-- | This module describes what lines are defines functions to work
-- with lines.
module Geom2d.Line
    ( -- * Infinite lines
    , mkInfLine
    , lineF
    , parallel
    , slope
    , root
    , intersection
    -- * Finite lines
    , FinLine
    , mkFinLine
    , lineLength


import Geom2d.Point
import Geom2d.Line.Internal

-- | Construct an infinit line by specifiying two points.  We won't
-- get a line when the given points are equal.
mkInfLine :: (Eq (p a)) => p a -> p a -> Maybe (InfLine p a)
mkInfLine a b
    | a == b = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just $ InfLine a b

-- | Get a function describing the line.  We won't get a function if
-- the line is vertical.
lineF :: (Eq a, Fractional a, Point p) =>
         InfLine p a -> Maybe (a -> a)
lineF l@(InfLine p _) =
    ( \m -> case root l of
        Just x0 -> \arg -> m * (arg - x0)
        Nothing -> const (y p) ) <$>
    slope l

-- | Check if two lines are paralllel to each other.  This function
-- assumes lines parallel to themselves.
parallel :: (Num a, Num (p a), Point p, Eq a) =>
            InfLine p a -> InfLine p a -> Bool
parallel (InfLine a b) (InfLine p q) = (b - a) `cross` (q - p) == 0

-- | Calculate the slope of a line.  We won't get a value for the
-- slope if, and only if, the line is vertical.
slope :: (Fractional a, Point p, Eq a) =>
         InfLine p a -> Maybe a
slope (InfLine p q)
  | x p == x q = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just $ (y q - y p) / (x q - x p)

-- | Calculate the point where a line meets the x-axis.  We won't get
-- a value if, and only if the line is parallel to the x-axis.
root :: (Eq a, Fractional a, Point p) =>
        InfLine p a -> Maybe a
root l@(InfLine p _) =
  case slope l of
    Nothing -> Just $ x p
    Just m ->
      if m == 0
      then Nothing
      else Just $ x p - (y p * m)

-- | Calculate the point where two lines intersect.
intersection :: (Eq (p a), Num (p a), RealFloat a, Point p) =>
                InfLine p a -> InfLine p a -> Maybe (p a)
intersection l1@(InfLine a1 _) l2@(InfLine b1 _)
  | l1 == l2 = Nothing
  | l1 `parallel` l2 = Nothing
  | otherwise =
      case slope l1 of
        Nothing -> do
          x0 <- root l1
          f <- lineF l2
          return (fromCoords x0 (f x0))
        Just ma ->
          case slope l2 of
            Nothing -> do
              x0 <- root l2
              f <- lineF l1
              return (fromCoords x0 (f x0))
            Just mb -> do
              let na = y a1 - ma * x a1
                  nb = y b1 - mb * x b1
                  safeDiv num denom | denom == 0 = Nothing
                                    | otherwise = Just (num/denom)
              x' <- (nb - na) `safeDiv` (ma - mb)
              f <- lineF l1
              return (fromCoords x' (f x'))

-- | mkFinLine returns a valid finite line, if any.
mkFinLine :: (Eq (p a)) => p a -> p a -> Maybe (FinLine p a)
mkFinLine a b
  | a == b = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just (FinLine a b)

-- | Get the length of a finite line.
lineLength :: (Point p, Num (p a), Floating a) => FinLine p a -> a
lineLength (FinLine a b) = magnitude (b - a)