString num_elems s -> fail $ "Cannot parse binary values of type " ++ show s where -- The copy is to ensure that the bytestring is properly -- aligned. get' mk num_elems elem_size = mk . byteStringToVector . BS.copy <$> getByteString (num_elems * elem_size) int8ToBool :: Int8 -> Bool int8ToBool = (/= 0) putBinaryValue :: SVec.Storable a => String -> Vector Int -> Vector a -> Put putBinaryValue tstr shape vs = do putInt8 $ fromIntegral $ ord 'b' putWord8 binaryFormatVersion putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ SVec.length shape mapM_ (putInt8 . fromIntegral . ord) tstr putByteString $ vectorToByteString shape putByteString $ vectorToByteString vs arrayText :: (SVec.Storable a) => (a -> TB.Builder) -> [Int] -> SVec.Vector a -> TB.Builder arrayText p [] vs = p $ SVec.head vs arrayText p (d : ds) vs = "[" <> mconcat (intersperse separator $ map (arrayText p ds . slice) [0 .. d -1]) <> "]" where slice_size = product ds slice i = SVec.slice (i * slice_size) slice_size vs separator | null ds = ", " | otherwise = ",\n" -- | Construct a textual representation of the value as a strict text. valueText :: Value -> T.Text valueText v | product (valueShape v) == 0 = "empty(" <> dims <> primTypeText (valueElemType v) <> ")" where dims = mconcat $ map (brackets . T.pack . show) $ valueShape v brackets s = "[" <> s <> "]" valueText v = case v of I8Value shape vs -> f pNum shape vs I16Value shape vs -> f pNum shape vs I32Value shape vs -> f pNum shape vs I64Value shape vs -> f pNum shape vs U8Value shape vs -> f pNum shape vs U16Value shape vs -> f pNum shape vs U32Value shape vs -> f pNum shape vs U64Value shape vs -> f pNum shape vs F16Value shape vs -> f pF16 shape vs F32Value shape vs -> f pF32 shape vs F64Value shape vs -> f pF64 shape vs BoolValue shape vs -> f pBool shape vs where suffix = primTypeText $ valueElemType v pNum x = TB.fromString (show x) <> TB.fromText suffix pF16 x | isInfinite x, x >= 0 = "f16.inf" | isInfinite x, x < 0 = "-f16.inf" | isNaN x = "f16.nan" | otherwise = pNum x pF32 x | isInfinite x, x >= 0 = "f32.inf" | isInfinite x, x < 0 = "-f32.inf" | isNaN x = "f32.nan" | otherwise = pNum x pF64 x | isInfinite x, x >= 0 = "f64.inf" | isInfinite x, x < 0 = "-f64.inf" | isNaN x = "f64.nan" | otherwise = pNum x pBool True = "true" pBool False = "false" f p shape vs = LT.toStrict $ TB.toLazyText $ arrayText p (SVec.toList shape) vs -- | The scalar types supported by the value format. data PrimType = I8 | I16 | I32 | I64 | U8 | U16 | U32 | U64 | F16 | F32 | F64 | Bool deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded) -- | Textual primitive type as a strict text. primTypeText :: PrimType -> T.Text primTypeText I8 = "i8" primTypeText I16 = "i16" primTypeText I32 = "i32" primTypeText I64 = "i64" primTypeText U8 = "u8" primTypeText U16 = "u16" primTypeText U32 = "u32" primTypeText U64 = "u64" primTypeText F16 = "f16" primTypeText F32 = "f32" primTypeText F64 = "f64" primTypeText Bool = "bool" -- | The number of bytes taken up by a single element of this type. primTypeBytes :: PrimType -> Int primTypeBytes I8 = 1 primTypeBytes I16 = 2 primTypeBytes I32 = 4 primTypeBytes I64 = 8 primTypeBytes U8 = 1 primTypeBytes U16 = 2 primTypeBytes U32 = 4 primTypeBytes U64 = 8 primTypeBytes F16 = 2 primTypeBytes F32 = 4 primTypeBytes F64 = 8 primTypeBytes Bool = 1 -- | The type of a simple Futhark value, comprising a shape and an -- element type. data ValueType = ValueType [Int] PrimType deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | Prettyprint a value type as a strict text. valueTypeText :: ValueType -> T.Text valueTypeText (ValueType ds t) = mconcat (map pprDim ds) <> primTypeText t where pprDim d = "[" <> T.pack (show d) <> "]" -- | Prettyprint a value type with empty dimensions as a strict text. -- This is needed for Futhark server programs, whose types are -- un-sized. valueTypeTextNoDims :: ValueType -> T.Text valueTypeTextNoDims (ValueType dims t) = mconcat (replicate (length dims) "[]") <> primTypeText t -- | Get the type of a value. valueType :: Value -> ValueType valueType v = ValueType (valueShape v) $ valueElemType v -- | Get the element type of a value. valueElemType :: Value -> PrimType valueElemType I8Value {} = I8 valueElemType I16Value {} = I16 valueElemType I32Value {} = I32 valueElemType I64Value {} = I64 valueElemType U8Value {} = U8 valueElemType U16Value {} = U16 valueElemType U32Value {} = U32 valueElemType U64Value {} = U64 valueElemType F16Value {} = F16 valueElemType F32Value {} = F32 valueElemType F64Value {} = F64 valueElemType BoolValue {} = Bool -- | The shape of a value. Empty list in case of a scalar. valueShape :: Value -> [Int] valueShape (I8Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (I16Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (I32Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (I64Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (U8Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (U16Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (U32Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (U64Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (F16Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (F32Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (F64Value shape _) = SVec.toList shape valueShape (BoolValue shape _) = SVec.toList shape -- Conversions -- | Produce a list of the immediate elements of the value. That is, -- a 2D array will produce a list of 1D values. A zero-dimensional -- value will produce an empty list. While lists are of course -- inefficient, the actual values are just slices of the original -- value, which makes them fairly space-efficient (but beware space -- leaks). valueElems :: Value -> [Value] valueElems v | n : ns <- valueShape v = let k = product ns slices mk vs = [ mk (SVec.fromList ns) $ SVec.slice (k * i) k vs | i <- [0 .. n -1] ] in case v of I8Value _ vs -> slices I8Value vs I16Value _ vs -> slices I16Value vs I32Value _ vs -> slices I32Value vs I64Value _ vs -> slices I64Value vs U8Value _ vs -> slices U8Value vs U16Value _ vs -> slices U16Value vs U32Value _ vs -> slices U32Value vs U64Value _ vs -> slices U64Value vs F16Value _ vs -> slices F16Value vs F32Value _ vs -> slices F32Value vs F64Value _ vs -> slices F64Value vs BoolValue _ vs -> slices BoolValue vs | otherwise = [] -- | A class for Haskell values that can be retrieved from 'Value'. -- This is a convenience facility - don't expect it to be fast. class GetValue t where getValue :: Value -> Maybe t instance GetValue t => GetValue [t] where getValue = mapM getValue . valueElems instance GetValue Bool where getValue (BoolValue shape vs) | [] <- SVec.toList shape = Just $ vs SVec.! 0 getValue _ = Nothing instance GetValue Int8 where getValue (I8Value shape vs) | [] <- SVec.toList shape = Just $ vs SVec.! 0 getValue _ = Nothing instance GetValue Int16 where getValue (I16Value shape vs) | [] <- SVec.toList shape = Just $ vs SVec.! 0 getValue _ = Nothing instance GetValue Int32 where getValue (I32Value shape vs) | [] <- SVec.toList shape = Just $ vs SVec.! 0 getValue _ = Nothing instance GetValue Int64 where getValue (I64Value shape vs) | [] <- SVec.toList shape = Just $ vs SVec.! 0 getValue _ = Nothing instance GetValue Word8 where getValue (U8Value shape vs) | [] <- SVec.toList shape = Just $ vs SVec.! 0 getValue _ = Nothing instance GetValue Word16 where getValue (U16Value shape vs) | [] <- SVec.toList shape = Just $ vs SVec.! 0 getValue _ = Nothing instance GetValue Word32 where getValue (U32Value shape vs) | [] <- SVec.toList shape = Just $ vs SVec.! 0 getValue _ = Nothing instance GetValue Word64 where getValue (U64Value shape vs) | [] <- SVec.toList shape = Just $ vs SVec.! 0 getValue _ = Nothing -- | A class for Haskell values that can be converted to 'Value'. -- This is a convenience facility - don't expect it to be fast. class PutValue t where -- | This may fail for cases such as irregular arrays. putValue :: t -> Maybe Value instance PutValue Int8 where putValue = Just . I8Value mempty . SVec.singleton instance PutValue Int16 where putValue = Just . I16Value mempty . SVec.singleton instance PutValue Int32 where putValue = Just . I32Value mempty . SVec.singleton instance PutValue Int64 where putValue = Just . I64Value mempty . SVec.singleton instance PutValue Word8 where putValue = Just . U8Value mempty . SVec.singleton instance PutValue Word16 where putValue = Just . U16Value mempty . SVec.singleton instance PutValue Word32 where putValue = Just . U32Value mempty . SVec.singleton instance PutValue Word64 where putValue = Just . U64Value mempty . SVec.singleton instance PutValue [Value] where putValue [] = Nothing putValue (x : xs) = do let res_shape = SVec.fromList $ length (x : xs) : valueShape x guard $ all ((== valueType x) . valueType) xs Just $ case x of I8Value {} -> I8Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) I16Value {} -> I16Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) I32Value {} -> I32Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) I64Value {} -> I64Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) U8Value {} -> U8Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) U16Value {} -> U16Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) U32Value {} -> U32Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) U64Value {} -> U64Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) F16Value {} -> F16Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) F32Value {} -> F32Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) F64Value {} -> F64Value res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) BoolValue {} -> BoolValue res_shape $ foldMap getVec (x : xs) where getVec (I8Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (I16Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (I32Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (I64Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (U8Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (U16Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (U32Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (U64Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (F16Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (F32Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (F64Value _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec getVec (BoolValue _ vec) = SVec.unsafeCast vec instance PutValue T.Text where putValue = putValue . T.encodeUtf8 instance PutValue BS.ByteString where putValue bs = Just $ U8Value size $ byteStringToVector bs where size = SVec.fromList [fromIntegral (BS.length bs)]