concrete CatBul of Cat = CommonX - [AAnter,ASimul,IAdv,CAdv] ** open ResBul, Prelude, (R = ParamX) in { flags coding=cp1251; optimize=all_subs; lincat -- Tensed/Untensed S = {s : Str} ; QS = {s : QForm => Str} ; RS = {s : Agr => Str} ; SSlash = {s : Agr => Str ; c2 : Preposition} ; -- Sentence Cl = {s : ResBul.Tense => Anteriority => Polarity => Order => Str} ; ClSlash = { s : Agr => ResBul.Tense => Anteriority => Polarity => Order => Str ; c2 : Preposition } ; Imp = {s : Polarity => GenNum => Str} ; -- Question QCl = {s : ResBul.Tense => Anteriority => Polarity => QForm => Str} ; IP = {s : Role => QForm => Str; gn : GenNum} ; IComp = {s : QForm => Str} ; IDet = {s : AGender => QForm => Str; n : Number ; nonEmpty : Bool} ; IQuant = {s : GenNum => QForm => Str} ; -- Relative RCl = {s : ResBul.Tense => Anteriority => Polarity => Agr => Str} ; RP = {s : GenNum => Str} ; -- Verb VP = ResBul.VP ; VPSlash = ResBul.VPSlash ; Comp = {s : Agr => Str} ; -- Adjective AP = {s : AForm => Str; adv : Str; isPre : Bool} ; -- Adjective CAdv = {s : Str; sn : Str} ; IAdv = {s : QForm => Str} ; -- Noun CN = {s : NForm => Str; g : AGender} ; NP = {s : Role => Str; a : Agr} ; Pron = {s : Role => Str; gen : AForm => Str; a : Agr} ; Det = {s : Bool => AGender => Role => Str; n : Number; countable : Bool; spec : Species} ; Predet = {s : GenNum => Str} ; Ord = {s : AForm => Str} ; Num = {s : CardForm => Str; n : Number; nonEmpty : Bool} ; Card = {s : CardForm => Str; n : Number} ; Quant = {s : Bool => AForm => Str; nonEmpty : Bool; spec : Species} ; -- Numeral Numeral = {s : CardOrd => Str; n : Number} ; Digits = {s : CardOrd => Str; n : Number; tail : DTail} ; -- Structural Conj = {s : Str; distr : Bool; conj : Bool; n : Number} ; Subj = {s : Str} ; Prep = {s : Str; c : Case} ; -- Open lexical classes, e.g. Lexicon V, VS, VQ, VA = Verb ; V2, V2A = Verb ** {c2 : Preposition} ; V2V, V2S, V2Q = Verb ** {c2 : Preposition} ; --- AR V3 = Verb ** {c2, c3 : Preposition} ; VV = Verb ; A = {s : AForm => Str; adv : Str} ; A2 = {s : AForm => Str; adv : Str; c2 : Str} ; N = {s : NForm => Str; g : AGender} ; N2 = {s : NForm => Str; g : AGender} ** {c2 : Preposition} ; N3 = {s : NForm => Str; g : AGender} ** {c2,c3 : Preposition} ; PN = {s : Str; g : Gender} ; -- Tense, Anteriority and Polarity functions lin ASimul = {s = []} ** {a = R.Simul} ; AAnter = {s = []} ** {a = R.Anter} ; --# notpresent }