## (2023-03-07) In the `Fold.ShortcutNonempty` module, the type of `list` and `reverseList` has changed from `ShortcutNonemptyFold a [a]` to `ShortcutNonemptyFold a (NonEmpty a)`. ## (2023-02-22) The "Examples" modules are no longer divided into "Interesting" and "Boring" modules in the public API, because this leads to too many breaking releases. `NonemptyFold` and `ShortcutNonemptyFold` now have their own `sum` and `product` definitions instead of being lifted variants of the `Fold` and `ShortcutFold` definitions. This makes it possible to use them with numeric types that do not include additive or multiplicative identity values. For example, we now have a test case which takes the sum over a non-empty list of positive integers. Since a "positive integer" type does not include zero, previously this would result in arithmetic underflow. ## (2023-02-20) Adds `ShortcutFold` and `ShortcutNonemptyFold`. The following have changed from `Fold` to `ShortcutFold`: `and`, `or`, `all`, `any`, `element`, `notElement`, `find`, `lookup`, `index`, `findIndex`, `elementIndex`, `null`. `first` has changed from `NonemptyFold` to `ShortcutNonemptyFold`. ## (2023-02-20) Add `Fold.Nonempty.effectfulFold`; this was already available from `Fold.Nonempty.Conversion`, but now it is also re-exported from `Fold.Nonempty`. ## (2023-02-17) Remove benchmark, which was broken ## (2023-01-07) Initial release