-- GENERATED by C->Haskell Compiler, version 0.13.12 (gtk2hs branch) "Bin IO", 27 May 2012 (Haskell)
-- Edit the ORIGNAL .chs file instead!

{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

{-# LINE 1 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances,OverlappingInstances,ScopedTypeVariables,FlexibleInstances #-}

{-# LINE 2 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
-- String & [a] overlap
-- -*-haskell-*-
-- GIMP Toolkit (GTK) GConf API
--  Author : Duncan Coutts
--  Created: 16 April 2004
--  Copyright (c) 2004 Duncan Coutts
--  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
--  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
--  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
--  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
--  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  Library General Public License for more details.
--  |
--  Module for dealing with the values stored in the GConf system.
--  GConfValue has its own primitive type system which is represented in
--  Haskell using type classes. This allows values to be get and set without
--  needing to perform any dynamic type casting or needing a union type.
--  Alternatively, a dynamic\/union type is provided for the rare occasions
--  when that degree of flexability is required. It should only be necessary
--  if you need to deal with configuration values without statically knowing
--  their type.

module System.Gnome.GConf.GConfValue (
 GConfValueClass(marshalFromGConfValue, marshalToGConfValue),
 ) where

import Control.Monad (liftM, when)
import Control.Exception (catch, IOException)
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Data.Text (Text)

import System.Glib.FFI
import System.Glib.UTFString
import System.Glib.GList (toGSList, readGSList)

--{# context lib="gconf" prefix ="gconf_value" #}

{-# LINE 53 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}

data GConfValueType = GconfValueInvalid
                    | GconfValueString
                    | GconfValueInt
                    | GconfValueFloat
                    | GconfValueBool
                    | GconfValueSchema
                    | GconfValueList
                    | GconfValuePair
                    deriving (Enum,Eq,Show)

{-# LINE 55 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}

newtype GConfValue = GConfValue (Ptr (GConfValue))
{-# LINE 57 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}

-- | Class of types which can be kept by GConf
class GConfValueClass value where
  --unsafe because assumes non-null pointer and correct type
  unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue :: GConfValue -> IO value

  -- safe checked version, may throw exception
  marshalFromGConfValue :: GConfValue -> IO value
  marshalFromGConfValue value = do
    checkForNullAndExpectedType (typeofGConfValue (undefined::value)) value
    unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value

  typeofGConfValue :: value -> GConfValueType

  marshalToGConfValue :: value -> IO GConfValue

-- The above methods follow the following memory management rules regarding
-- GConfValues: marshalFrom reads the value but does not gain ownership and thus
-- does not deallocate. marshalTo allocates a new value and gives up ownership;
-- it is not responsible for dellocation (it does not attach a finaliser).
-- The code that uses marshalTo must ensure that it hands the value off to a
-- function that is prepared to asume ownership of the value.

-- | Dynamic version for when the type is not known statically.
data GConfValueDyn = GConfValueString Text
                   | GConfValueInt Int
                   | GConfValueFloat Double
                   | GConfValueBool Bool
                   | GConfValueSchema               -- ^ Not supported
                   | GConfValueList [GConfValueDyn] -- ^ Must all be of same primitive type
                   | GConfValuePair (GConfValueDyn, GConfValueDyn) -- ^ Must both be primitive

-- Allow variant using Maybe, where Nothing means the value was not set
-- Use this variant when you expect the gconf key to not be set somethimes;
-- otherwise the 'raw' types will raise an exception if you get an unset key.
-- Just for consistency, setting a key to Nothing will unset the key, however
-- it is preferable to use gconfClientUnset explicitly.
instance GConfValueClass value => GConfValueClass (Maybe value) where
  typeofGConfValue _ = typeofGConfValue (undefined :: value)
  unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue = marshalFromGConfValue
  marshalFromGConfValue value =
    catch (liftM Just $ marshalFromGConfValue value)
          (\(e :: IOException) -> return Nothing)
  marshalToGConfValue (Just v) = marshalToGConfValue v
  marshalToGConfValue Nothing  = return $ GConfValue nullPtr

-- The GConfValue type system says some types are primitive.
-- Compound types (lists & pairs) may only be constructed from primitive types.
class GConfValueClass value => GConfPrimitiveValueClass value
instance GConfPrimitiveValueClass Int
instance GConfPrimitiveValueClass Bool
instance GConfPrimitiveValueClass Double
instance GConfPrimitiveValueClass Text

instance GConfValueClass Int where
  typeofGConfValue _ = GconfValueInt
  unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue = liftM fromIntegral . (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_int arg1)
{-# LINE 114 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
  marshalToGConfValue n = do
    value <- gconf_value_new
{-# LINE 116 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
      (fromIntegral $ fromEnum GconfValueInt)
    (\(GConfValue arg1) arg2 -> gconf_value_set_int arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value) (fromIntegral n)
    return (GConfValue value)

instance GConfValueClass Bool where
  typeofGConfValue _ = GconfValueBool
  unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue = liftM toBool . (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_bool arg1)
{-# LINE 123 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
  marshalToGConfValue b = do
    value <- gconf_value_new
{-# LINE 125 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
      (fromIntegral $ fromEnum GconfValueBool)
    (\(GConfValue arg1) arg2 -> gconf_value_set_bool arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value) (fromBool b)
    return (GConfValue value)

instance GConfValueClass Double where
  typeofGConfValue _ = GconfValueFloat
  unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue = liftM realToFrac . (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_float arg1)
{-# LINE 132 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
  marshalToGConfValue f = do
    value <- gconf_value_new
{-# LINE 134 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
      (fromIntegral $ fromEnum GconfValueFloat)
    (\(GConfValue arg1) arg2 -> gconf_value_set_float arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value) (realToFrac f)
    return (GConfValue value)

-- Now unfortunately String & [a] overlap, although really they don't since Char
-- is not an instance of GConfPrimitiveValueClass, however classes are open so
-- we don't know that Char would never be an instance. I want closed classes!
instance GlibString string => GConfValueClass string where
  typeofGConfValue _ = GconfValueString

  unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value = do
    strPtr <- (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_string arg1) value
    peekUTFString strPtr

  marshalToGConfValue s = do
    value <- gconf_value_new
{-# LINE 150 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
      (fromIntegral $ fromEnum GconfValueString)
    withUTFString s $ \strPtr ->
      (\(GConfValue arg1) arg2 -> gconf_value_set_string arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value) strPtr
    return (GConfValue value)

instance (GConfPrimitiveValueClass a, GConfPrimitiveValueClass b) => GConfValueClass (a,b) where
  typeofGConfValue _ = GconfValuePair

  unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value = do
    a <- (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_car arg1) value
    b <- (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_cdr arg1) value
    a' <- marshalFromGConfValue (GConfValue a)
    b' <- marshalFromGConfValue (GConfValue b)
    return (a',b')

  marshalToGConfValue (a,b) = do
    value <- gconf_value_new
{-# LINE 167 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
      (fromIntegral $ fromEnum GconfValuePair)
    a' <- marshalToGConfValue a
    b' <- marshalToGConfValue b
    (\(GConfValue arg1) (GConfValue arg2) -> gconf_value_set_car_nocopy arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value) a'
    (\(GConfValue arg1) (GConfValue arg2) -> gconf_value_set_cdr_nocopy arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value) b'
    return (GConfValue value)

instance GConfPrimitiveValueClass a => GConfValueClass [a] where
  typeofGConfValue _ = GconfValueList

  unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value = do
    gsList <- (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_list arg1) value
    valuesPtrs <- readGSList gsList
    mapM (unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue . GConfValue) valuesPtrs

  marshalFromGConfValue value = do
    checkForNullAndExpectedType GconfValueList value
    listType <- liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) $
                (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_list_type arg1) value
    when (listType /= typeofGConfValue (undefined :: a))
         (fail "GConf: key is list with elements of unexpected type")
    unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value

  marshalToGConfValue list = do
    value <- gconf_value_new
{-# LINE 193 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
      (fromIntegral $ fromEnum GconfValueList)
    valuesPtrs <- mapM (liftM (\(GConfValue ptr) -> ptr) . marshalToGConfValue) list
    valuesList <- toGSList valuesPtrs
    (\(GConfValue arg1) arg2 -> gconf_value_set_list_type arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value)
      (fromIntegral $ fromEnum $ typeofGConfValue (undefined::a))
    (\(GConfValue arg1) arg2 -> gconf_value_set_list_nocopy arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value) valuesList
    return (GConfValue value)

-- For convenience and best practice, an instance for Enum
-- This conforms to the GConf GTK+/Gnome convention for storing enum types,
-- which is to store them as a string using ThisStlyeOfCapitalisation.

-- Note: currently disabled since it requires -fallow-undecidable-instances
instance (Show enum, Read enum, Enum enum, GConfValueClass enum)
      => GConfPrimitiveValueClass enum
instance (Show enum, Read enum, Enum enum) => GConfValueClass enum where
  marshalFromGConfValue value = do
    enumStr <- marshalFromGConfValue value
    case reads enumStr of
      [(enum,_)] -> return enum
      _          -> fail "GCconf: invalid enum value"
  marshalFromGConfValue' value = do
    maybeEnumStr <- marshalFromGConfValue' value
    case maybeEnumStr of
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      (Just enumStr) -> case reads enumStr of
                          [(enum,_)] -> return (Just enum)
                          _          -> return Nothing
  marshalToGConfValue enum = marshalToGConfValue (show enum)
  typeofGConfValue _ = GconfValueString

-- Helper funcs

gconfValueGetType :: GConfValue ->  IO GConfValueType
--we mean the following but unfortunately c2hs barfs on 'type'
--gconfValueGetType (GConfValue valuePtr) = {# get GConfValue->type #} valuePtr
-- so instead we have the ugly:
gconfValueGetType (GConfValue valuePtr) =
  liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) $ peek (castPtr valuePtr :: Ptr CInt)
--TODO: check that sizeof(GConfValueType) == sizeof(int)

-- returns Nothing if ok, or and error message
checkForNullAndExpectedType :: GConfValueType -> GConfValue -> IO ()
checkForNullAndExpectedType expectedType value@(GConfValue ptr)
 | ptr == nullPtr = fail "GConf: cannot get value of key, key is unset"
 | otherwise = do valueType <- gconfValueGetType value
                  when (valueType /= expectedType)
                       (fail $ "GConf: key is of unexpected type, expected: "
                          ++ show expectedType ++ ", got: " ++ show valueType)

checkForNullAndExpectedType :: GConfValueType -> GConfValue -> IO GConfValue
checkForNullAndExpectedType expectedType value@(GConfValue ptr)
 | ptr == nullPtr = fail "GConf: cannot get value of key, key is unset"
 | otherwise = do valueType <- gconfValueGetType value
                  if valueType /= expectedType
                    then fail $ "GConf: key is of unexpected type, expected: "
                             ++ show expectedType ++ ", got: " ++ show valueType
                    else return value

checkForNullAndExpectedType' :: GConfValueType -> GConfValue -> IO (Maybe GConfValue)
checkForNullAndExpectedType' expectedType value@(GConfValue ptr)
 | ptr == nullPtr = return Nothing
 | otherwise = do valueType <- gconfValueGetType value
                  if valueType /= expectedType
                    then return Nothing
                    else return (Just value)
-- GConfValueDyn

unsafeMarshalGConfValueDynListFromGConfValue :: GConfValue -> IO [GConfValueDyn]
unsafeMarshalGConfValueDynListFromGConfValue value = do
  gsList <- (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_list arg1) value
  valuesPtrs <- readGSList gsList
  mapM (unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue . GConfValue) valuesPtrs

marshalGConfValueDynListToGConfValue :: [GConfValueDyn] -> IO GConfValue
marshalGConfValueDynListToGConfValue as = do
  value <- gconf_value_new
{-# LINE 277 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
    (fromIntegral $ fromEnum GconfValueList)
  valuesPtrs <- mapM (liftM (\(GConfValue ptr) -> ptr) . marshalToGConfValue) as
  valuesList <- toGSList valuesPtrs
  (\(GConfValue arg1) arg2 -> gconf_value_set_list_type arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value)
    (fromIntegral $ fromEnum $ (case as of
                                  []    -> GconfValueInvalid  --unknown type
                                  (a:_) -> gconfValueDynGetType (head as)))
  (\(GConfValue arg1) arg2 -> gconf_value_set_list_nocopy arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value) valuesList
  return (GConfValue value)

unsafeMarshalGConfValueDynPairFromGConfValue :: GConfValue -> IO (GConfValueDyn, GConfValueDyn)
unsafeMarshalGConfValueDynPairFromGConfValue value = do
  a <- (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_car arg1) value
  b <- (\(GConfValue arg1) -> gconf_value_get_cdr arg1) value
  a' <- marshalFromGConfValue (GConfValue a)
  b' <- marshalFromGConfValue (GConfValue b)
  return (a', b')

marshalGConfValueDynPairToGConfValue :: (GConfValueDyn, GConfValueDyn) -> IO GConfValue
marshalGConfValueDynPairToGConfValue (a,b) = do
  value <- gconf_value_new
{-# LINE 298 "./System/Gnome/GConf/GConfValue.chs" #-}
    (fromIntegral $ fromEnum GconfValuePair)
  a' <- marshalToGConfValue a
  b' <- marshalToGConfValue b
  (\(GConfValue arg1) (GConfValue arg2) -> gconf_value_set_car_nocopy arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value) a'
  (\(GConfValue arg1) (GConfValue arg2) -> gconf_value_set_cdr_nocopy arg1 arg2) (GConfValue value) b'
  return (GConfValue value)

instance GConfValueClass GConfValueDyn where
  typeofGConfValue _ = undefined -- will never be used
  unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value = do
    valueType <- gconfValueGetType value
    case valueType of
      GconfValueString -> liftM GConfValueString $ unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value
      GconfValueInt    -> liftM GConfValueInt    $ unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value
      GconfValueFloat  -> liftM GConfValueFloat  $ unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value
      GconfValueBool   -> liftM GConfValueBool   $ unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value
      GconfValueSchema -> return GConfValueSchema
      GconfValueList   -> liftM GConfValueList   $ unsafeMarshalGConfValueDynListFromGConfValue value
      GconfValuePair   -> liftM GConfValuePair   $ unsafeMarshalGConfValueDynPairFromGConfValue value

  marshalFromGConfValue value@(GConfValue ptr) = do
    when (ptr == nullPtr) $ fail "GConf: cannot get value of key, key is unset"
    unsafeMarshalFromGConfValue value

  marshalToGConfValue v = case v of
    (GConfValueString v') -> marshalToGConfValue v'
    (GConfValueInt    v') -> marshalToGConfValue v'
    (GConfValueFloat  v') -> marshalToGConfValue v'
    (GConfValueBool   v') -> marshalToGConfValue v'
    (GConfValueSchema   ) -> fail "GConf: setting schema types not supported"
    (GConfValueList   v') -> marshalGConfValueDynListToGConfValue v'
    (GConfValuePair   v') -> marshalGConfValueDynPairToGConfValue v'

gconfValueDynGetType :: GConfValueDyn -> GConfValueType
gconfValueDynGetType (GConfValueString _) = GconfValueString
gconfValueDynGetType (GConfValueInt    _) = GconfValueInt
gconfValueDynGetType (GConfValueFloat  _) = GconfValueFloat
gconfValueDynGetType (GConfValueBool   _) = GconfValueBool
gconfValueDynGetType (GConfValueList   _) = GconfValueList
gconfValueDynGetType (GConfValuePair   _) = GconfValuePair

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_get_int"
  gconf_value_get_int :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_new"
  gconf_value_new :: (CInt -> (IO (Ptr GConfValue)))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_set_int"
  gconf_value_set_int :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_get_bool"
  gconf_value_get_bool :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_set_bool"
  gconf_value_set_bool :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_get_float"
  gconf_value_get_float :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (IO CDouble))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_set_float"
  gconf_value_set_float :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (CDouble -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_get_string"
  gconf_value_get_string :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (IO (Ptr CChar)))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_set_string"
  gconf_value_set_string :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> ((Ptr CChar) -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_get_car"
  gconf_value_get_car :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (IO (Ptr GConfValue)))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_get_cdr"
  gconf_value_get_cdr :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (IO (Ptr GConfValue)))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_set_car_nocopy"
  gconf_value_set_car_nocopy :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_set_cdr_nocopy"
  gconf_value_set_cdr_nocopy :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_get_list"
  gconf_value_get_list :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (IO (Ptr ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_get_list_type"
  gconf_value_get_list_type :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (IO CInt))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_set_list_type"
  gconf_value_set_list_type :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> (CInt -> (IO ())))

foreign import ccall unsafe "gconf_value_set_list_nocopy"
  gconf_value_set_list_nocopy :: ((Ptr GConfValue) -> ((Ptr ()) -> (IO ())))