{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Gemstone.Sprite where import Control.Lens import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL import Gemstone.Box import Gemstone.Color data Material = Colored RGB (Maybe GLubyte) | Textured TextureObject deriving (Show) data Sprite a = Sprite { _sMaterial :: Material , _sBox :: Box a } deriving (Show) makeLenses ''Sprite addAlpha :: c -> Color3 c -> Color4 c addAlpha a (Color3 r g b) = Color4 r g b a drawSprite :: (Ord c, VertexComponent c) => Sprite c -> IO () drawSprite (Sprite material b) = case material of Colored c malpha -> do case malpha of Just alpha -> color $ addAlpha alpha c Nothing -> color c renderPrimitive Quads $ do vertex (Vertex2 x y) vertex (Vertex2 x' y) vertex (Vertex2 x' y') vertex (Vertex2 x y') Textured texobj -> do texture Texture2D $= Enabled activeTexture $= TextureUnit 0 textureBinding Texture2D $= Just texobj textureFunction $= Replace color hotPink renderPrimitive Quads $ do texCoord (TexCoord2 r s) vertex (Vertex2 x y) texCoord (TexCoord2 r' s) vertex (Vertex2 x' y) texCoord (TexCoord2 r' s') vertex (Vertex2 x' y') texCoord (TexCoord2 r s') vertex (Vertex2 x y') texture Texture2D $= Disabled where rbox = remit box x = b ^. rbox . bLeft y = b ^. rbox . bBot x' = b ^. rbox . bRight y' = b ^. rbox . bTop r = 0 :: GLfloat s = 0 :: GLfloat r' = 1 s' = 1 drawSprites :: [Sprite GLfloat] -> IO () drawSprites = mapM_ drawSprite -- | Small helper for putting together colored sprites. colored :: RGB -> Box v -> Sprite v colored c = Sprite $ Colored c Nothing