{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns          #-}

-- GenI reporting tool
-- Copyright (C) 2011 Eric Kow (Computational Linguistics Ltd)
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

module NLP.GenI.Report where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString               as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy          as BL
import           Data.Char                     (isDigit, toLower)
import           Data.Function                 (on)
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Text                     (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                     as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding            as T
import           Data.Version                  (showVersion)
import           Prelude                       hiding (readFile)
import qualified Prelude                       as P
import           System.Directory
import           System.Environment
import           System.FilePath
import           System.IO

import           Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 (renderHtml)
import           Text.Blaze.Html5              hiding (map)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5              as H
import           Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html5.Attributes   as A
import           Text.JSON                     hiding (Result)
import qualified Text.JSON                     as J

import           NLP.GenI
import           NLP.GenI.GeniShow
import           NLP.GenI.GeniVal
import           NLP.GenI.Parser
import           NLP.GenI.Semantics

-- | Return the output directory (might be a tmpdir)
createReport :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
createReport idir odir_ = do
    mres  <- readResults idir
    res <- case mres of
               Just x  -> return [x] -- single test suite
               Nothing -> do -- dir containing test suite dirs
                   subdirs <- map (idir </>) <$> getRealDirectoryContents idir
                   catMaybes <$> mapM readResults subdirs
    odir <- case odir_ of
                "" -> do
                   tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory
                   let dir = tmp </> "genireport"
                   hPutStrLn stderr $ "Report will be saved in " ++ dir
                   return dir
                o  -> do
                   createDirectoryIfMissing False o
                   return o
    BL.writeFile (odir </> "report.html")  $ renderHtml (mkSummary res)
    BL.writeFile (odir </> "details.html") $ renderHtml (mkDetailsSummary res)
    return odir

readResults :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Section)
readResults d = do
    cases <- getRealDirectoryContents d
    isAllCases <- and <$> mapM isCase cases
    if isAllCases
       then Just . (d,) <$> mapM readCase cases
       else return Nothing
    isCase c = isTestCaseDir (d </> c)
    readDerivationsFile t =
        if T.null t
           then J.Ok []
           else J.decode (T.unpack t)
    readCase c = do
        let dc        = d </> c
            derivFile = dc </> "derivations"
        mderivs <- readFileIfExists (J.Ok []) readDerivationsFile derivFile
        derivs  <- case mderivs of
                     J.Error err -> fail ("When reading " ++ derivFile ++ ": " ++ err)
                     J.Ok x      -> return x
        msem <- parseFromFile geniSemanticInput (dc </> "semantics")
        sem  <- case msem of
                  Left err -> fail (show err)
                  Right s  -> return s
        Result (T.pack c) sem
                 <$> (T.lines <$> readFileUtf8 (dc </> "responses"))
                 <*> readFileIfExists [] T.lines (dc </> "warnings")
                 <*> pure derivs

isTestCaseDir :: FilePath -> IO Bool
isTestCaseDir d = doesFileExist (d </> "semantics")

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- business
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

data Result = Result
    { reKey          :: Text
    , reSemInput     :: SemInput
    , reRealisations :: [Text]
    , reWarnings     :: [Text]
    , reDerivation   :: [GeniResult]

-- deriving Show
-- instance Show Result where

type Section = (FilePath, [Result])

mkReport :: Html -> Html -> ([Result] -> Html) -> [Section] -> Html
mkReport scriptsStyles header mkTable xs = do
    H.head $ do
        H.link ! rel "stylesheet" ! type_  "text/css" ! href "report.css"
        H.script "" ! type_ "text/javascript" ! src "jquery-1.6.2.min.js"
        H.script "" ! type_ "text/javascript" ! src "jquery.tablesorter.min.js"
    H.body $ do
        overviewTable xs
        forM_ xs $ \(takeBaseName -> name, res) -> do
            H.h1 (H.a (toHtml name) ! A.id (H.toValue name))
            mkTable res

overviewTable :: [Section] -> Html
overviewTable rs =
    table content ! A.id "summaryTable" ! class_ "tablesorter"
    content = do
        thead . tr $ do
                th "suite"   ! colspan "2"
                th "pass (has results)"
                th "fail (no results)"
                th "total"
        tbody $ mapM_ overviewRow rs

overviewRow :: Section -> Html
overviewRow (takeBaseName -> name,res) =
    tr cells
    cells = do
        td (return ()) ! class_ sectionStatus
        td (H.a (toHtml name) ! A.href (H.toValue anchor))
        td (toHtml (length pass))
        td (toHtml (length fail))
        td (toHtml (length res))
    anchor = H.toValue $ "#" ++ name
    (fail, pass) = partition (null . reRealisations) res
        | length fail >= 1 = "failure"
        | otherwise        = "success"

mkSummary :: [Section] -> Html
mkSummary =
    mkReport scriptsStyles header summaryTable
    scriptsStyles = H.script . toHtml $ unlines
        [ "$(document).ready(function()"
        , " {"
        , "   $(\".tablesorter\").tablesorter();"
        , " }"
        , ");"
    header = do
        H.h1 "Summary"
        H.a "More details" ! A.href "details.html"

summaryTable :: [Result] -> Html
summaryTable rs =
    table content ! class_ "tablesorter"
    content = do
        thead . tr $ do
                th "case" ! colspan "2"
                th "results"
                th "warnings"
        tbody $ forM_ rs summaryRow

summaryRow :: Result -> Html
summaryRow r@(Result {..}) =
    tr cells
    cells = do
        td (return ()) ! class_ (status r)
        td (prettyKey reKey)
        td (toHtml (length reRealisations))
        td (toHtml (length reWarnings))

status :: Result -> AttributeValue
status (Result {..})
    | length reRealisations == 0 = "failure"
    | length reWarnings     >  0 = "warnings"
    | otherwise                  = "success"

mkDetailsSummary :: [Section] -> Html
mkDetailsSummary =
    mkReport scriptsStyles header detailsTable
    scriptsStyles = do
        H.style . toHtml . unlines $
            [ "td { border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px; }"
            , ".count { color: grey } "
            , ".mute  { color: grey } "
        H.script . toHtml . unlines $
            [ "$(document).ready(function()"
            , " {"
            , "   $(\".tablesorter\").tablesorter();"
            , " }"
            , ");"
    header = do
        H.h1 "Details"
        H.a "Summary" ! A.href "report.html"

detailsTable :: [Result] -> Html
detailsTable rs =
    table content ! class_ "tablesorter"
    content = do
       thead . tr $ do
               th "case"     ! colspan "2"
               th "results"  ! colspan "2"
               th "warnings" ! colspan "2"
       tbody $ forM_ rs detailsRow

detailsRow :: Result -> Html
detailsRow r@(Result {..}) =
    tr cells
    cells = do
        td (return ()) ! class_ (status r) -- colour code
        td (H.span tcName ! A.style "width:60em; display: inline-block;") -- limit the width a bit
        td (toHtml (length reRealisations))
        td (toHtml (unlinesCountHtml reRealisations))
        td (toHtml (length reWarnings))
        td (toHtml (unlinesCountHtml . concatMap expandCount $ reWarnings))
    traces = [  lcSort . nub $ concatMap nlTrace $ grLexSelection g | GSuccess g <- reDerivation ]
    tcName = do
        prettyKey reKey
        H.div (semInputToHtml reSemInput) ! A.style "margin-top: 1em;"
        H.div (sequence_ . intersperse br $ map (toHtml . T.unwords) traces)

semInputToHtml :: SemInput -> Html
semInputToHtml (sem,icons,lcons) = do
    keyword "semantics"
    squares $ sequence_ . intersperse sp $ map withConstraints sem
    unless (null icons) $ do
        keyword "idxconstraints"
        squares $ toHtml (geniShow icons)
    keyword :: String -> Html
    keyword txt = H.span (toHtml txt)
    mute        = class_ "mute"
    sp = toHtml (" " :: String)
    withConstraints lit = toHtml lit >> constraints lit
    constraints lit =
        case concat [ cs | (p,cs) <- lcons, p == lit ] of
            [] -> return ()
            cs -> squares (toHtml (T.unwords cs) ! mute)
    squares x = do
        H.span (toHtml ("[" :: Text))
        H.span (toHtml ("]" :: Text))

instance ToMarkup (Literal GeniVal) where
    toMarkup (Literal h p l) = do
        H.span (toHtml (geniShow h ++ ":")) ! mute
        toMarkup (geniShow p ++ "(" ++ unwords (map geniShow l) ++ ")")
        mute        = class_ "mute"

prettyKey :: Text -> Html
prettyKey = toHtml

expandCount :: Text -> [Text]
expandCount x =
    maybe [x] exp (T.stripSuffix suff x)
    exp t =
        replicate count msg
        msg   = T.dropWhileEnd isDigit t
        count = read . T.unpack
              . T.dropWhile (not . isDigit)
              . T.drop (T.length msg) $ t
    suff = " times)"

unlinesCountHtml :: [Text] -> Html
unlinesCountHtml =
    sequence_ . intersperse br . map htmlC . groupAndCount
    htmlC (s, 1) = toHtml s
    htmlC (s, c) = toHtml s >> " " >> H.span ("⨉" >> toHtml c) ! class_ "count"

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

dataFiles :: [FilePath]
dataFiles =
    [ "jquery-1.6.2.min.js"
    , "jquery.tablesorter.min.js"
    , "asc.gif"
    , "bg.gif"
    , "desc.gif"
    , "report.css"

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- odds and ends
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

lcSort :: [Text] -> [Text]
lcSort = sortBy (compare `on` T.toLower)

readFileIfExists :: a -> (Text -> a) -> FilePath -> IO a
readFileIfExists z job f = do
    x <- doesFileExist f
    if x then job <$> readFileUtf8 f
         else return z

readFileUtf8 :: FilePath -> IO Text
readFileUtf8 f = T.decodeUtf8 <$> B.readFile f

groupAndCount :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
groupAndCount xs =
    map (\x -> (P.head x, length x)) grouped
    where grouped = (group . sort) xs

dropPrefix :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
dropPrefix (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y    = dropPrefix xs ys
dropPrefix left right = (left,right)

getRealDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> IO [String]
getRealDirectoryContents d =
    filter (not . (`elem` [".",".."])) <$> getDirectoryContents d