module Fold.Nonempty.Examples.Interesting ( {- * General -} magma, semigroup, {- * Endpoints -} last, {- * Extrema -} maximum, minimum, maximumBy, minimumBy, {- * List -} list, reverseList, ) where import Fold.Nonempty.Type import Data.Function (id, const, flip, (.)) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|))) import Data.Ord (Ord, Ordering (GT), max, min) import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>)) import qualified Strict {-| Start with the first input, append each new input on the right with the given function -} magma :: (a -> a -> a) -> NonemptyFold a a magma step = NonemptyFold{ initial = id, step, extract = id } {-| Append each new input on the right with ('<>') -} semigroup :: Semigroup a => NonemptyFold a a semigroup = magma (<>) {-| The last input -} last :: NonemptyFold a a last = magma (flip const) {-| The greatest input -} maximum :: Ord a => NonemptyFold a a maximum = magma max {-| The greatest input with respect to the given comparison function -} maximumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> NonemptyFold a a maximumBy cmp = magma (\x y -> case cmp x y of { GT -> x; _ -> y }) {-| The least input -} minimum :: Ord a => NonemptyFold a a minimum = magma min {-| The least input with respect to the given comparison function -} minimumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> NonemptyFold a a minimumBy cmp = magma (\x y -> case cmp x y of { GT -> y; _ -> x }) {-| All the inputs -} list :: NonemptyFold a (NonEmpty a) list = NonemptyFold { initial = \a -> Strict.Tuple2 a id , step = \(Strict.Tuple2 a0 x) a -> Strict.Tuple2 a0 (x . (a :)) , extract = \(Strict.Tuple2 a0 x) -> a0 :| (x []) } {-| All the inputs in reverse order -} reverseList :: NonemptyFold a (NonEmpty a) reverseList = NonemptyFold { initial = (:| []) , step = \(b :| x) a -> a :| b : x , extract = id }