concrete VerbBul of Verb = CatBul ** open Prelude, ResBul, ParadigmsBul in { flags coding=cp1251 ; flags optimize=all_subs ; lin UseV = predV ; SlashV2a v = slashV v v.c2 ; Slash2V3 v np = insertSlashObj1 (\\_ => v.c2.s ++ np.s ! RObj v.c2.c) (slashV v v.c3) ; Slash3V3 v np = insertSlashObj2 (\\_ => v.c3.s ++ np.s ! RObj v.c3.c) (slashV v v.c2) ; ComplVV vv vp = insertObj (daComplex vp ! Perf) (predV vv) ; ComplVS v s = insertObj (\\_ => "," ++ "χε" ++ s.s) (predV v) ; ComplVQ v q = insertObj (\\_ => q.s ! QDir) (predV v) ; ComplVA v ap = insertObj (\\agr => ap.s ! aform Indef (RObj Acc)) (predV v) ; SlashV2A v ap = insertSlashObj2 (\\a => ap.s ! aform Indef (RObj Acc)) (slashV v v.c2) ; -- test: I saw a boy to whom she said that they are here SlashV2S v s = insertSlashObj2 (\\_ => "," ++ "χε" ++ s.s) (slashV v v.c2) ; -- test: I saw a boy whom she asked who is here SlashV2Q v q = insertSlashObj2 (\\_ => q.s ! QDir) (slashV v v.c2) ; -- test: I saw a boy whom she begged to walk SlashV2V vv vp = insertSlashObj2 (daComplex vp ! Perf) (slashV vv vv.c2) ; -- test: I saw a car whom she wanted to buy SlashVV vv slash = { s = vv.s ; ad = {isEmpty=True; s=[]}; compl1 = daComplex {s=slash.s;; compl=slash.compl1; vtype=slash.vtype} ! Perf ; compl2 = slash.compl2 ; vtype = vv.vtype ; c2 = slash.c2 } ; -- test: I saw a car whom she begged me to buy SlashV2VNP vv np slash = { s = vv.s ; ad = {isEmpty=True; s=[]}; compl1 = \\agr => vv.c2.s ++ np.s ! RObj vv.c2.c ++ daComplex {s=slash.s;; compl=slash.compl1; vtype=slash.vtype} ! Perf ! np.a ; compl2 = slash.compl2 ; vtype = vv.vtype ; c2 = slash.c2 } ; ComplSlash slash np = { s = slash.s ; ad = ; compl = \\a => slash.compl1 ! a ++ slash.c2.s ++ np.s ! RObj slash.c2.c ++ slash.compl2 ! np.a ; vtype = slash.vtype } ; UseComp comp = insertObj comp.s (predV verbBe) ; AdvVP vp adv = insertObj (\\_ => adv.s) vp ; AdVVP adv vp = { s = vp.s ; ad = {isEmpty=False; ++ adv.s} ; compl = vp.compl ; vtype = vp.vtype } ; ReflVP slash = { s = slash.s ; ad = ; compl = \\agr => slash.compl1 ! agr ++ slash.compl2 ! agr ; vtype = VMedial slash.c2.c ; } ; PassV2 v = insertObj (\\a => v.s ! Perf ! VPassive (aform Indef (RObj Acc))) (predV verbBe) ; CompAP ap = {s = \\agr => ap.s ! aform Indef (RObj Acc)} ; CompNP np = {s = \\_ => np.s ! RObj Acc} ; CompAdv a = {s = \\_ => a.s} ; }