# 1.9.0 * Allow deriving of Generic1 using Template Haskell * Allow deriving of Generic(1) for data families * Allow deriving of Generic(1) for constructor-less plain datatypes (but not data families, due to technical restrictions) * Support for unboxed representation types on GHC 7.11+ * More `GCopoint`, `GEnum`, `GEq`, `GFoldable`, `GFunctor`, `GIx`, `GMonoid`, `GShow`, and `GTraversable` instances * The field accessors for the `(:+:)` type in `Generics.Deriving.Base` have been removed to be consistent with `GHC.Generics` * Ensure that TH generates definitions for isNewtype and packageName, if a recent-enough version of GHC is used * Ensure that TH-generated names are unique for a given data type's module and package (similar in spirit to Trac #10487) * Allow building on stage-1 compilers