concrete ExtraGer of ExtraGerAbs = CatGer ** open ResGer, Coordination, Prelude, IrregGer in { lincat VPI = {s : Bool => Str} ; [VPI] = {s1,s2 : Bool => Str} ; lin BaseVPI = twoTable Bool ; ConsVPI = consrTable Bool comma ; MkVPI vp = {s = \\b => useInfVP b vp} ; ConjVPI = conjunctDistrTable Bool ; ComplVPIVV v vpi = insertInf (vpi.s ! v.isAux) ( predVGen v.isAux v) ; ---- {- insertExtrapos vpi.p3 ( insertInf vpi.p2 ( insertObj vpi.p1 ( predVGen v.isAux v))) ; -} PPzuAdv cn = {s = case cn.g of { Masc | Neutr => "zum" ; Fem => "zur" } ++ cn.s ! adjfCase Weak Dat ! Sg ! Dat } ; TImpfSubj = {s = [] ; t = Past ; m = MConjunct} ; --# notpresent moegen_VV = auxVV mögen_V ; ICompAP ap = {s = \\_ => "wie" ++ ap.s ! APred} ; IAdvAdv adv = {s = "wie" ++ adv.s} ; }