--# -path=.:../romance:../common:../abstract:../../prelude --1 French Lexical Paradigms -- -- Aarne Ranta 2001 - 2006 -- -- This is an API for the user of the resource grammar -- for adding lexical items. It gives functions for forming -- expressions of open categories: nouns, adjectives, verbs. -- -- Closed categories (determiners, pronouns, conjunctions) are -- accessed through the resource syntax API, $Structural.gf$. -- -- The main difference with $MorphoFre.gf$ is that the types -- referred to are compiled resource grammar types. We have moreover -- had the design principle of always having existing forms, rather -- than stems, as string arguments of the paradigms. -- -- The structure of functions for each word class $C$ is the following: -- first we give a handful of patterns that aim to cover all -- regular cases. Then we give a worst-case function $mkC$, which serves as an -- escape to construct the most irregular words of type $C$. -- However, this function should only seldom be needed: we have a -- separate module [``IrregFre`` ../../french/IrregFre.gf], -- which covers all irregularly inflected verbs. resource ParadigmsFre = open (Predef=Predef), Prelude, MorphoFre, CatFre in { flags optimize=all ; --2 Parameters -- -- To abstract over gender names, we define the following identifiers. oper Gender : Type ; masculine : Gender ; feminine : Gender ; -- To abstract over number names, we define the following. Number : Type ; singular : Number ; plural : Number ; -- Prepositions used in many-argument functions are either strings -- (including the 'accusative' empty string) or strings that -- amalgamate with the following word (the 'genitive' "de" and the -- 'dative' "à"). accusative : Prep ; genitive : Prep ; dative : Prep ; mkPrep : Str -> Prep ; --2 Nouns mkN : overload { -- The regular function uses heuristics to compute the -- plural and the gender from the singular. The plural -- heuristic currently -- covers the cases "pas-pas", "prix-prix", "nez-nez", -- "bijou-bijoux", "cheveu-cheveux", "plateau-plateaux", "cheval-chevaux". -- The gender heuristic is less reliable: it treats as feminine all -- nouns ending with "e" and "ion", all others as masculine. mkN : (cheval : Str) -> N ; -- Adding gender information widens the scope of the regular pattern. mkN : (foie : Str) -> Gender -> N ; -- In the worst case, both singular and plural forms and the gender are needed. mkN : (oeil,yeux : Str) -> Gender -> N ; --3 Compound nouns -- -- Some nouns are ones where the first part is inflected as a noun but -- the second part is not inflected. e.g. "numéro de téléphone". -- They could be formed in syntax, but we give a shortcut here since -- they are frequent in lexica. mkN : N -> Str -> N } ; --3 Relational nouns -- -- Relational nouns ("fille de x") need a case and a preposition. mkN2 : N -> Prep -> N2 ; -- The most common cases are the genitive "de" and the dative "à", -- with the empty preposition. deN2 : N -> N2 ; aN2 : N -> N2 ; -- Three-place relational nouns ("la connection de x à y") need two prepositions. mkN3 : N -> Prep -> Prep -> N3 ; --3 Relational common noun phrases -- -- In some cases, you may want to make a complex $CN$ into a -- relational noun (e.g. "la vieille église de"). However, $N2$ and -- $N3$ are purely lexical categories. But you can use the $AdvCN$ -- and $PrepNP$ constructions to build phrases like this. -- --3 Proper names and noun phrases -- -- Proper names need a string and a gender. If no gender is given, the -- feminine is used for strings ending with "e", the masculine for other strings. mkPN : overload { mkPN : Str -> PN ; mkPN : Str -> Gender -> PN } ; --2 Adjectives mkA : overload { -- For regular adjectives, all forms are derived from the -- masculine singular. The heuristic takes into account certain -- deviant endings: "banal-banale-banaux", "chinois-chinoise-chinois", -- "heureux-heureuse-heureux", "italien-italienne", "jeune-jeune", -- "amer-amère", "carré- - -carrément", "joli- - -joliment". mkA : (cher : Str) -> A ; -- Often just the feminine singular is deviant. mkA : (sec,seche : Str) -> A ; -- This is the worst-case paradigm for the positive forms. mkA : (banal,banale,banaux,banalement : Str) -> A ; -- If comparison forms are irregular (i.e. not formed by "plus", e.g. -- "bon-meilleur"), the positive and comparative can be given as separate -- adjectives. mkA : A -> A -> A } ; -- The functions create by default postfix adjectives. To switch -- them to prefix ones (i.e. ones placed before the noun in -- modification, as in "petite maison"), the following function is -- provided. prefixA : A -> A ; --3 Two-place adjectives -- -- Two-place adjectives need a preposition for their second argument. mkA2 : A -> Prep -> A2 ; --2 Adverbs -- Adverbs are not inflected. Most lexical ones have position -- after the verb. mkAdv : Str -> Adv ; -- Some appear next to the verb (e.g. "toujours"). mkAdV : Str -> AdV ; -- Adverbs modifying adjectives and sentences can also be formed. mkAdA : Str -> AdA ; --2 Verbs -- -- Irregular verbs are given in the module $IrregFre$. -- If a verb should be missing in that list, the module -- $BeschFre$ gives all the patterns of the "Bescherelle" book. -- -- Regular verbs are ones with the infinitive "er" or "ir", the -- latter with plural present indicative forms as "finissons". -- The regular verb function in the first conjugation recognizes -- these endings, as well as the variations among -- "aimer, céder, placer, peser, jeter, placer, manger, assiéger, payer". -- -- Sometimes, however, it is not predictable which variant of the "er" -- conjugation is to be selected. Then it is better to use the function -- that gives the third person singular present indicative and future -- (("il") "jette", "jettera") as second argument. mkV : overload { mkV : (finir : Str) -> V ; mkV : (jeter,jette,jettera : Str) -> V ; -- The $IrregFre$ list gives some verbs as two-place. These verbs can be -- reused as one-place verbs. mkV : V2 -> V } ; -- The function $mkV$ gives the default compound auxiliary "avoir". -- To change it to "être", use the following function. etreV : V -> V ; -- This function turns a verb into reflexive, which implies the auxiliary "être". reflV : V -> V ; --3 Two-place verbs -- -- Two-place verbs need a preposition, except the special case with direct object. -- (transitive verbs). mkV2 = overload { mkV2 : Str -> V2 = \s -> dirV2 (regV s) ; mkV2 : V -> V2 = dirV2 ; mkV2 : V -> Prep -> V2 = mmkV2 } ; --3 Three-place verbs -- -- Three-place (ditransitive) verbs need two prepositions, of which -- the first one or both can be absent. mkV3 : overload { mkV3 : V -> V3 ; -- donner,_,_ mkV3 : V -> Prep -> V3 ; -- placer,_,dans mkV3 : V -> Prep -> Prep -> V3 -- parler, à, de } ; --3 Other complement patterns -- -- Verbs and adjectives can take complements such as sentences, -- questions, verb phrases, and adjectives. mkV0 : V -> V0 ; mkVS : V -> VS ; mkV2S : V -> Prep -> V2S ; mkVV : V -> VV ; -- plain infinitive: "je veux parler" deVV : V -> VV ; -- "j'essaie de parler" aVV : V -> VV ; -- "j'arrive à parler" mkV2V : V -> Prep -> Prep -> V2V ; mkVA : V -> VA ; mkV2A : V -> Prep -> Prep -> V2A ; mkVQ : V -> VQ ; mkV2Q : V -> Prep -> V2Q ; mkAS : A -> AS ; mkA2S : A -> Prep -> A2S ; mkAV : A -> Prep -> AV ; mkA2V : A -> Prep -> Prep -> A2V ; -- Notice: categories $AS, A2S, AV, A2V$ are just $A$, -- and the second argument is given as an adverb. Likewise -- $V0$ is just $V$. V0 : Type ; AS, A2S, AV, A2V : Type ; --. --2 Definitions of the paradigms -- -- The definitions should not bother the user of the API. So they are -- hidden from the document. Gender = MorphoFre.Gender ; Number = MorphoFre.Number ; masculine = Masc ; feminine = Fem ; singular = Sg ; plural = Pl ; Preposition = Compl ; accusative = complAcc ** {lock_Prep = <>} ; genitive = complGen ** {lock_Prep = <>} ; dative = complDat ** {lock_Prep = <>} ; mkPrep p = {s = p ; c = CPrep PNul ; isDir = False ; lock_Prep = <>} ; --- obsolete Preposition : Type ; mkPreposition : Str -> Preposition ; mkPreposition = mkPrep ; regGenN : Str -> Gender -> N ; regN : Str -> N ; mk2N : (oeil,yeux : Str) -> Gender -> N ; mk2N x y g = mkCNomIrreg x y g ** {lock_N = <>} ; regN x = regGenN x g where { g = case of { _ + ("e" | "ion") => Fem ; _ => Masc } } ; regGenN x g = mkNomReg x g ** {lock_N = <>} ; compN : N -> Str -> N ; compN x y = {s = \\n => x.s ! n ++ y ; g = x.g ; lock_N = <>} ; mkN = overload { mkN : Str -> N = regN ; mkN : Str -> Gender -> N = regGenN ; mkN : (oeil,yeux : Str) -> Gender -> N = mk2N ; mkN : N -> Str -> N = compN } ; mkN2 = \n,p -> n ** {lock_N2 = <> ; c2 = p} ; deN2 n = mkN2 n genitive ; aN2 n = mkN2 n dative ; mkN3 = \n,p,q -> n ** {lock_N3 = <> ; c2 = p ; c3 = q} ; regPN x = mk2PN x g where { g = case last x of { "e" => feminine ; _ => masculine } } ; mkPN = overload { mkPN : Str -> PN = regPN ; mkPN : Str -> Gender -> PN = \x,g -> {s = x ; g = g} ** {lock_PN = <>} ; } ; mk4A a b c d = compADeg {s = \\_ => (mkAdj a c b d).s ; isPre = False ; lock_A = <>} ; regA a = compADeg {s = \\_ => (mkAdjReg a).s ; isPre = False ; lock_A = <>} ; prefA a = {s = a.s ; isPre = True ; lock_A = <>} ; mkA2 a p = a ** {c2 = p ; lock_A2 = <>} ; mkA = overload { mkA : Str -> A = regA ; mkA : (sec,seche : Str) -> A = \sec,seche -> mk4A sec seche (sec + "s") (seche + "ment") ; mkA : (banal,banale,banaux,banalement : Str) -> A = mk4A ; mkA : A -> A -> A = mkADeg }; prefixA a = {s = a.s ; isPre = True ; lock_A = <>} ; mkAdv x = ss x ** {lock_Adv = <>} ; mkAdV x = ss x ** {lock_AdV = <>} ; mkAdA x = ss x ** {lock_AdA = <>} ; regV x = let v = vvf (mkVerbReg x) in {s = v ; vtyp = VHabere ; lock_V = <>} ; reg3V x y z = let v = vvf (mkVerb3Reg x y z) in {s = v ; vtyp = VHabere ; lock_V = <>} ; etreV v = {s = v.s ; vtyp = VEsse ; lock_V = <>} ; reflV v = {s = v.s ; vtyp = VRefl ; lock_V = <>} ; mmkV3 v p q = v ** {c2 = p ; c3 = q ; lock_V3 = <>} ; dirV3 v p = mmkV3 v accusative p ; dirdirV3 v = dirV3 v dative ; mkV3 = overload { mkV3 : V -> V3 = dirdirV3 ; -- donner,_,_ mkV3 : V -> Prep -> V3 = dirV3 ; -- placer,_,sur mkV3 : V -> Prep -> Prep -> V3 = mmkV3 -- parler, à, de } ; V0 : Type = V ; AS, AV : Type = A ; A2S, A2V : Type = A2 ; mkV0 v = v ** {lock_V0 = <>} ; mkVS v = v ** {m = \\_ => Indic ; lock_VS = <>} ; ---- more moods mkV2S v p = mmkV2 v p ** {mn,mp = Indic ; lock_V2S = <>} ; mkVV v = v ** {c2 = complAcc ; lock_VV = <>} ; deVV v = v ** {c2 = complGen ; lock_VV = <>} ; aVV v = v ** {c2 = complDat ; lock_VV = <>} ; mkV2V v p q = mmkV3 v p q ** {lock_V2V = <>} ; mkVA v = v ** {lock_VA = <>} ; mkV2A v p q = mmkV3 v p q ** {lock_V2A = <>} ; mkVQ v = v ** {lock_VQ = <>} ; mkV2Q v p = mmkV2 v p ** {lock_V2Q = <>} ; mkAS v = v ** {lock_AS = <>} ; ---- more moods mkA2S v p = mkA2 v p ** {lock_A2S = <>} ; mkAV v p = v ** {c = p.p1 ; s2 = p.p2 ; lock_AV = <>} ; mkA2V v p q = mkA2 v p ** {s3 = q.p2 ; c3 = q.p1 ; lock_A2V = <>} ; --------------------------- obsolete makeNP : Str -> Gender -> Number -> NP ; makeNP x g n = {s = (pn2np {s=x;g= g}).s; a = agrP3 g n ; hasClit = False ; isPol = False ; lock_NP = <>} ; regPN : Str -> PN ; mk2PN : Str -> Gender -> PN = \x,g -> {s = x ; g = g} ** {lock_PN = <>} ; mkADeg : A -> A -> A ; compADeg : A -> A ; regA : Str -> A ; mk4A : (banal,banale,banaux,banalement : Str) -> A ; prefA : A -> A ; mkADeg a b = {s = table {Posit => a.s ! Posit ; _ => b.s ! Posit} ; isPre = a.isPre ; lock_A = <>} ; compADeg a = {s = table {Posit => a.s ! Posit ; _ => \\f => "plus" ++ a.s ! Posit ! f} ; isPre = a.isPre ; lock_A = <>} ; prefA a = {s = a.s ; isPre = True ; lock_A = <>} ; mkV = overload { mkV : Str -> V = regV ; mkV : (jeter,jette,jettera : Str) -> V = reg3V ; mkV : V2 -> V = v2V } ; regV : Str -> V ; reg3V : (jeter,jette,jettera : Str) -> V ; mmkV2 : V -> Prep -> V2 ; mmkV2 v p = v ** {c2 = p ; lock_V2 = <>} ; dirV2 : V -> V2 = \v -> mmkV2 v accusative ; v2V : V2 -> V ; v2V v = v ** {lock_V = <>} ; mmkV3 : V -> Prep -> Prep -> V3 ; -- parler, à, de dirV3 : V -> Prep -> V3 ; -- donner,_,à dirdirV3 : V -> V3 ; -- donner,_,_ } ;