MOLTO Multilingual Phrasebook Aarne Ranta %!postproc(html): #HR
%!postproc(html): #BSMALL %!postproc(html): #ESMALL #HR #BSMALL History - 10 April. Some additions in API, comments in implementation; regenerated clones. - 8 April. Added German. - 7 April. Added the Clone script, applied to initiate the rest of MOLTO languages. - 6 April. Version 0.4: weekdays, nationalities - 30 March. Version 0.3: disambiguation grammar for English - 28 March. Version 0.2: Swe, Ita; cat Action; small phrases. - 26 March 2010. Version 0.1: Eng, Fin, Fre, Ron; dedicated minibar UI. [Missing constructs missing.txt] [Back to phrasebook] #ESMALL #HR =Purpose= This phrasebook is a program for translating touristic phrases between the 15 European languages included in the [MOLTO] project (Multilingual On-Line Translation): - Bulgarian, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish It is implemented by using the GF programming language ([Grammatical Framework]). It is the first demo for the MOLTO project, released in the third month (by June 2010) but to be updated in the course of the project. The phrasebook has the following requirements: - high quality: reliable translations to express yourself in any language - translation between all pairs of languages - runnable in web browsers - runnable on mobile phones (also off-line: forthcoming for Android phones) - easily extensible by new words (forthcoming: semi-automatic extensions by users) The phrasebook is available as open-source software, licensed under GNU LGPL. The source code resides in [````] Current status (8 April 2010): - small coverage in abstract syntax - reasonable implementations for English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Romanian, Swedish - almost just cloned for the rest of MOLTO languages - temporary user interdace - works on web browsers calling a server - web service not yet released, but preliminarily available in [````] =Points illustrated= Interlingua-based translation. Incremental parsing. The use of resource grammars and functors. Compile-time transfer: especially, in Action in Words. Quasi-incremental translation: many basic types are also used as phrases. Disambiguation, esp. of politeness distinctions. =Ontology= The abstract syntax defines the **ontology** behind the phrasebook. Some explanations can be found in the [ontology document Ontology.html], which is produced from the abstract syntax files [````] and [````] by ``make doc``. =Files= ``Sentences``: general syntactic structures implementable in a uniform way. Concrete syntax via the functor ``SencencesI``. ``Words``: words and predicates, typically language-dependent. Separate concrete syntaxes. ``Greetings``: idiomatic phrases, string-based. Separate concrete syntaxes. ``Phrasebook``: the top module putting everything together. Separate concrete syntaxes. ``DisambPhrasebook``: disambiguation grammars generating feedback phrases if the input language is ambiguous. Here is the module structure as produced in GF by ``` > i -retain > dg -only=Phrasebook*,Sentences*,Words*,Greetings*,DisambPhrasebookEng > ! dot -Tpng >pgraph.png ``` [pgraph.png] =To Do= Improved translation interface - a //to// list of languages: either //all//, or just one - combined text field/fridge magnet input; filter magnets by started word prefix - a nicer way to show disambiguation (maybe hidden by default) Complete the missing words and phrases Disambiguation grammars for other languages than English Extend the abstract lexicon in ``Words`` by hand or (semi)automatically for - food stuff - languages - places Link to Google translate, for fall-back and for comparison Feedback facility in the UI Customizable distribution: make your own selection of the 2^15 language subsets when downloading the phrasebook to a phone =How to contribute= The basic things "everyone" can do is - complete [missing words missing.txt] in concrete syntaxes - add new abstract words in ``Words`` and greetings in ``Greetings`` The missing concrete syntax entries are added to the ``Words``//L//``.gf`` files for each language //L//. The [morphological paradigms] of the GF resource library should be used. Actions (prefixed with ``A``, as ``AWant``) are a little more demanding, since they also require syntax constructors. Greetings (prefixed with ``G``) are pure strings. Some explanations can be found in the [implementation document Implementation.html], which is produced from the concrete syntax files [````] and [````] by ``make doc``. Here are the steps to follow for contributors: + Make sure you have the latest sources from [GF Darcs], using ``darcs pull``. + Also make sure that you have compiled the library by ``make present`` in ``gf/lib/src/``. + Work in the directory [``gf/examples/phrasebook/``]. + After you've finished your contribution, recompile the phrasebook by ``make pgf``. + Save your changes in ``darcs record .`` (in the ``phrasebook`` subdirectory). + Make a patch file with ``darcs send -o my_phrasebook_patch``, which you can send to GF maintainers. + (Recommended:) Test the phrasebook on your local server: + Go to ``gf/src/server/`` and follow the instructions in the [project Wiki]. + Make sure that ``Phrasebook.pgf`` is available to you GF server (see project wiki). + Launch ``lighttpd`` (see project wiki). + How you can open ``gf/examples/phrasebook/www/phrasebook.html`` and use your phrasebook! - Don't delete anything! But you are free to correct incorrect forms. - Don't change the module structure! - Don't compromise quality to gain coverage: //non multa sed multum!//