Grammatical Framework: Authors and Acknowledgements

Most of the code is by Krasimir Angelov, Björn Bringert, and Aarne Ranta. Bug reports should be posted via the GF bug tracker.

Also the following people have contributed code to some of the versions:

Håkan Burden (Chalmers)
Hans-Joachim Daniels (Karlsruhe)
Markus Forsberg (Chalmers)
Thomas Hallgren (Chalmers)
Kristofer Johannisson (Chalmers)
Janna Khegai (Chalmers)
Peter Ljunglöf (Chalmers)
Petri Mäenpää (Nokia)

At least the following colleagues are thanked for suggestions, bug reports, and other indirect contributions to the code. (Notice: these are early contributors - the list has not been updated since 2004 or so).

Stefano Berardi (Torino), Pascal Boldini (Paris), Paul Callaghan (Durham), Lauri Carlson (Helsinki), Koen Claessen (Chalmers), Robin Cooper (Gothenburg), Thierry Coquand (Chalmers), Marc Dymetman (XRCE), Bertrand Grégoire (Tudor Institure, Luxembourg), Reiner Hähnle (Chalmers), Gérard Huet (INRIA), Patrik Jansson (Chalmers), Bernard Jaulin (Paris), Lauri Karttunen (PARC), Matti Kinnunen (Nokia), Veronika Lux (XRCE), Per Martin-Löf (Stockholm), Bengt Nordström (Chalmers), Martin Okrslar (CIS), Jianmin Pang (Durham), Sylvain Pogodalla (XRCE), Loïc Pottier (INRIA), Annie Zaenen (PARC)

The GF logo was designed by Uula Ranta.

From 2001 to 2004, GF enjoyed funding from the Vinnova foundation, within the Interactive Languge Technology project.