concrete geez of Numerals = { flags coding = utf8 ; -- include ; -- flags coding=ethiopic ; -- No long consonants marked in the indigen. script -- s is set intersection s -- h is set union h -- H is three-fork h -- x is hook-looking h -- L is sin-looking s -- X is h looking like k with a roof -- Z is zh -- $ is sh -- ) is the glottal stop hamza = independent vowel in word -- ( is 3ayn -- Capitalis for ejectives KPTCS -- stress not indicated in indigen. script param DForm = unit | ten ; param Size = sg | less100 | more100 ; param Ending = zero | nonzero | tenzero; param S100 = tenp | tenpalf | unitp ; param S1000 = indep | alf | tenm | tailform ; oper LinDigit = {s : DForm => Str ; size : Size} ; lincat Numeral = {s : Str} ; lincat Digit = LinDigit ; lincat Sub10 = {s : DForm => Str ; size : Size} ; lincat Sub100 = {s : Str ; s2 : S100 => Str ; unitp_ending : Ending ; size : Size} ; lincat Sub1000 = {s : S1000 => Str ; ending : Ending ; size : Size } ; lincat Sub1000000 = {s : Str} ; lin num x0 = {s = [] ++ x0.s ++ []} ; -- The Ethiopic script environment lin n2 = mkNum "ክልኤቱ" "ዕሽራ" ; lin n3 = mkNum "ሠላስቱ" "ሠላሳ" ; lin n4 = mkNum "አርባዕቱ" "አርብዓ" ; lin n5 = mkNum "ኀምስቱ" "ኀምሳ" ; lin n6 = mkNum "ስድስቱ" "ስስሳ" ; lin n7 = mkNum (variants { "ሰብዐቱ" ; "ሰብዓቱ" }) "ሰብዓ" ; lin n8 = mkNum (variants { "ሰማንቱ" ; "ሰማኒቱ" }) "ሰማንያ" ; lin n9 = mkNum (variants { "ትስዐቱ" ; "ተስዐቱ" ; "ተሳዕቱ" }) (variants {"ተስዓ" ; "ትስዓ"}) ; oper mkNum : Str -> Str -> LinDigit = \tva -> \tjugo -> {s = table {unit => tva ; ten => tjugo} ; size = less100 } ; lin pot01 = {s = table {unit => "አሐዱ" ; ten => "ዐሸርቱ" } ; size = sg}; lin pot0 d = d ; lin pot110 = {s = "ዐሸርቱ" ; s2 = table {tenp => "ወ" ++ "አሐዱ" ; tenpalf => "እልፍ" ; unitp => [] } ; unitp_ending = zero ; size = less100} ; lin pot111 = {s = "ዐሸርቱ" ++ "ወ" ++ "አሐዱ" ; s2 = table {tenp => "ወ" ++ "አሐዱ" ; tenpalf => "እልፍ" ; unitp => "ዐሸርቱ" } ; unitp_ending = nonzero ; size = less100} ; lin pot1to19 d = {s = "ዐሸርቱ" ++ "ወ" ++ d.s ! unit ; s2 = table {tenp => "ወ" ++ "አሐዱ" ; tenpalf => "እልፍ" ; unitp => d.s ! ten } ; unitp_ending = nonzero ; size = less100} ; lin pot0as1 n = {s = n.s ! unit ; s2 = table {unitp => n.s ! ten ; _ => [] }; unitp_ending = nonzero ; size = n.size} ; lin pot1 d = {s = d.s ! ten ; s2 = table {tenp => "ወ" ++ d.s ! unit ; tenpalf => d.s ! unit ++ "እልፍ" ; unitp => [] } ; unitp_ending = tenzero ; size = less100} ; lin pot1plus d e = {s = d.s ! ten ++ "ወ" ++ e.s ! unit ; s2 = table {tenp => "ወ" ++ d.s ! unit ; tenpalf => d.s ! unit ++ "እልፍ" ; unitp => e.s ! ten } ; unitp_ending = nonzero ; size = less100} ; lin pot1as2 n = {s = table {indep => n.s ; tailform => n.s ; tenm => n.s2 ! unitp ; alf => n.s2 ! tenpalf ++ n.s2 ! unitp } ; ending = n.unitp_ending ; size = n.size} ; lin pot2 d = {s = table {indep => table {sg => "ምእት" ; _ => d.s ! unit ++ "ምእት" } ! d.size ; tenm => "ዱምምይ" ; alf => d.s ! ten ++ "እልፍ" ; tailform => d.s ! unit ++ "ምእት" } ; size = more100 ; ending = zero} ; lin pot2plus d e = {s = table {indep => table {sg => "ምእት" ; _ => d.s ! unit ++ "ምእት" } ! d.size ++ e.s ; tenm => "ዱምምይ"; alf => d.s ! ten ++ e.s2 ! tenp ++ "እልፍ" ++ e.s2 ! unitp ; tailform => d.s ! unit ++ "ምእት" ++ e.s} ; size = more100 ; ending = e.unitp_ending } ; lin pot2as3 n = {s = n.s ! indep } ; lin pot3 n = {s = table {more100 => mkmit n.ending (n.s ! alf) ; _ => n.s ! tenm ++ "ምእት"} ! n.size} ; lin pot3plus n m = {s = table {more100 => table {more100 => n.s ! alf ; less100 => n.s ! alf ; _ => n.s ! tenm} ! n.size ++ table {zero => m.s ! indep ; tenzero => m.s ! indep ; nonzero => "ወ" ++ m.s ! tailform } ! n.ending; _ => table {more100 => mkmit n.ending (n.s ! alf) ; less100 => n.s ! alf ++ table {nonzero => "ምእት" ; _ => []} ! n.ending ; _ => n.s ! tenm ++ "ምእት"} ! n.size ++ m.s ! indep} ! m.size } ; oper mkmit : Ending -> Str -> Str = \e -> \s -> table {zero => [] ; _ => s ++"ምእት" } ! e; }