{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, ExistentialQuantification, ConstraintKinds, FunctionalDependencies, KindSignatures, DataKinds, GADTs, RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, ImpredicativeTypes, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts #-} module FWGL.Shader.Program ( LoadedProgram(..), Program, program, loadProgram, castProgram, DefaultUniforms2D, DefaultAttributes2D, DefaultUniforms3D, DefaultAttributes3D, defaultProgram3D, defaultProgram2D ) where import Data.Hashable import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H import Data.Word (Word) import FWGL.Backend (BackendIO) import qualified FWGL.Shader.Default2D as Default2D import qualified FWGL.Shader.Default3D as Default3D import FWGL.Shader.GLSL import FWGL.Shader.Shader (Valid) import FWGL.Shader.Stages import FWGL.Internal.GL hiding (Program) import qualified FWGL.Internal.GL as GL import FWGL.Internal.Resource import FWGL.Internal.TList import Unsafe.Coerce -- | A vertex shader associated with a compatible fragment shader. data Program (gs :: [*]) (is :: [*]) = Program (String, [(String, Int)]) String Int data LoadedProgram = LoadedProgram !GL.Program (H.HashMap String Int) Int -- | The uniforms used in the default 3D program. type DefaultUniforms3D = Default3D.Uniforms -- | The attributes used in the default 3D program. type DefaultAttributes3D = Default3D.Attributes -- | The uniforms used in the default 2D program. type DefaultUniforms2D = Default2D.Uniforms -- | The attributes used in the default 2D program. type DefaultAttributes2D = Default2D.Attributes instance Hashable (Program gs is) where hashWithSalt salt (Program _ _ h) = hashWithSalt salt h instance Eq (Program gs is) where (Program _ _ h) == (Program _ _ h') = h == h' instance Hashable LoadedProgram where hashWithSalt salt (LoadedProgram _ _ h) = hashWithSalt salt h instance Eq LoadedProgram where (LoadedProgram _ _ h) == (LoadedProgram _ _ h') = h == h' instance (GLES, BackendIO) => Resource (Program g i) LoadedProgram GL where -- TODO: err check loadResource i f = loadProgram i $ f . Right unloadResource _ (LoadedProgram p _ _) = deleteProgram p castProgram :: Program gs is -> Program gs' is' -- castProgram (Program v f h) = Program v f h castProgram = unsafeCoerce -- | Create a 'Program' from the shaders. program :: (ValidVertex vgs vis vos, Valid fgs vos '[], Equal pgs (Union vgs fgs)) => VertexShader vgs vis vos -> FragmentShader fgs vos -> Program pgs vis program vs fs = let (vss, attrs) = vertexToGLSLAttr vs fss = fragmentToGLSL fs in Program (vss, attrs) fss (hash (vss, fss)) defaultProgram3D :: Program DefaultUniforms3D DefaultAttributes3D defaultProgram3D = program Default3D.vertexShader Default3D.fragmentShader defaultProgram2D :: Program DefaultUniforms2D DefaultAttributes2D defaultProgram2D = program Default2D.vertexShader Default2D.fragmentShader loadProgram :: (GLES, BackendIO) => Program g i -> (LoadedProgram -> GL ()) -> GL () loadProgram (Program (vss, attrs) fss h) = asyncGL $ do glp <- createProgram vs <- loadSource gl_VERTEX_SHADER vss fs <- loadSource gl_FRAGMENT_SHADER fss attachShader glp vs attachShader glp fs locs <- bindAttribs glp 0 attrs [] linkProgram glp -- TODO: ?? {- detachShader glp vs detachShader glp fs -} return $ LoadedProgram glp (H.fromList locs) h where bindAttribs _ _ [] r = return r bindAttribs glp i ((nm, sz) : xs) r = bindAttribLocation glp (fromIntegral i) (toGLString nm) >> bindAttribs glp (i + sz) xs ((nm, i) : r) loadSource :: GLES => GLEnum -> String -> GL Shader loadSource ty src = do shader <- createShader ty shaderSource shader $ toGLString src compileShader shader return shader