{- |
In this module the actual conversion from time to string happens.

There are two modes, showing the time and showing the time left till something. This is represented by the duality of both FuzzyTimeConf and FuzzyTime: ClockConf and FuzzyClock serve to show the time, while TimerConf and FuzzyTimer are used for counting down.

A FuzzyTime is created from a FuzzyTimeConf with toFuzzyTime. It is translated to a string via show.

Apart from the above, two functions are exported: isTimerZero which can be used by an interface to set off the alarm when timer reaches zero, and nextFTHour which makes sure that the clock is a circular data structure.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

module FuzzyTime (
	  FuzzyTime (..)
	, capsizeDef
	, toFuzzyTime
	, isTimerZero
	, nextFTHour
	, FuzzyTimeConf (..)
	, Time
	) where

import Data.Char (toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Data
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Prelude hiding (min)

import FuzzyTime.Danish
import FuzzyTime.Dutch
import FuzzyTime.English
import FuzzyTime.German
import FuzzyTime.Greek
import FuzzyTime.Italian
import FuzzyTime.French
import FuzzyTime.Norwegian
import FuzzyTime.Polish
import FuzzyTime.Spanish
import FuzzyTime.Swedish
import FuzzyTime.Turkish

-- FuzzyTime =======================================================================================================================================================================

-- | Convenience alias.
type Time = String

-- | Data for fuzzified time. There are two modes: FuzzyClock for showing what time it is and FuzzyTimer for showing how much time there is left till something. The String output is obtained via Show.
data FuzzyTime
	= FuzzyClock {
	  ftAm		:: Bool
	, ftCaps	:: Int
	, ftClock	:: Int
	, ftHour	:: Int
	, ftLang	:: String
	, ftMin		:: Int
	, ftStyle	:: Int
	| FuzzyTimer {
	  ftLang	:: String
	, ftMins	:: Int
	deriving Eq

-- | This is where FuzzyTime is turned into the time String.
-- It is assumed that by the time these functions are called, hour will be in [0..23] and min will be in [0..59].
instance Show FuzzyTime where
	show ft = case ftLang ft of
		"da" -> showFuzzyTimeDa ft
		"de" -> showFuzzyTimeDe ft
		"el" -> showFuzzyTimeEl ft
		"en" -> showFuzzyTimeEn ft
		"es" -> showFuzzyTimeEs ft
		"it" -> showFuzzyTimeIt ft
		"fr" -> showFuzzyTimeFr ft
		"nb" -> showFuzzyTimeNb ft
		"nl" -> showFuzzyTimeNl ft
		"pl" -> showFuzzyTimePl ft
		"se" -> showFuzzyTimeSe ft
		"tr" -> showFuzzyTimeTr ft
		_ -> "Language " ++ ftLang ft ++ " is not supported."

-- | Turns a FuzzyTimeConf into a FuzzyTime. Works for both FuzzyClock and FuzzyTimer.
-- In the clock mode, am (Bool), clock (12 vs. 24-hour), language and style are set apart from the actual time, so that show knows how to display the time.
-- In the timer mode, only language and left minutes need to be set.
toFuzzyTime :: FuzzyTimeConf -> FuzzyTime
toFuzzyTime ftc = case ftc of
	(ClockConf caps clock lang prec time style)
		-> FuzzyClock am caps clock fuzzdHour lang fuzzdMin style
			fuzzdHour :: Int
			fuzzdHour = let hh = if min+prec>=60 && fuzzdMin==0 then hour+1 else hour in
				if clock==24 then
					if hh==0 then 24 else hh
					if hh==12 then hh else hh `mod` 12
			fuzzdMin :: Int
			fuzzdMin =
					mf = fromIntegral min :: Float
					cf = fromIntegral prec :: Float
					(round(mf/cf) * prec) `mod` 60
			hour :: Int
			hour = read $ fst (break (==':') time)
			min :: Int
			min = read $ drop 1 $ snd (break (==':') time)
			am :: Bool
			am = hour < 12
	(TimerConf end lang now)
		-> FuzzyTimer lang fuzzdMins
			fuzzdMins :: Int
			fuzzdMins = 
					mf = fromIntegral minsDiff :: Float
					cf = fromIntegral getPrec :: Float
					round(mf/cf) * getPrec
			hourNow :: Int
			hourNow = read $ fst (break (==':') now)
			minNow :: Int
			minNow = read $ drop 1 $ snd (break (==':') now)
			hourEnd :: Int
			hourEnd = read $ fst (break (==':') end)
			minEnd :: Int
			minEnd = read $ drop 1 $ snd (break (==':') end)
			minsDiff :: Int
			minsDiff = (hourEnd*60 + minEnd) - (hourNow*60 + minNow)
			getPrec :: Int
				| abs minsDiff > 270	= 60
				| abs minsDiff > 90		= 30
				| abs minsDiff > 45		= 15
				| abs minsDiff > 5		= 5
				| otherwise				= 1

-- | Capitalizes the string in one of the four ways: 0. all small; 1. default; 2. sentence case; 3. all caps
capsizeDef :: Int -> String -> String
capsizeDef caps str
	| caps == 0 	= map toLower str
	| caps == 2		= concat . intersperse " " $ map (\w -> toUpper (head w) : tail w) (words str)
	| caps == 3		= map toUpper str
	| otherwise		= str

-- | Makes sure that noon is always represented as 0, and midnight – always as 0 or 24 (depending on the clock).
nextFTHour :: FuzzyTime -> Int
nextFTHour (FuzzyClock am _ clock hour _ _ _)
	| clock == 12 && hour == 11		= if am then 12 else 0
	| clock == hour					= 1
	| otherwise						= hour + 1
nextFTHour (FuzzyTimer _ _) = 0		-- this should never happen; just to get rid of the warning

-- | Reports whether timer is now at zero. (Needed for the interface to know when to play a sound.)
isTimerZero :: FuzzyTime -> Bool
isTimerZero (FuzzyClock _ _ _ _ _ _ _)	= False
isTimerZero (FuzzyTimer _ mins)			= mins == 0

-- FuzzyTimeConf ===================================================================================================================================================================

-- | Data for CmdArgs. Has the two modes of module FuzzyTime: showing the current time and showing the time left. Note that this is not the same as the two modes of module Main.
data FuzzyTimeConf
	= ClockConf {
	  caps	:: Int
	, clock	:: Int
	, lang	:: String
	, prec	:: Int
	, time	:: Time
	, style	:: Int
	| TimerConf {
	  end	:: Time
	, lang	:: String
	, now	:: Time
	deriving (Data, Show, Typeable)