concrete sorani of Numerals = { flags coding = utf8 ; -- include ; -- flags coding=extendedarabic ; param DForm = unit | ten | teen | hund | kilurrest | kilurresthAzar ; param Size = sg | less500 | fiveup | more500 ; -- From Manuel de Kurde (dialecte Sorani). -- -- [W] is waw with a horizontal line above -- [E] is a ye with a horizonytal line above -- [A] shouldnt have dots (= ta marbuta; also inside a word) -- [p] is be with three dots below like Persian -- [j] is djim like normal, like arabic (not ye) -- [O] is a waw with a hacek above -- [F] is a fa with three dots above (i.e v) -- [Z] is a zain with three dots above (i.e zh) -- [I] is a ye with a horizontal line above -- [C] is a djim with three dots below like Persian (i.e ch) -- [c] is shin (i.e sh) -- [H] is Arabic Ha (= djim without dots) -- [P] is a Ha with a hamza above -- [R] is an r with a ring below lincat Numeral = { s : Str } ; oper LinDigit = {s : DForm => Str ; size : Size} ; lincat Digit = LinDigit ; lincat Sub10 = {s : DForm => Str ; size : Size} ; lincat Sub100 = {s : Str ; size : Size} ; lincat Sub1000 = {s : Str ; s2 : Str ; size : Size} ; lincat Sub1000000 = { s : Str } ; lin num x0 = {s = [] ++ x0.s ++ []} ; -- the Arabic environment oper mkNum : Str -> Str -> Str -> LinDigit = \dwA -> \cl -> \dwwls -> {s = table {unit => dwA ; ten => cl ; teen => dwwls ; hund => dwA + "سهد" ; kilurrest => "دuممي" ; kilurresthAzar => "دuممي" } ; size = less500}; oper mkNum6 : Str -> Str -> Str -> Str -> Str -> LinDigit = \dwA -> \cl -> \dwwls -> \pEn -> \rest -> {s = table {unit => dwA ; ten => cl ; teen => dwwls ; hund => pEn + "سهد" ; kilurrest => rest + "سهد" ; kilurresthAzar => rest + "سهد" ++ "ههزار"} ; size = fiveup} ; -- lin n1 mkNum "يهك" "ده" variants { "يازده" ; "يانزه"} [] ; lin n2 = mkNum "دۇ" "بىست" (variants { "دووازده" ; "دووانزه" }) ; lin n3 = mkNum "سى" "سى" (variants { "سىزده" ; "سيانزه" }) ; lin n4 = mkNum "چووار" "ځل" "چووارده" ; lin n5 = {s = table {unit => "پىنج" ; ten => "پهنجا" ; teen => (variants { "پازده" ; "پانزه" }) ; hund => "پىن" + "سهد"; kilurrest => [] ; kilurresthAzar => [] } ; size = fiveup } ; lin n6 = mkNum6 "شهش" "شهست" (variants { "شازده"; "شانزه"}) "شهش" [] ; lin n7 = mkNum6 "حهوت" "حهفتا" "حهڤده" "حهو" "دۇ" ; lin n8 = mkNum6 "ههشت" "ههشتا" "ههژده" "ههش" "سى" ; lin n9 = mkNum6 "نۃ" "نهوهد" "نۃزده" "نۃ" "چووار" ; oper ss : Str -> {s : Str ; size : Size} = \s -> {s = s ; size = less500} ; lin pot01 = {s = table {unit => "يهك" ; hund => "سهد" ; _ => "دuممي" } ; size = sg } ; lin pot0 d = {s = table {f => d.s ! f} ; size = d.size} ; lin pot110 = ss "ده" ; lin pot111 = ss (variants { "يازده" ; "يانزه"}); lin pot1to19 d = {s = d.s ! teen ; size = less500 } ; lin pot0as1 n = {s = n.s ! unit ; size = n.size} ; lin pot1 d = {s = d.s ! ten ; size = less500} ; lin pot1plus d e = {s = (d.s ! ten) ++ "و" ++ (e.s ! unit); size = less500} ; lin pot1as2 n = {s = n.s ; s2 = "دuممي" ; size = n.size } ; lin pot2 d = {s = d.s ! hund ; s2 = "كلۇر" ++ d.s ! kilurresthAzar ; size = isover500 d.size} ; lin pot2plus d e = {s = d.s ! hund ++ e.s ; s2 = "كلۇر" ++ d.s ! kilurrest ++ (mkhAzar e.s "دuممي") ! e.size ; size = isover500 d.size} ; lin pot2as3 n = {s = n.s} ; lin pot3 n = {s = (mkhAzar n.s n.s2) ! n.size } ; lin pot3plus n m = {s =(mkhAzar n.s n.s2) ! n.size ++ m.s} ; oper isover500 : Size -> Size = \sz -> table {fiveup => more500 ; _ => less500} ! sz ; oper mkhAzar : Str -> Str -> Size => Str = \attr -> \kilur -> table {sg => "ههزار" ; fiveup => attr ++ "ههزار" ; less500 => attr ++ "ههزار" ; more500 => kilur} ; }