# GenericPersistence - A Haskell persistence layer using Generics and Reflection [![Actions Status](https://github.com/thma/generic-persistence/workflows/Haskell%20CI/badge.svg)](https://github.com/thma/generic-persistence/actions) ![GP Logo](gp-logo-300.png) ## Introduction GenericPersistence is a minimalistic Haskell persistence layer (on top of HDBC). The approach relies on Generics (`Data.Data`, `Data.Typeable`) and Reflection (`Type.Reflection`). The *functional goal* of the persistence layer is to provide hassle-free RDBMS persistence for Haskell data types in Record notation (for brevity I call them *Entities*). That is, it provides means for inserting, updating, deleting and quering such enties to/from relational databases. The main *design goal* is to minimize the *boilerplate* code required: - no manual instantiation of type classes - no implementation of encoders/decoders - no special naming convention for types and their attributes - no special types to define entities and attributes - no Template Haskell scaffolding of glue code In an ideal world we would be able to take any POHO (Plain old Haskell Object) and persist it to any RDBMS without any additional effort. A lot of things are still missing: - A query language - Handling of nested transactions - Handling auto-incrementing primary keys - ... ## Available on Hackage [https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-persistence](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-persistence) Add the following to your `package.yaml` file: ```yaml dependencies: - generic-persistence ``` ## Short demo Here now follows a short demo that shows how the library looks and feels from the user's point of view. ```haskell -- allows automatic derivation from Entity type class {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} module Main (main) where import Data.Data (Data) import Database.GP (Entity (..), GP, delete, insert, liftIO, persist, retrieveAll, retrieveById, runGP, setupTableFor, update) import Database.HDBC (IConnection (disconnect), fromSql, toSql) import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3 (connectSqlite3) -- | An Entity data type with several fields, using record syntax. data Person = Person { personID :: Int, name :: String, age :: Int, address :: String } deriving (Data, Entity, Show) -- deriving Entity allows to handle the type with GenericPersistence data Book = Book { book_id :: Int, title :: String, author :: String, year :: Int } deriving (Data, Show) -- no auto deriving of Entity, so we have to implement the Entity type class: instance Entity Book where -- this is the primary key field of the Book data type idField _ = "book_id" -- this defines the mapping between the field names of the Book data type and the column names of the database table fieldsToColumns _ = [("book_id", "bookId"), ("title", "bookTitle"), ("author", "bookAuthor"), ("year", "bookYear")] -- this is the name of the database table tableName _ = "BOOK_TBL" -- this is the function that converts a row from the database table into a Book data type fromRow row = return $ Book (col 0) (col 1) (col 2) (col 3) where col i = fromSql (row !! i) -- this is the function that converts a Book data type into a row for the database table toRow b = return [toSql (book_id b), toSql (title b), toSql (author b), toSql (year b)] main :: IO () main = do -- connect to a database conn <- connectSqlite3 "sqlite.db" -- take the connection and execute all persistence operations in the GP monad (type alias for RIO Ctx) runGP conn $ do _ <- setupTableFor :: GP Person _ <- setupTableFor :: GP Book let alice = Person 123456 "Alice" 25 "123 Main St" book = Book 1 "The Hobbit" "J.R.R. Tolkien" 1937 -- insert a Person into the database (persist will either insert or update) persist alice -- insert a second Person persist alice {personID = 123457, name = "Bob"} -- update a Person persist alice {address = "Elmstreet 1"} -- select a Person from a database alice' <- retrieveById (123456 :: Int) :: GP (Maybe Person) liftIO $ print alice' -- select all Persons from the database allPersons <- retrieveAll :: GP [Person] liftIO $ print allPersons -- delete a Person delete alice -- select all Persons from a database. The deleted Person is not in the result. allPersons' <- retrieveAll :: GP [Person] liftIO $ print allPersons' let book2 = Book {book_id = 2, title = "The Lord of the Ring", author = "J.R.R. Tolkien", year = 1954} -- this time we are using insert directly insert book insert book2 allBooks <- retrieveAll :: GP [Book] liftIO $ print allBooks -- explicitly updating a Book update book2 {title = "The Lord of the Rings"} delete book allBooks' <- retrieveAll :: GP [Book] liftIO $ print allBooks' ``` ## Handling enumeration fields Say we have a data type `Book` with an enumeration field of type `BookCategory`: ```haskell data Book = Book { bookID :: Int, title :: String, author :: String, year :: Int, category :: BookCategory } deriving (Data, Show) data BookCategory = Fiction | Travel | Arts | Science | History | Biography | Other deriving (Data, Show, Enum) ``` In this case the `Entity` type class instance for `Book` has to be implemented manually, as the automatic derivation of `Entity` does not cover this case (yet) ```haskell instance Entity Book where fromRow row = return $ Book (col 0) (col 1) (col 2) (col 3) (col 4) where col i = fromSql (row !! i) toRow b = return [toSql (bookID b), toSql (title b), toSql (author b), toSql (year b), toSql (category b)] ``` `toSql` and `fromSql` expect `Convertible` instances as arguments. This works for `BookCatagory` as GenericPersistence provides `Convertible` instances for all `Enum` types. If you do not want to use `Enum` types for your enumeration fields, you can implement `Convertible` instances for your own types: ```haskell data BookCategory = Fiction | Travel | Arts | Science | History | Biography | Other deriving (Data, Show, Read) instance Convertible BookCategory SqlValue where safeConvert = Right . toSql . show instance Convertible SqlValue BookCategory where safeConvert = Right . read . fromSql ``` ## Handling embedded Objects Say we have a data type `Article` with an field of type `Author`: ```haskell data Article = Article { articleID :: Int, title :: String, author :: Author, year :: Int } deriving (Data, Show, Eq) data Author = Author { authorID :: Int, name :: String, address :: String } deriving (Data, Show, Eq) ``` If we don't want to store the `Author` as a separate table, we can use the following approach to embed the `Author` into the `Article` table: ```haskell instance Entity Article where -- in the fields to column mapping we specify that all fields of the -- Author type are also mapped to columns of the Article table: fieldsToColumns :: Article -> [(String, String)] fieldsToColumns _ = [("articleID", "articleID"), ("title", "title"), ("authorID", "authorID"), ("authorName", "authorName"), ("authorAddress", "authorAddress"), ("year", "year") ] -- in fromRow we have to manually construct the Author object from the -- respective columns of the Article table and insert it -- into the Article object: fromRow row = return $ Article (col 0) (col 1) author (col 5) where col i = fromSql (row !! i) author = Author (col 2) (col 3) (col 4) -- in toRow we have to manually extract the fields of the Author object -- and insert them into the respective columns of the Article table: toRow a = return [toSql (articleID a), toSql (title a), toSql authID, toSql authorName, toSql authorAddress, toSql (year a)] where authID = authorID (author a) authorName = name (author a) authorAddress = address (author a) ``` ## Handling 1:1 references If we have the same data types as in the previous example, but we want to store the `Author` in a separate table, we can use the following approach: ```haskell data Article = Article { articleID :: Int, title :: String, author :: Author, year :: Int } deriving (Data, Show, Eq) data Author = Author { authorID :: Int, name :: String, address :: String } deriving (Data, Entity, Show, Eq) -- we derive Entity for Author instance Entity Article where -- in the fields to column mapping we specify an additional authorID field -- that will be used to store the id of the referenced Author object: fieldsToColumns :: Article -> [(String, String)] fieldsToColumns _ = [("articleID", "articleID"), ("title", "title"), ("authorID", "authorID"), ("year", "year") ] -- in fromRow we have to manually retrieve the Author object from the -- database (by using authorID as a foreign key) fromRow row = do maybeAuthor <- retrieveById (row !! 2) :: GP (Maybe Author) let author = fromJust maybeAuthor pure $ Article (col 0) (col 1) author (col 3) where col i = fromSql (row !! i) -- in toRow we have manually persist the Author object and include -- the authorID of the Author object in the Article row: toRow a = do persist (author a) return [toSql (articleID a), toSql (title a), toSql $ authorID (author a), toSql (year a)] ``` ## Handling 1:n references Now let's extend the previous example by also having a list of Àrticle`s in the `Author` type: ```haskell data Article = Article { articleID :: Int, title :: String, author :: Author, year :: Int } deriving (Data, Show, Eq) data Author = Author { authorID :: Int, name :: String, address :: String, articles :: [Article] } deriving (Data, Show, Eq) ``` So now we have a 1:n relationship between `Author` and `Article`. And in addtion we have the 1:1 relationship between `Article` and `Author` that we have seen in the previous example. This situation is a bit more complicated, as we have to handle relationships between `Article` and `Author` at the same time. And we have to make sure that we don't end up in an infinite loop when we persist an `Author` object that contains a list of `Article` objects that in turn contain the same `Author` object. The same problem occurs when we retrieve an `Author` object that contains a list of `Article` objects that in turn contain the same `Author` object. We can handle this situation by using the following approach: ```haskell instance Entity Article where -- in the fields to column mapping we specify an additional authorID field: fieldsToColumns :: Article -> [(String, String)] fieldsToColumns _ = [("articleID", "articleID"), ("title", "title"), ("authorID", "authorID"), ("year", "year") ] -- in fromRow we have to take care that we don't end up in an infinite loop -- so we first place a dummy Article object into the cache and then -- retrieve the Author object either from cache or from the db: fromRow :: [SqlValue] -> GP Article fromRow row = local (extendCtxCache rawArticle) $ do maybeAuthor <- getElseRetrieve (entityId rawAuthor) let author = fromJust maybeAuthor pure $ Article (col 0) (col 1) author (col 3) where col i = fromSql (row !! i) rawAuthor = (evidence :: Author) {authorID = col 2} rawArticle = Article (col 0) (col 1) rawAuthor (col 3) toRow a = do persist (author a) return [toSql (articleID a), toSql (title a), toSql $ authorID (author a), toSql (year a)] instance Entity Author where -- in the fields to column mapping we have anything for the articles field: fieldsToColumns :: Author -> [(String, String)] fieldsToColumns _ = [("authorID", "authorID"), ("name", "name"), ("address", "address") ] -- in fromRow we have to take care that we don't end up in an infinite loop. -- So we first place a dummy Author object into the cache and then -- retrieve matching list of Article objects (from cache or from the db): fromRow :: [SqlValue] -> GP Author fromRow row = local (extendCtxCache rawAuthor) $ do articlesByAuth <- retrieveAllWhere (idField rawAuthor) (idValue rawAuthor) :: GP [Article] pure $ rawAuthor {articles= articlesByAuth} where col i = fromSql (row !! i) rawAuthor = Author (col 0) (col 1) (col 2) [] -- in toRow we do not safe the articles field to avoid infinite loops: toRow :: Author -> GP [SqlValue] toRow a = do return [toSql (authorID a), toSql (name a), toSql (address a)] ``` ## Todo - coding free support for 1:1 and 1:n relationships - coding free support for Enums - resolution cache with proper Map