module Data.GenericTrie.Internal
( TrieKey(..)
, Trie(..)
, OrdKey(..)
, genericTrieNull
, genericTrieMap
, genericTrieTraverse
, genericTrieShowsPrec
, genericInsert
, genericLookup
, genericDelete
, genericMapMaybeWithKey
, genericSingleton
, genericEmpty
, genericAt
, genericFoldWithKey
, genericTraverseWithKey
, TrieRepDefault
, GTrieKey(..)
, GTrie(..)
) where
import Control.Applicative (Applicative, liftA2)
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Traversable (Traversable,traverse)
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Prelude
class TrieKey k where
type TrieRep k :: * -> *
trieEmpty :: Trie k a
trieNull :: Trie k a -> Bool
trieLookup :: k -> Trie k a -> Maybe a
trieInsert :: k -> a -> Trie k a -> Trie k a
trieDelete :: k -> Trie k a -> Trie k a
trieAt :: Functor f => k -> (Maybe a -> f (Maybe a)) ->
Trie k a -> f (Trie k a)
trieSingleton :: k -> a -> Trie k a
trieMap :: (a -> b) -> Trie k a -> Trie k b
trieTraverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> Trie k a -> f (Trie k b)
trieShowsPrec :: Show a => Int -> Trie k a -> ShowS
trieMapMaybeWithKey :: (k -> a -> Maybe b) -> Trie k a -> Trie k b
trieFoldWithKey :: (k -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> Trie k a -> r
trieTraverseWithKey :: Applicative f => (k -> a -> f b) -> Trie k a -> f (Trie k b)
trieMergeWithKey :: (k -> a -> b -> Maybe c) ->
(Trie k a -> Trie k c) ->
(Trie k b -> Trie k c) ->
Trie k a -> Trie k b -> Trie k c
type instance TrieRep k = TrieRepDefault k
default trieEmpty :: ( TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k) => Trie k a
trieEmpty = genericEmpty
default trieSingleton ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k) =>
k -> a -> Trie k a
trieSingleton = genericSingleton
default trieNull ::
( TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k) =>
Trie k a -> Bool
trieNull = genericTrieNull
default trieLookup ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k) =>
k -> Trie k a -> Maybe a
trieLookup = genericLookup
default trieInsert ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k) =>
k -> a -> Trie k a -> Trie k a
trieInsert = genericInsert
default trieDelete ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k) =>
k -> Trie k a -> Trie k a
trieDelete = genericDelete
default trieMap ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k) , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k) =>
(a -> b) -> Trie k a -> Trie k b
trieMap = genericTrieMap
default trieTraverse ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k) , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k , Applicative f) =>
(a -> f b) -> Trie k a -> f (Trie k b)
trieTraverse = genericTrieTraverse
default trieShowsPrec ::
( Show a, GTrieKeyShow (Rep k) , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k) =>
Int -> Trie k a -> ShowS
trieShowsPrec = genericTrieShowsPrec
default trieMapMaybeWithKey ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k) , Generic k, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k) =>
(k -> a -> Maybe b) -> Trie k a -> Trie k b
trieMapMaybeWithKey = genericMapMaybeWithKey
default trieFoldWithKey ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k) , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k, Generic k) =>
(k -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> Trie k a -> r
trieFoldWithKey = genericFoldWithKey
default trieTraverseWithKey ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k) , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k, Generic k, Applicative f) =>
(k -> a -> f b) -> Trie k a -> f (Trie k b)
trieTraverseWithKey = genericTraverseWithKey
default trieMergeWithKey ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k) , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k, Generic k ) =>
(k -> a -> b -> Maybe c) ->
(Trie k a -> Trie k c) ->
(Trie k b -> Trie k c) ->
Trie k a -> Trie k b -> Trie k c
trieMergeWithKey = genericMergeWithKey
default trieAt ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k) , TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k, Generic k, Functor f ) =>
k -> (Maybe a -> f (Maybe a)) -> Trie k a -> f (Trie k a)
trieAt = genericAt
type TrieRepDefault k = Compose Maybe (GTrie (Rep k))
newtype Trie k a = MkTrie (TrieRep k a)
simpleAt ::
(Functor f, TrieKey k) =>
k -> (Maybe a -> f (Maybe a)) -> Trie k a -> f (Trie k a)
simpleAt k f m = flip fmap (f mv) $ \r -> case r of
Nothing -> maybe m (const (trieDelete k m)) mv
Just v' -> trieInsert k v' m
where mv = trieLookup k m
instance TrieKey Int where
type TrieRep Int = IntMap
trieLookup k (MkTrie x) = IntMap.lookup k x
trieInsert k v (MkTrie t) = MkTrie (IntMap.insert k v t)
trieDelete k (MkTrie t) = MkTrie (IntMap.delete k t)
trieEmpty = MkTrie IntMap.empty
trieSingleton k v = MkTrie (IntMap.singleton k v)
trieNull (MkTrie x) = IntMap.null x
trieMap f (MkTrie x) = MkTrie ( f x)
trieTraverse f (MkTrie x) = fmap MkTrie (traverse f x)
trieShowsPrec p (MkTrie x) = showsPrec p x
trieMapMaybeWithKey f (MkTrie x) = MkTrie (IntMap.mapMaybeWithKey f x)
trieFoldWithKey f z (MkTrie x) = IntMap.foldWithKey f z x
trieTraverseWithKey f (MkTrie x) = fmap MkTrie (IntMap.traverseWithKey f x)
trieMergeWithKey f g h (MkTrie x) (MkTrie y) = MkTrie (IntMap.mergeWithKey f (coerce g) (coerce h) x y)
trieAt = simpleAt
instance TrieKey Integer where
type TrieRep Integer = Map Integer
trieLookup k (MkTrie t) = Map.lookup k t
trieInsert k v (MkTrie t) = MkTrie (Map.insert k v t)
trieDelete k (MkTrie t) = MkTrie (Map.delete k t)
trieEmpty = MkTrie Map.empty
trieSingleton k v = MkTrie (Map.singleton k v)
trieNull (MkTrie x) = Map.null x
trieMap f (MkTrie x) = MkTrie ( f x)
trieTraverse f (MkTrie x) = fmap MkTrie (traverse f x)
trieShowsPrec p (MkTrie x) = showsPrec p x
trieMapMaybeWithKey f (MkTrie x) = MkTrie (Map.mapMaybeWithKey f x)
trieFoldWithKey f z (MkTrie x) = Map.foldrWithKey f z x
trieTraverseWithKey f (MkTrie x) = fmap MkTrie (Map.traverseWithKey f x)
trieMergeWithKey f g h (MkTrie x) (MkTrie y) = MkTrie (Map.mergeWithKey f (coerce g) (coerce h) x y)
trieAt = simpleAt
instance TrieKey Char where
type TrieRep Char = IntMap
trieLookup k (MkTrie t) = IntMap.lookup (ord k) t
trieDelete k (MkTrie t) = MkTrie (IntMap.delete (ord k) t)
trieInsert k v (MkTrie t) = MkTrie (IntMap.insert (ord k) v t)
trieEmpty = MkTrie IntMap.empty
trieSingleton k v = MkTrie (IntMap.singleton (ord k) v)
trieNull (MkTrie x) = IntMap.null x
trieMap f (MkTrie x) = MkTrie ( f x)
trieTraverse f (MkTrie x) = fmap MkTrie (traverse f x)
trieShowsPrec p (MkTrie x) = showsPrec p x
trieMapMaybeWithKey f (MkTrie x) = MkTrie (IntMap.mapMaybeWithKey (f . chr) x)
trieFoldWithKey f z (MkTrie x) = IntMap.foldrWithKey (f . chr) z x
trieTraverseWithKey f (MkTrie x) = fmap MkTrie (IntMap.traverseWithKey (f . chr) x)
trieMergeWithKey f g h (MkTrie x) (MkTrie y) = MkTrie (IntMap.mergeWithKey (f . chr) (coerce g) (coerce h) x y)
trieAt = simpleAt
newtype OrdKey k = OrdKey { getOrdKey :: k }
deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
instance (Show k, Ord k) => TrieKey (OrdKey k) where
type TrieRep (OrdKey k) = Map k
trieLookup (OrdKey k) (MkTrie x) = Map.lookup k x
trieInsert (OrdKey k) v (MkTrie x) = MkTrie (Map.insert k v x)
trieDelete (OrdKey k) (MkTrie x) = MkTrie (Map.delete k x)
trieEmpty = MkTrie Map.empty
trieSingleton (OrdKey k) v = MkTrie (Map.singleton k v)
trieNull (MkTrie x) = Map.null x
trieMap f (MkTrie x) = MkTrie ( f x)
trieTraverse f (MkTrie x) = fmap MkTrie (traverse f x)
trieShowsPrec p (MkTrie x) = showsPrec p x
trieMapMaybeWithKey f (MkTrie x) = MkTrie (Map.mapMaybeWithKey (f . OrdKey) x)
trieFoldWithKey f z (MkTrie x) = Map.foldrWithKey (f . OrdKey) z x
trieTraverseWithKey f (MkTrie x) = fmap MkTrie (Map.traverseWithKey (f . OrdKey) x)
trieMergeWithKey f g h (MkTrie x) (MkTrie y) = MkTrie (Map.mergeWithKey (f . OrdKey) (coerce g) (coerce h) x y)
trieAt = simpleAt
instance TrieKey ()
instance TrieKey Bool
instance TrieKey k => TrieKey (Maybe k)
instance (TrieKey a, TrieKey b) => TrieKey (Either a b)
instance (TrieKey a, TrieKey b) => TrieKey (a,b)
instance (TrieKey a, TrieKey b, TrieKey c) => TrieKey (a,b,c)
instance (TrieKey a, TrieKey b, TrieKey c, TrieKey d) => TrieKey (a,b,c,d)
instance (TrieKey a, TrieKey b, TrieKey c, TrieKey d, TrieKey e) => TrieKey (a,b,c,d,e)
instance TrieKey k => TrieKey [k]
genericLookup ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
k -> Trie k a -> Maybe a
genericLookup k (MkTrie (Compose t)) = gtrieLookup (from k) =<< t
genericTrieNull ::
( TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
Trie k a -> Bool
genericTrieNull (MkTrie (Compose mb)) = isNothing mb
genericSingleton ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
k -> a -> Trie k a
genericSingleton k v = MkTrie $ Compose $ Just $! gtrieSingleton (from k) v
genericEmpty ::
( TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
Trie k a
genericEmpty = MkTrie (Compose Nothing)
genericAt ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
, Functor f
) =>
k -> (Maybe a -> f (Maybe a)) -> Trie k a -> f (Trie k a)
genericAt k f (MkTrie (Compose m)) =
case m of
Nothing -> fmap (MkTrie . Compose . fmap (gtrieSingleton (from k))) (f Nothing)
Just t -> gtrieAt (MkTrie . Compose) (from k) f t
genericInsert ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
k -> a -> Trie k a -> Trie k a
genericInsert k v (MkTrie (Compose m)) = MkTrie $ Compose $
case m of
Nothing -> Just $! gtrieSingleton (from k) v
Just t -> Just $! gtrieInsert (from k) v t
genericDelete ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
k -> Trie k a -> Trie k a
genericDelete k (MkTrie (Compose m)) = MkTrie (Compose (gtrieDelete (from k) =<< m))
genericTrieMap ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k)
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
(a -> b) -> Trie k a -> Trie k b
genericTrieMap f (MkTrie (Compose x)) = MkTrie (Compose (fmap (gtrieMap f) $! x))
genericTrieTraverse ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k)
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
, Applicative f
) =>
(a -> f b) -> Trie k a -> f (Trie k b)
genericTrieTraverse f (MkTrie (Compose x)) =
fmap (MkTrie . Compose) (traverse (gtrieTraverse f) x)
genericTrieShowsPrec ::
( Show a, GTrieKeyShow (Rep k)
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
Int -> Trie k a -> ShowS
genericTrieShowsPrec p (MkTrie (Compose m)) =
case m of
Just x -> showsPrec p x
Nothing -> showString "()"
genericMapMaybeWithKey ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
(k -> a -> Maybe b) -> Trie k a -> Trie k b
genericMapMaybeWithKey f (MkTrie (Compose x)) = MkTrie (Compose (gmapMaybeWithKey (f . to) =<< x))
genericFoldWithKey ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
(k -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> Trie k a -> r
genericFoldWithKey f z (MkTrie (Compose m)) =
case m of
Nothing -> z
Just x -> gfoldWithKey (f . to) z x
genericTraverseWithKey ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
, Applicative f
) =>
(k -> a -> f b) -> Trie k a -> f (Trie k b)
genericTraverseWithKey f (MkTrie (Compose m)) = fmap (MkTrie . Compose) (traverse (gtraverseWithKey (f . to)) m)
genericMergeWithKey ::
( GTrieKey (Rep k), Generic k
, TrieRep k ~ TrieRepDefault k
) =>
(k -> a -> b -> Maybe c) -> (Trie k a -> Trie k c) -> (Trie k b -> Trie k c) ->
Trie k a -> Trie k b -> Trie k c
genericMergeWithKey f g h (MkTrie (Compose x)) (MkTrie (Compose y)) =
case (x,y) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> MkTrie (Compose Nothing)
(Just{} , Nothing) -> g (MkTrie (Compose x))
(Nothing, Just{} ) -> h (MkTrie (Compose y))
(Just x', Just y') -> MkTrie (Compose (gmergeWithKey (f . to) (aux g) (aux h) x' y'))
aux k t = case k (MkTrie (Compose (Just t))) of
MkTrie (Compose r) -> r
data family GTrie (f :: * -> *) a
newtype instance GTrie (M1 i c f) a = MTrie (GTrie f a)
data instance GTrie (f :+: g) a = STrieL !(GTrie f a) | STrieR !(GTrie g a)
| STrieB !(GTrie f a) !(GTrie g a)
newtype instance GTrie (f :*: g) a = PTrie (GTrie f (GTrie g a))
newtype instance GTrie (K1 i k) a = KTrie (Trie k a)
newtype instance GTrie U1 a = UTrie a
data instance GTrie V1 a
instance GTrieKey f => Functor (GTrie f) where
fmap = gtrieMap
class GTrieKey f where
gtrieLookup :: f p -> GTrie f a -> Maybe a
gtrieInsert :: f p -> a -> GTrie f a -> GTrie f a
gtrieSingleton :: f p -> a -> GTrie f a
gtrieDelete :: f p -> GTrie f a -> Maybe (GTrie f a)
gtrieMap :: (a -> b) -> GTrie f a -> GTrie f b
gtrieTraverse :: Applicative m => (a -> m b) -> GTrie f a -> m (GTrie f b)
gmapMaybeWithKey :: (f p -> a -> Maybe b) -> GTrie f a -> Maybe (GTrie f b)
gfoldWithKey :: (f p -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> GTrie f a -> r
gtraverseWithKey :: Applicative m => (f p -> a -> m b) -> GTrie f a -> m (GTrie f b)
gmergeWithKey :: (f p -> a -> b -> Maybe c) ->
(GTrie f a -> Maybe (GTrie f c)) ->
(GTrie f b -> Maybe (GTrie f c)) ->
GTrie f a -> GTrie f b -> Maybe (GTrie f c)
gtrieAt :: Functor m =>
(Maybe (GTrie f a) -> r) ->
f p ->
(Maybe a -> m (Maybe a)) ->
GTrie f a -> m r
class GTrieKeyShow f where
gtrieShowsPrec :: Show a => Int -> GTrie f a -> ShowS
instance GTrieKey f => GTrieKey (M1 i c f) where
gtrieLookup (M1 k) (MTrie x) = gtrieLookup k x
gtrieInsert (M1 k) v (MTrie t)= MTrie (gtrieInsert k v t)
gtrieSingleton (M1 k) v = MTrie (gtrieSingleton k v)
gtrieDelete (M1 k) (MTrie x) = fmap MTrie (gtrieDelete k x)
gtrieMap f (MTrie x) = MTrie (gtrieMap f x)
gtrieTraverse f (MTrie x) = fmap MTrie (gtrieTraverse f x)
gmapMaybeWithKey f (MTrie x) = fmap MTrie (gmapMaybeWithKey (f . M1) x)
gfoldWithKey f z (MTrie x) = gfoldWithKey (f . M1) z x
gtraverseWithKey f (MTrie x) = fmap MTrie (gtraverseWithKey (f . M1) x)
gmergeWithKey f g h (MTrie x) (MTrie y) = fmap MTrie (gmergeWithKey (f . M1) (coerce g) (coerce h) x y)
gtrieAt z (M1 k) f (MTrie x) = gtrieAt (z . fmap MTrie) k f x
data MProxy c (f :: * -> *) a = MProxy
instance GTrieKeyShow f => GTrieKeyShow (M1 D d f) where
gtrieShowsPrec p (MTrie x) = showsPrec p x
instance (Constructor c, GTrieKeyShow f) => GTrieKeyShow (M1 C c f) where
gtrieShowsPrec p (MTrie x) = showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "Con "
. shows (conName (MProxy :: MProxy c f ()))
. showString " "
. showsPrec 11 x
instance GTrieKeyShow f => GTrieKeyShow (M1 S s f) where
gtrieShowsPrec p (MTrie x) = showsPrec p x
checkNull :: TrieKey k => Trie k a -> Maybe (Trie k a)
checkNull x
| trieNull x = Nothing
| otherwise = Just x
instance TrieKey k => GTrieKey (K1 i k) where
gtrieLookup (K1 k) (KTrie x) = trieLookup k x
gtrieInsert (K1 k) v (KTrie t) = KTrie (trieInsert k v t)
gtrieSingleton (K1 k) v = KTrie (trieSingleton k v)
gtrieDelete (K1 k) (KTrie t) = fmap KTrie (checkNull (trieDelete k t))
gtrieMap f (KTrie x) = KTrie (trieMap f x)
gtrieTraverse f (KTrie x) = fmap KTrie (trieTraverse f x)
gmapMaybeWithKey f (KTrie x) = fmap KTrie (checkNull (trieMapMaybeWithKey (f . K1) x))
gfoldWithKey f z (KTrie x) = trieFoldWithKey (f . K1) z x
gtraverseWithKey f (KTrie x) = fmap KTrie (trieTraverseWithKey (f . K1) x)
gmergeWithKey f g h (KTrie x) (KTrie y) = fmap KTrie (checkNull (trieMergeWithKey (f . K1) g' h' x y))
g' t = case g (KTrie t) of
Just (KTrie t') -> t'
Nothing -> trieEmpty
h' t = case h (KTrie t) of
Just (KTrie t') -> t'
Nothing -> trieEmpty
gtrieAt z (K1 k) f (KTrie x) = fmap (z . fmap KTrie . checkNull) (trieAt k f x)
instance TrieKey k => GTrieKeyShow (K1 i k) where
gtrieShowsPrec p (KTrie x) = showsPrec p x
instance (GTrieKey f, GTrieKey g) => GTrieKey (f :*: g) where
gtrieLookup (i :*: j) (PTrie x) = gtrieLookup j =<< gtrieLookup i x
gtrieInsert (i :*: j) v (PTrie t) = case gtrieLookup i t of
Nothing -> PTrie (gtrieInsert i (gtrieSingleton j v) t)
Just ti -> PTrie (gtrieInsert i (gtrieInsert j v ti) t)
gtrieDelete (i :*: j) (PTrie t) = case gtrieLookup i t of
Nothing -> Just (PTrie t)
Just ti -> case gtrieDelete j ti of
Nothing -> fmap PTrie $! gtrieDelete i t
Just tj -> Just (PTrie (gtrieInsert i tj t))
gtrieSingleton (i :*: j) v = PTrie (gtrieSingleton i (gtrieSingleton j v))
gtrieMap f (PTrie x) = PTrie (gtrieMap (gtrieMap f) x)
gtrieTraverse f (PTrie x) = fmap PTrie (gtrieTraverse (gtrieTraverse f) x)
gmapMaybeWithKey f (PTrie x) = fmap PTrie (gmapMaybeWithKey (\i -> gmapMaybeWithKey (\j -> f (i:*:j))) x)
gfoldWithKey f z (PTrie x) = gfoldWithKey (\i m r -> gfoldWithKey (\j -> f (i:*:j)) r m) z x
gtraverseWithKey f (PTrie x) = fmap PTrie (gtraverseWithKey (\i ->
gtraverseWithKey (\j -> f (i :*: j))) x)
gmergeWithKey f g h (PTrie x) (PTrie y) =
(\i ->
(\j -> f (i:*:j))
(g' i)
(h' i))
(coerce g)
(coerce h)
g' i t = do PTrie t' <- g (PTrie (gtrieSingleton i t))
gtrieLookup i t'
h' i t = do PTrie t' <- h (PTrie (gtrieSingleton i t))
gtrieLookup i t'
gtrieAt z (i :*: j) f (PTrie t) = gtrieAt (z . fmap PTrie) i f1 t
f1 Nothing = fmap (fmap (gtrieSingleton j)) (f Nothing)
f1 (Just ti) = gtrieAt id j f ti
instance (GTrieKeyShow f, GTrieKeyShow g) => GTrieKeyShow (f :*: g) where
gtrieShowsPrec p (PTrie x) = showsPrec p x
instance (GTrieKey f, GTrieKey g) => GTrieKey (f :+: g) where
gtrieLookup (L1 k) (STrieL x) = gtrieLookup k x
gtrieLookup (L1 k) (STrieB x _) = gtrieLookup k x
gtrieLookup (R1 k) (STrieR y) = gtrieLookup k y
gtrieLookup (R1 k) (STrieB _ y) = gtrieLookup k y
gtrieLookup _ _ = Nothing
gtrieInsert (L1 k) v (STrieL x) = STrieL (gtrieInsert k v x)
gtrieInsert (L1 k) v (STrieR y) = STrieB (gtrieSingleton k v) y
gtrieInsert (L1 k) v (STrieB x y) = STrieB (gtrieInsert k v x) y
gtrieInsert (R1 k) v (STrieL x) = STrieB x (gtrieSingleton k v)
gtrieInsert (R1 k) v (STrieR y) = STrieR (gtrieInsert k v y)
gtrieInsert (R1 k) v (STrieB x y) = STrieB x (gtrieInsert k v y)
gtrieSingleton (L1 k) v = STrieL (gtrieSingleton k v)
gtrieSingleton (R1 k) v = STrieR (gtrieSingleton k v)
gtrieDelete (L1 k) (STrieL x) = fmap STrieL (gtrieDelete k x)
gtrieDelete (L1 _) (STrieR y) = Just (STrieR y)
gtrieDelete (L1 k) (STrieB x y) = case gtrieDelete k x of
Nothing -> Just (STrieR y)
Just x' -> Just (STrieB x' y)
gtrieDelete (R1 _) (STrieL x) = Just (STrieL x)
gtrieDelete (R1 k) (STrieR y) = fmap STrieR (gtrieDelete k y)
gtrieDelete (R1 k) (STrieB x y) = case gtrieDelete k y of
Nothing -> Just (STrieL x)
Just y' -> Just (STrieB x y')
gtrieMap f (STrieB x y) = STrieB (gtrieMap f x) (gtrieMap f y)
gtrieMap f (STrieL x) = STrieL (gtrieMap f x)
gtrieMap f (STrieR y) = STrieR (gtrieMap f y)
gtrieTraverse f (STrieB x y) = liftA2 STrieB (gtrieTraverse f x) (gtrieTraverse f y)
gtrieTraverse f (STrieL x) = fmap STrieL (gtrieTraverse f x)
gtrieTraverse f (STrieR y) = fmap STrieR (gtrieTraverse f y)
gmapMaybeWithKey f (STrieL x) = fmap STrieL (gmapMaybeWithKey (f . L1) x)
gmapMaybeWithKey f (STrieR y) = fmap STrieR (gmapMaybeWithKey (f . R1) y)
gmapMaybeWithKey f (STrieB x y) = case (gmapMaybeWithKey (f . L1) x, gmapMaybeWithKey (f . R1) y) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just x', Nothing) -> Just (STrieL x')
(Nothing, Just y') -> Just (STrieR y')
(Just x', Just y') -> Just (STrieB x' y')
gfoldWithKey f z (STrieL x) = gfoldWithKey (f . L1) z x
gfoldWithKey f z (STrieR y) = gfoldWithKey (f . R1) z y
gfoldWithKey f z (STrieB x y) = gfoldWithKey (f . L1) (gfoldWithKey (f . R1) z y) x
gtraverseWithKey f (STrieL x) = fmap STrieL (gtraverseWithKey (f . L1) x)
gtraverseWithKey f (STrieR y) = fmap STrieR (gtraverseWithKey (f . R1) y)
gtraverseWithKey f (STrieB x y) = liftA2 STrieB (gtraverseWithKey (f . L1) x)
(gtraverseWithKey (f . R1) y)
gmergeWithKey f g h x0 y0 =
case (split x0, split y0) of
((xl,xr),(yl,yr)) -> build (mergel xl yl) (merger xr yr)
split (STrieL x) = (Just x, Nothing)
split (STrieR y) = (Nothing, Just y)
split (STrieB x y) = (Just x, Just y)
build (Just x) (Just y) = Just (STrieB x y)
build (Just x) Nothing = Just (STrieL x)
build Nothing (Just y) = Just (STrieR y)
build Nothing Nothing = Nothing
mergel Nothing Nothing = Nothing
mergel (Just x) Nothing = gl x
mergel Nothing (Just y) = hl y
mergel (Just x) (Just y) = gmergeWithKey (f . L1) gl hl x y
merger Nothing Nothing = Nothing
merger (Just x) Nothing = gr x
merger Nothing (Just y) = hr y
merger (Just x) (Just y) = gmergeWithKey (f . R1) gr hr x y
gl t = do STrieL t' <- g (STrieL t)
return t'
gr t = do STrieR t' <- g (STrieR t)
return t'
hl t = do STrieL t' <- h (STrieL t)
return t'
hr t = do STrieR t' <- h (STrieR t)
return t'
gtrieAt z (L1 k) f (STrieL x) = gtrieAt (z . fmap STrieL) k f x
gtrieAt z (R1 k) f (STrieR y) = gtrieAt (z . fmap STrieR) k f y
gtrieAt z (L1 k) f (STrieR y) = fmap (z . Just . maybe (STrieR y) (\v -> STrieB (gtrieSingleton k v) y)) (f Nothing)
gtrieAt z (R1 k) f (STrieL x) = fmap (z . Just . maybe (STrieL x) (\v -> STrieB x (gtrieSingleton k v))) (f Nothing)
gtrieAt z (L1 k) f (STrieB x y) = gtrieAt (z . Just . maybe (STrieR y) (`STrieB` y)) k f x
gtrieAt z (R1 k) f (STrieB x y) = gtrieAt (z . Just . maybe (STrieL x) (x `STrieB`)) k f y
instance (GTrieKeyShow f, GTrieKeyShow g) => GTrieKeyShow (f :+: g) where
gtrieShowsPrec p (STrieB x y) = showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "STrieB "
. showsPrec 11 x
. showString " "
. showsPrec 11 y
gtrieShowsPrec p (STrieL x) = showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "STrieL "
. showsPrec 11 x
gtrieShowsPrec p (STrieR y) = showParen (p > 10)
$ showString "STrieR "
. showsPrec 11 y
instance GTrieKey U1 where
gtrieLookup _ (UTrie x) = Just x
gtrieInsert _ v _ = UTrie v
gtrieDelete _ _ = Nothing
gtrieSingleton _ = UTrie
gtrieMap f (UTrie x) = UTrie (f x)
gtrieTraverse f (UTrie x) = fmap UTrie (f x)
gmapMaybeWithKey f (UTrie x) = fmap UTrie (f U1 x)
gfoldWithKey f z (UTrie x) = f U1 x z
gtraverseWithKey f (UTrie x) = fmap UTrie (f U1 x)
gmergeWithKey f _ _ (UTrie x) (UTrie y) = fmap UTrie (f U1 x y)
gtrieAt z _ f (UTrie x) = fmap (z . fmap UTrie) (f (Just x))
instance GTrieKeyShow U1 where
gtrieShowsPrec p (UTrie x) = showsPrec p x
instance GTrieKey V1 where
gtrieLookup k t = k `seq` t `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gtrieLookup"
gtrieInsert k _ t = k `seq` t `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gtrieInsert"
gtrieDelete k t = k `seq` t `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gtrieDelete"
gtrieSingleton k _ = k `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gtrieSingleton"
gtrieMap _ t = t `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gtrieMap"
gtrieTraverse _ t = t `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gtrieTraverse"
gmapMaybeWithKey _ t = t `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gmapMaybeWithKey"
gfoldWithKey _ _ t = t `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gmapFoldWithKey"
gtraverseWithKey _ t = t `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gtraverseWithKey"
gmergeWithKey _ _ _ t u = t `seq` u `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gmergeWithKey"
gtrieAt _ k _ t = k `seq` t `seq` error "GTrieKey.V1: gtrieAt"
instance GTrieKeyShow V1 where
gtrieShowsPrec _ _ = showString "()"
instance (Show a, TrieKey k) => Show (Trie k a) where
showsPrec = trieShowsPrec
instance (Show a, GTrieKeyShow f) => Show (GTrie f a) where
showsPrec = gtrieShowsPrec
instance TrieKey k => Functor (Trie k) where
fmap = trieMap
instance TrieKey k => Foldable (Trie k) where
foldr f = trieFoldWithKey (\_ -> f)
instance TrieKey k => Traversable (Trie k) where
traverse = trieTraverse