#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable precision highp float; precision highp int; varying vec4 fcolor; varying vec2 fuv; varying vec3 fbez; varying vec2 fbezuv; uniform int primitive; uniform bool hasUV; uniform sampler2D sampler; uniform sampler2D mainTex; uniform sampler2D maskTex; uniform float thickness; uniform float feather; uniform float sumlength; uniform vec2 cap; uniform float alpha; uniform vec4 mult; uniform vec4 replaceColor; uniform bool shouldColorReplace; // Primitive types const int PrimTri = 0; const int PrimBez = 1; const int PrimLine = 2; const int PrimMask = 4; // Types for rendering line caps const float CapNone = 0.0; const float CapButt = 1.0; const float CapSquare = 2.0; const float CapRound = 3.0; const float CapTriOut = 4.0; const float CapTriIn = 5.0; // Colors a fragment based solely on either an input color or a texture. vec4 coord_fragment(bool isUV, sampler2D s, vec4 clr, vec2 uvs) { if (isUV) { return texture2D(s, uvs.st); } else { return clr; } } // Colors a fragment using Loop-Blinn curve rendering. vec4 bez_fragment(bool isUV, sampler2D s, vec3 bz, vec4 clr, vec2 uvs) { vec2 p = bz.xy; // when cw is true, winding is clockwise and we're drawing outside the // curve. bool cw = bool(bz.z); // gradients vec2 px = dFdx(p); vec2 py = dFdy(p); // chain rule float fx = (2.0*p.x)*px.x - px.y; float fy = (2.0*p.x)*py.x - py.y; // signed distance float sd = (p.x*p.x - p.y) / sqrt(fx*fx + fy*fy); // linear alpha float alpha = 0.5 - sd; alpha = cw ? 1.0 - alpha : alpha; // find the resulting fragment color float a = 0.0; if (alpha > 1.0) { a = 1.0; } else if (alpha < 0.0) { discard; } else { // we are right on the boundary, interpolate the color intensity. a = alpha; } vec4 color = vec4(0); if (isUV) { color = texture2D(s, uvs.st); } else { color = clr; } return vec4(color.rgb, color.a * a); } // Renders a polyline cap fragment. float capd(float type, float u, float v, float t ) { // None if ( type == CapNone) discard; // Round else if (type == CapRound) return sqrt(u*u+v*v); // Triangle out else if (type == CapTriOut) return (u+abs(v)); // Triangle in else if (type == CapTriIn) return max(abs(v),(t+u-abs(v))); // Square else if (type == CapSquare) return max(u,v); // Butt else if (type == CapButt) return max(u+t,v); discard; } vec4 line_fragment(float thick, float fthr, float slen, vec2 cp, bool isUV, sampler2D s, vec4 clr, vec2 bzuv, vec2 uvs) { float u = bzuv.x; float v = bzuv.y; float l = slen; float dx = abs(min(u, u - l)); float dy = abs(v); float d = dy; vec4 color = vec4(0); if (isUV) { color = texture2D(s, uvs.st); } else { color = clr; } float t = thick/2.0 - fthr; if (u < 0.0) { // fragment is in the start cap d = capd(cp.x, abs(u), dy, t); } else if (u > slen) { // fragment is in the end cap d = capd(cp.y, u - l, dy, t); } d -= t; if (d < 0.0) { return color; } else { d /= fthr; return vec4(color.rgb, exp(-d*d)*color.a); } } // Colors a fragment using two textures, one the input texture and one as the // alpha masking texture. vec4 mask_fragment(sampler2D main, sampler2D mask, vec2 uvs) { vec4 color = texture2D(main, uvs.st); vec4 msk = texture2D(mask, uvs.st); return vec4(color.rgb, color.a * msk.a); } // Runs a color op on the fragment. vec4 color_op_fragment(vec4 c, float a, vec4 m) { vec4 c1 = vec4(0); if (shouldColorReplace) { // Use a replacement color multiplied by the current red channel value. c1 = vec4(replaceColor.r, replaceColor.g, replaceColor.b, replaceColor.a * c.r) * m; } else { c1 = c * m; } return vec4(c1.rgb, c1.a * a); } void main() { vec4 out_color = vec4(0); if (primitive == PrimTri) { out_color = coord_fragment(hasUV, sampler, fcolor, fuv); } if (primitive == PrimBez) { out_color = bez_fragment(hasUV, sampler, fbez, fcolor, fuv); } if (primitive == PrimLine) { out_color = line_fragment(thickness, feather, sumlength, cap, hasUV, sampler, fcolor, fbezuv, fuv); } if (primitive == PrimMask) { out_color = mask_fragment(mainTex, maskTex, fuv); } gl_FragColor = color_op_fragment(out_color, alpha, mult); }