Name: game-probability Version: 1.1 Synopsis: Simple probability library for dice rolls, card games and similar Description: A library designed to aid in easily calculating the probability of various outcomes of dice rolls and card draws. The central types are held in the "Numeric.Probability.Game.Event" module, the dice are defined in the "Numeric.Probability.Game.Dice" module, and the functions for calculating probabilities are in the "Numeric.Probability.Game.Query" module. The functions for playing cards cand be found in the "Numeric.Probability.Game.Cards" module, and more efficient calculation helpers can be found in the "Numeric.Probability.Game.Cards.Hand" module. . Various examples are scattered throughout the library, but here are some more: . Evalulates the chance of a coin toss turning up heads: . > chanceTrue coinToss . Shows the chances of each outcome of rolling two six-sided dice, as a textual bar chart: . > show (2*d6) . The chance of getting an 18 when rolling 3 six-sided dice and rerolling on any total less than 8: . > chancePred (== 18) ((3*d6) `rerollOn` [3..7]) . As a more complex example, this implements my memory/understanding of the original World of Darkness dice system (). You roll a given number of 10-sided dice, rolling one extra for every 10 you score if you are specialised. The number of 1s on the original roll are subtracted from the total number of dice that equal or exceed the difficulty target: . > successes :: Int -> Int -> Bool -> EventM Int > successes target dice specialised > = do initial <- replicateM dice d10 > extra <- if specialised > then replicateM (count (== 10) initial) d10 > else return [] > return (count (>= target) (initial ++ extra) - count (== 1) initial) > where > count f xs = length (filter f xs) . If only all RPGs specified their rules in Haskell! . See also the blog posts on the design of the library: , and License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Neil Brown Maintainer: -- Copyright: Category: Math Build-type: Simple Cabal-version: >=1.6 Library -- Modules exported by the library. Exposed-modules: Numeric.Probability.Game.Event Numeric.Probability.Game.Dice Numeric.Probability.Game.Cards Numeric.Probability.Game.Cards.Hand Numeric.Probability.Game.PlayingCards Numeric.Probability.Game.Query -- Packages needed in order to build this package. Build-depends: base >= 4 && < 5, probability == 0.2.*, random == 1.0.*, containers >= 0.2 && < 0.4 Extensions: GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving FlexibleInstances ScopedTypeVariables GHC-Options: -Wall