module Data.Graph.Embedding (embedGraph,embedDiGraph) where
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List (partition, sortBy, union, foldl', (\\), sort, find, nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust,isJust)
import Data.Graph.SimpleUtil (takeAfter, takeBefore, map2, apa)
import Control.Monad.State (get, put, execState,State)
import Data.Graph.InductivePlus
import Data.Graph.Analysis.Algorithms
data EdgeLabel = StubLabel |
FreeEdge EdgeLabel |
FixedEdge EdgeLabel |
PieceOrder (Maybe PieceId) Int
EdgeLabel deriving (Show, Eq)
isFreeELabel (FixedEdge _) = False
isFreeELabel _ = True
lastNumLabel (FixedEdge rest) = lastNumLabel rest
lastNumLabel (FreeEdge rest ) = lastNumLabel rest
lastNumLabel StubLabel = Nothing
lastNumLabel (PieceOrder _ n _) = Just n
continueLabel mayPid pos lbl@(FixedEdge rest) =
error $ "continueLabel: try to continue fixed edge label\npos = " ++ show pos
++ "\nlbl = " ++ show lbl
continueLabel mayPid pos lbl@(FreeEdge rest) = FreeEdge $ PieceOrder mayPid pos rest
continueLabel mayPid pos lbl = FreeEdge $ PieceOrder mayPid pos lbl
fixELabel mayPid pos lbl =
case continueLabel mayPid pos lbl of
FreeEdge lbl -> FixedEdge lbl
StubLabel -> FixedEdge StubLabel
_ -> error "fixELabel: COOL!"
edgeLabelToList StubLabel = []
edgeLabelToList lbl@(FreeEdge _) =
error $ "edgeLabelToList: convertation is impossible cause the edge label is free: "
++ show lbl
edgeLabelToList (FixedEdge rest) = reverse $ edgeLabelToList rest
edgeLabelToList (PieceOrder _ pos rest) = pos : edgeLabelToList rest
instance Ord EdgeLabel where
compare l1 l2 =
let (ll1,ll2) = map2 edgeLabelToList (l1,l2) in
compare ll1 ll2
type MyInGr = Gr () EdgeLabel
data OldC = OldC { oldCAsSet :: Set.Set Node,
oldCAsList :: [ Node ]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data C = C { cAsList :: [ Node ],
cAsSet :: Set.Set Node,
oldCC :: Maybe OldC
} deriving (Show,Eq)
hasOldC c = isJust $ oldCC c
newC c = C { cAsList = c,
cAsSet = Set.fromList c,
oldCC = Nothing
data Side = Inside | Outside deriving (Show,Eq)
notSide Inside = Outside
notSide Outside = Inside
type LegOfPiece = Set.Set Node
data Piece = Piece { pieceAsSubgraph :: MyInGr,
nodesAlsoInC :: Set.Set Node,
sideOfpiece :: Side,
legsOfpiece :: Map.Map Node LegOfPiece } deriving (Show,Eq)
instance Ord Piece where
p1 > p2 = (sort . edges $ pieceAsSubgraph p1) > (sort . edges $ pieceAsSubgraph p2)
p1 < p2 = (sort . edges $ pieceAsSubgraph p1) < (sort . edges $ pieceAsSubgraph p2)
p1 >= p2 = p1 > p2 || p1 == p2
p1 <= p2 = p1 < p2 || p1 == p2
type Pieces = [ Piece ]
type PieceId = Int
type MapPieces = Map.Map PieceId Piece
type EdgeMapPiece = Map.Map (Node,Node ) PieceId
type VertexMapPiece = Map.Map Node (Set.Set PieceId)
emptyPiece = Piece { pieceAsSubgraph = buildGr [],
nodesAlsoInC = Set.empty,
sideOfpiece = Inside,
legsOfpiece = Map.empty }
embedGraph :: Gr a b -> Gr a Int
embedGraph g =
let ug = nmap (\_ -> () ) $ emap (\_ -> StubLabel) g
firstC = snd . head . filter (\x -> fst x > 2 ) . map (\xc -> (length xc, xc) ) $ cyclesIn' ug
c = newC firstC
in extractGraph g $ execState (embedWithC c Nothing Nothing Nothing) ug
embedDiGraph :: Gr a b -> Gr a (Int,Int)
embedDiGraph g =
let ug = nmap (\_ -> () ) $ emap (\_ -> StubLabel) g
ulg = undir ug
firstC = snd . head . filter (\x -> fst x > 2 ) . map (\xc -> (length xc, xc) ) $ cyclesIn' ulg
c = newC firstC
in orientGraph g $ execState (embedWithC c Nothing Nothing Nothing) ulg
embedWithC :: C -> Maybe VertexMapPiece -> Maybe EdgeMapPiece -> Maybe MapPieces -> State MyInGr ()
embedWithC c oldVmp oldEmp oldMp =
do g <- get
let mp = fst $ findPiecesWithC c g
emp = makeEMP mp
vmp = makeVMP mp
groupedMP = groupPieces c mp g (fromJust oldMp)
(fromJust oldVmp)
(fromJust oldEmp)
(g', mp') = foldr (\vinc (g,mp) -> orderEdgesOfNode vinc
vmp emp
oldEmp oldMp)
$ cAsList c
(pathPieces,otherPieces) = Map.partition isPath mp'
g'' = Map.foldWithKey orderPathPiece g' pathPieces
cg0 = delNodes (nodes g'' \\ cAsList c) g''
cg = Map.fold (\p cg ->
case Set.toList $ nodesAlsoInC p of
[a,b] -> delEdges [ (a,b), (b,a) ] cg
_ -> cg
cg0 pathPieces
lstOtherPieces = map snd $ Map.toList otherPieces
in put g'' >>
mapM_ (\p_i -> get >>= \gx -> let p = mergeTwoGraphs cg $ pieceAsSubgraph p_i
c' = genNextC c p_i
in do put p
embedWithC c' (Just vmp) (Just emp) (Just mp' )
p' <- get
put $ patchEdgesGraph gx p' p_i )
isPath p = let subg = pieceAsSubgraph p
outN = nodesAlsoInC p
pre v = outdeg subg v == 1
[ firstOut, secondOut ] = Set.toList outN
numEqDeg2 = foldr (\v n -> if outdeg subg v == 2
then n + 1
else n)
$ nodes subg
in Set.size outN == 2 &&
pre firstOut &&
pre secondOut &&
numEqDeg2 == length (nodes subg) 2
findPiecesWithC :: C -> MyInGr -> ( MapPieces, MyInGr )
findPiecesWithC c g =
let findPiece' v s@(mapPieces, g, freePID) =
let subgOfv = buildGr [ ([], v, (), []) ]
newp = emptyPiece { pieceAsSubgraph = subgOfv }
(newPiece, g') = execState (findPiece v c) ( newp, g )
in if v `gelem` g
then (Map.insert freePID newPiece mapPieces, g', freePID + 1)
else s
allNeighbours = foldr (\vinc an -> an `union` neighboursOfCV vinc )
$ cAsList c
neighboursOfCV vinc = suc g vinc \\ cAsList c
in findPathPiecesWithC c $ foldr findPiece' (Map.empty, g, 0) allNeighbours
findPathPiecesWithC :: C -> (MapPieces, MyInGr, PieceId) -> (MapPieces, MyInGr)
findPathPiecesWithC c (mp, g, freePID) =
let findEdgePiece vinc (mp, g, freePID) =
let wa = fromJust $ takeAfter vinc $ cAsList c
wb = fromJust $ takeBefore vinc $ cAsList c
edgePieces = suc g vinc \\ [wa, wb]
g' = foldr (\w g -> delUEdge (vinc,w) g) g edgePieces
buildPiece w (mp,freePID) =
let freePID' = freePID + 1
legs = map Set.fromList [ [ w ], [ vinc ] ]
subG = insEdges [ (w,vinc, getELabel (w,vinc) g),
(vinc,w, getELabel (vinc,w) g) ] .
insNodes [ (w,()), (vinc, ()) ] $
buildGr []
newPiece =
Piece { pieceAsSubgraph = subG,
nodesAlsoInC = Set.fromList [ w, vinc],
sideOfpiece = Inside,
legsOfpiece = Map.fromList $ zip [vinc, w] legs
in (Map.insert freePID newPiece mp, freePID')
(mp',freePID') = foldr buildPiece
(mp,freePID) edgePieces
in (mp', g', freePID')
(mp', g', _) = foldr findEdgePiece
(mp, g, freePID)
$ cAsList c
in (mp', g')
findPiece :: Node -> C -> State (Piece, MyInGr) ()
findPiece v c =
do (p,g) <- get
let nei = suc g v
(inC, g') = if v `Set.member` cAsSet c
then (True, g)
else (False, delNode v g)
p' = insertIntoPiece v c inC p nei g
in if v `gelem` g
then do put ( p',g')
if inC
then return ()
else mapM_ (\v -> findPiece v c ) nei
else return ()
insertIntoPiece :: Node -> C -> Bool -> Piece -> [ Node ] -> MyInGr -> Piece
insertIntoPiece v c inC p nei g =
let p' =
if inC
then p { nodesAlsoInC = Set.insert v $ nodesAlsoInC p }
else let fNei wNei legs =
if wNei `Set.member` cAsSet c
then case Map.lookup wNei legs of
Nothing ->
Map.insert wNei
(Set.singleton v)
Just leg ->
Map.insert wNei
(Set.insert v leg)
else legs
in p { legsOfpiece = foldr fNei
(legsOfpiece p)
nei }
newNei = filter (\n -> not (n `gelem` pieceAsSubgraph p')) nei
nei' = zip newNei $ cycle [ () ]
ls = map (\(w,l) -> (v,w,l) ) $ lsuc g v
lp = map (\(w,l) -> (w, v, l) ) $ lpre g v
subg' = insEdges ls . insEdges lp . insNodes nei' $ pieceAsSubgraph p'
in if inC
then p'
else p' { pieceAsSubgraph = subg' }
type PieceAndS = (Bool, PieceId, Piece, [ Set.Set Node ])
groupPieces :: C -> MapPieces -> MyInGr -> MapPieces -> VertexMapPiece -> EdgeMapPiece -> MapPieces
groupPieces c mp g oldMp oldVmp oldEmp =
let (freePieces, fixedPieces) = Map.partition (isFreePiece c) mp
(fixedInside, fixedOutside, mp') = Map.foldWithKey (detectSideOfFixedPiece oldMp oldEmp oldVmp g c)
(Map.empty, Map.empty, mp)
(fixI, fixO ) = map2 (map snd . Map.toList . Map.mapWithKey (\k p -> (True, k, p, getS p c)))
(fixedInside, fixedOutside)
freP = Map.mapWithKey (\k p -> (False, k, p, getS p c)) freePieces
(_,_,res) = Map.foldWithKey (arrangePiece fixI fixO ) ([], [], mp') freP
in res
arrangePiece :: [PieceAndS] -> [PieceAndS] -> PieceId -> PieceAndS ->
([PieceAndS], [PieceAndS], MapPieces) ->
([PieceAndS], [PieceAndS], MapPieces)
arrangePiece fixedInside fixedOutside
pid ps@(isFree,_,p,s)
(inside, outside, mp) =
let allOutside = fixedOutside ++ outside
allInside = fixedInside ++ inside
in case interlaced' ps fixedInside of
([],_) ->
case interlaced' ps inside of
([],_) -> usualResult Inside mp
(psInterIn,notInterIn) ->
case interlaced' ps fixedOutside of
([],_) ->
case interlaced' ps outside of
([], _) -> usualResult Outside mp
(psInterOut,notInterOut) ->
if any (\psiin -> any (interlaced psiin) allOutside) psInterIn
then if any (\psio -> any (interlaced psio) allInside) psInterOut
then errGraphIsntPlanar "psInterOut interlaced with inside and vice versa"
else fixToInSide mp psInterOut notInterOut
else fixToOutSide mp psInterIn notInterIn
(conFixOut,_) ->
if any (\psiin -> any (interlaced psiin) allOutside ) psInterIn
then errGraphIsntPlanar "psInterIn interlaced with allOutside and the piece interlaced with conFixOut"
else fixToOutSide mp psInterIn notInterIn
(conFixIn,_) ->
case interlaced' ps fixedOutside of
([],_) ->
case interlaced' ps outside of
([], _) -> usualResult Outside mp
(psInterOut,notInterOut) ->
if any (\psio -> any (interlaced psio) allInside) psInterOut
then errGraphIsntPlanar "psInterOut interlace with allInside and the piece interlace with conFixIn"
else fixToInSide mp psInterOut notInterOut
(conFixOut,_) -> errGraphIsntPlanar "both side consist confliting fixed pieces"
errGraphIsntPlanar msg =
error ( "arrangePiece: The graph isn't a planar. " ++
"I can't arrange a piece:\n" ++
"Conflict pid " ++ show pid ++ "\npiece: " ++
show p ++ "\nMessage: " ++ msg
setSide s mp = Map.insert pid p { sideOfpiece = s } mp
usualResult side mp =
case side of
Inside -> ( (isFree, pid, p, s) : inside,
setSide side mp
Outside -> ( inside,
(isFree, pid, p, s) : outside,
setSide side mp
fixToInSide mp psInterOut notInterOut =
(psInterOut ++ inside,
(isFree, pid, p, s) : notInterOut,
setSide Outside $ foldr (\(isFree, pid, p, s) mp ->
Map.adjust (\p -> p { sideOfpiece = Inside } )
fixToOutSide mp psInterIn notInterIn =
( (isFree, pid, p, s) : notInterIn,
psInterIn ++ outside,
setSide Inside $ foldr (\(isFree, pid, p, s) mp ->
Map.adjust (\p -> p { sideOfpiece = Outside } )
interlaced' :: PieceAndS -> [ PieceAndS ] -> ([ PieceAndS ],[ PieceAndS ])
interlaced' ps xside = partition (interlaced ps) xside
isFreePiece c p =
let outv = nodesAlsoInC p
oldc = fromJust $ oldCC c
cs = cAsSet c
cl = cAsList c
ocl = oldCAsList oldc
ocs = oldCAsSet oldc
gp = pieceAsSubgraph p
shared = Set.toList $ ocs `Set.intersection` cs
a = fromJust $ find (\v -> apa (/=) (takeAfter v) ocl cl) shared
b = fromJust $ find (\v -> apa (/=) (takeBefore v) ocl cl) shared
pre v =
let lbls = map snd $ lsuc gp v
testTP aorb = v == aorb && all isFreeELabel lbls
in (v `Set.notMember` ocs)
|| testTP a
|| testTP b
in if hasOldC c
then all pre $ Set.toList outv
else True
detectSideOfFixedPiece :: MapPieces -> EdgeMapPiece -> VertexMapPiece ->
MyInGr -> C -> PieceId -> Piece ->
(MapPieces, MapPieces, MapPieces) ->
(MapPieces, MapPieces, MapPieces)
detectSideOfFixedPiece mp emp vmp
g c kpid p (fixi, fixo, newMp) =
let anodes = nodes $ pieceAsSubgraph p
oc = fromJust $ oldCC c
cs = cAsSet c
cl = cAsList c
ocl = oldCAsList oc
ocs = oldCAsSet oc
nodesInC = nodesAlsoInC p
theSide = if all (`Set.member` ocs ) anodes
let [ outv1, outv2 ] = case Set.toList $ nodesAlsoInC p of
[a,b] -> [a,b]
_ -> error ("piece from oldc hasn't gon 2 outer vertexes\n" ++ show p ++
"\n C = " ++ show c ++ "\n G = " ++ show g ++
"\n old mp = " ++ show mp ++ "\n"
[ piecesWithV1, piecesWithV2 ] = map (\v -> fromJust $ Map.lookup v vmp)
[ outv1, outv2 ]
maybePieces = piecesWithV1 `Set.union` piecesWithV2
nodesOfWantedPiece = Set.toList $ cAsSet c `Set.difference` ocs
thePid = head . Set.toList
$ Set.filter (\pid ->
let p = fromJust $ Map.lookup pid mp
gofp = pieceAsSubgraph p
in all (`gelem` gofp) nodesOfWantedPiece
theP = fromJust $ Map.lookup thePid mp
in notSide $ sideOfpiece theP
else let outv = head . Set.toList $ nodesAlsoInC p `Set.intersection` ocs
neiOutV = head . Set.toList . fromJust . Map.lookup outv $ legsOfpiece p
thePid = fromJust $ Map.lookup (outv, neiOutV) emp
piece = fromJust $ Map.lookup thePid mp
in sideOfpiece piece
setS p = p { sideOfpiece = theSide }
p' = setS p
in case theSide of
Inside -> (Map.insert kpid p' fixi, fixo, Map.adjust setS kpid newMp)
Outside -> (fixi, Map.insert kpid p' fixo, Map.adjust setS kpid newMp)
interlaced :: PieceAndS -> PieceAndS -> Bool
interlaced (_,_,p1,s1) (_,_,p2,s2) =
let a1 = nodesAlsoInC p1
in all (\subs2 -> a1 `Set.intersection` subs2 /= a1 ) s2
getS :: Piece -> C -> [ Set.Set Node ]
getS p c = foldl' f [] c'
vinc = head . Set.toList $ nodesAlsoInC p
(a,b) = span (vinc /= ) $ cAsList c
c' = b ++ a ++ [ head b ]
f :: [ Set.Set Node ] -> Node -> [ Set.Set Node ]
f l vinc = if vinc `Set.member` nodesAlsoInC p
then if null l
then [ Set.singleton vinc ]
else if vinc == head c'
then (Set.insert vinc $ head l ) : tail l
else Set.singleton vinc : (Set.insert vinc $ head l ) : tail l
else if null l
then [ Set.singleton vinc ]
else ( Set.insert vinc $ head l ) : tail l
patchEdgesGraph beingImprovedG (itsSubG :: MyInGr ) p_i =
let allEdgesPI = concat $ map (\n -> map (\(w,l) -> (n,w,l) ) $ lsuc itsSubG n)
(nodes $ pieceAsSubgraph p_i)
fEdge (v,w,l) g = setELabel' (v,w) l g
in foldr fEdge beingImprovedG allEdgesPI
orientGraph :: Gr a b -> MyInGr -> Gr a (Int,Int)
orientGraph srcG embeddedG =
let srcG' = emap (\_ -> (0,0)) srcG
conEdgeLabels v sg =
let outgoing = map (\(w,l) -> (v,w,l) ) $ lsuc embeddedG v
sortedOut= sortBy (\(_,_,l1) (_,_,l2) ->
if isFreeELabel l1 || isFreeELabel l2
then error $ "outgoing contains free edgelabel !outgoing = \n " ++ show outgoing
else compare l1 l2)
sout = map (\(n, (v,w,_)) -> (n,v,w) ) $ zip [0..] sortedOut
in foldr (\(n,v,w) sg -> case find ((w == ) . fst) $ lsuc sg v of
Nothing -> case find ((v == ) . fst) $ lsuc sg w of
Nothing -> error $ "orientGraph: can't find edge "
++ show (v,w) ++ " or "
++ show (w,v)
Just (_,(right,_)) -> setELabel' (w,v) (right,n) sg
Just (_,(_,back)) -> setELabel' (v,w) (n,back) sg
in foldr conEdgeLabels srcG' $ nodes embeddedG
extractGraph :: Gr a b -> MyInGr -> Gr a Int
extractGraph srcG embeddedG =
let srcG' = emap (\_ -> 0) srcG
conEdgeLabels v sg =
let outgoing = map (\(w,l) -> (v,w,l) ) $ lsuc embeddedG v
sortedOut= sortBy (\(_,_,l1) (_,_,l2) ->
if isFreeELabel l1 || isFreeELabel l2
then error $ "outgoing contains free edgelabel !outgoing = \n " ++ show outgoing
else compare l1 l2)
sout = map (\(n, (v,w,_)) -> (n,v,w) ) $ zip [0..] sortedOut
in foldr (\(n,v,w) sg -> setELabel' (v,w) n sg )
in foldr conEdgeLabels srcG' $ nodes embeddedG
genNextC :: C -> Piece -> C
genNextC oldc p_i =
let a = nodesAlsoInC p_i
firstInA = head $ Set.toList a
(_, afterF) = span (firstInA /= ) . cycle $ cAsList oldc
(_, rest) = break ( `Set.member` a) $ tail afterF
secondInA = head rest
newPart = head . findPaths firstInA secondInA $ pieceAsSubgraph p_i
(leavingPart, _) = break ( == firstInA ) $ tail rest
nc = ( firstInA : newPart ) ++ ( secondInA : leavingPart )
in (newC nc) { oldCC = Just OldC { oldCAsSet = cAsSet oldc,
oldCAsList = cAsList oldc
orderPathPiece pid p g =
let s = nodesAlsoInC p
procOneV v g =
if v `Set.notMember` s
then let nei = zip [0..] $ suc g v in
foldr (\(n,w) g -> setELabel' (v,w)
(FixedEdge . PieceOrder (Just pid) n $ StubLabel)
g nei
else g
in foldr procOneV g . nodes $ pieceAsSubgraph p
orderEdgesOfNode :: Node -> C -> MyInGr ->
MapPieces -> VertexMapPiece ->
EdgeMapPiece -> Maybe EdgeMapPiece ->
Maybe MapPieces -> (MyInGr, MapPieces)
orderEdgesOfNode v c g mp vmp emp oldEmp oldMp =
let cl = cAsList c
allPiecesOfv = map (\pid -> (pid, fromJust $ Map.lookup pid mp) )
. Set.toList $ case Map.lookup v vmp of
Nothing -> Set.empty
Just x -> x
apv = filter (\(_,p) -> any isFreeELabel
. map snd
$ lsuc (pieceAsSubgraph p) v
(insidePieces,outsidePieces) =
partition ((== Inside) . sideOfpiece . snd )
orderPieces pieces cmp =
map (\((pid,p),_) -> (p, Just pid ))
. sortBy cmp
$ map (\p -> (p, distanceToNearestW v c $ snd p ))
cmpOut a@((pida,pa),wa) b@((pidb, pb),wb) =
case compare wb wa of
EQ -> let [ la, lb ] = map legsOfpiece [pa,pb]
[(w, sa), (_,sb) ] = map (\legs -> if Map.size legs == 2
then head . Map.toList $ Map.delete v legs
else error $ "legs must be 2\nlegs = " ++ show legs)
checkEquality labels = if length ( nub labels ) == 1
then labels
else error $ "Labels aren't equal: " ++ show labels
[firstLbl , secondLbl ] = map (\s -> head
. checkEquality
. map (\wNei -> lastNumLabel $ getELabel (w, wNei ) g )
$ Set.toList s)
in if apa (/=) Map.keys la lb
then error $ "embedGraphWithC: unknown state:\na = " ++ show a ++ "\nb = " ++ show b
else case compare secondLbl firstLbl of
LT -> GT
GT -> LT
EQ -> EQ
other -> other
outsidePieces' = orderPieces outsidePieces cmpOut
insidePieces' = orderPieces insidePieces (flip cmpOut)
wBeforeV = fromJust $ takeBefore v cl
wAfterV = fromJust $ takeAfter v cl
pieceBeforeV = emptyPiece { legsOfpiece = Map.singleton v $ Set.fromList [ wBeforeV ] }
pieceAfterV = emptyPiece { legsOfpiece = Map.singleton v $ Set.fromList [ wAfterV ] }
lblBefore = getELabel (v, wBeforeV) g
lblAfter = getELabel (v,wAfterV) g
lstt = let rest = concat [ outsidePieces',
if isFreeELabel lblAfter
then [ (pieceAfterV, Nothing) ]
else [],
in if isFreeELabel lblBefore
then let omp = fromJust oldMp
oemp = fromJust oldEmp
previousPid = Map.lookup (v, wBeforeV) oemp
previousP = fromJust $ Map.lookup (fromJust previousPid)
legOfv = fromJust . Map.lookup v $ legsOfpiece previousP
(insidePieces'', togetherBefore) = span (\(p, _) -> all ( `Set.notMember` legOfv )
. nodes $ pieceAsSubgraph p)
in if isJust oldMp
&& isJust previousPid
&& v `Set.member` (oldCAsSet . fromJust $ oldCC c)
then concat [ togetherBefore,
[ (pieceBeforeV, Nothing) ],
if isFreeELabel lblAfter
then [ (pieceAfterV, Nothing) ]
else [],
else (pieceBeforeV, Nothing) : rest
else rest
apieces = zip [0..] lstt
markAllEdgesOfPiece (n,(p, mayPid)) (g,mp) =
let neiNodesInP = fromJust . Map.lookup v $ legsOfpiece p
modGofP f mp pid =
Map.adjust (\p -> p { pieceAsSubgraph = f $ pieceAsSubgraph p })
in if Set.size neiNodesInP == 1
then let w = head $ Set.toList neiNodesInP
vwlbl = getELabel (v,w) g
vwlbl' = fixELabel mayPid n vwlbl
modg g = setELabel' (v, w ) vwlbl' g
in (modg g,
maybe mp (modGofP modg mp) mayPid )
else let markEdgeOfPiece w g =
let vwlbl = getELabel (v,w) g
vwlbl' = continueLabel mayPid n vwlbl
in setELabel' (v,w) vwlbl' g
modg g = Set.fold markEdgeOfPiece g neiNodesInP
in (modg g,
maybe mp (modGofP modg mp) mayPid )
in foldr markAllEdgesOfPiece (g,mp) apieces
distanceToNearestW v c p =
let (beforeV,vAndAfter) = span (v /= ) $ cAsList c
c' = vAndAfter ++ beforeV
outer = nodesAlsoInC p
in map fst . filter ((`Set.member` outer) . snd) $ zip [ 0..] c'
makeEMP :: MapPieces -> EdgeMapPiece
makeEMP mp =
let fPiece pid p emp =
let legs = legsOfpiece p
fLeg v leg emp = Set.fold (\w emp -> Map.insert (v,w) pid emp)
in Map.foldWithKey fLeg
in Map.foldWithKey fPiece
makeVMP :: MapPieces -> VertexMapPiece
makeVMP mp =
let fPiece pid p vmp =
let fVertex v vmp =
let a = case Map.lookup v vmp of
Nothing -> Set.singleton pid
Just s -> Set.insert pid s
in Map.insert v a vmp
in Set.fold fVertex vmp $ nodesAlsoInC p
in Map.foldWithKey fPiece