concrete VerbIna of Verb = CatIna ** open ResIna, Prelude in { flags optimize=all_subs ; lin UseV = predV ; SlashV2a v = predV v ** {p2 = v.p2 ; c2 = v.c2} ; Slash2V3 v np = insertObj v.p2 v.c2 np (predV v) ** {p2 = v.p3 ; c2 = v.c3} ; Slash3V3 v np = insertObj v.p3 v.c3 np (predV v) ** {p2 = v.p2 ; c2 = v.c2} ; SlashV2A v ap = insertInvarObj (casePrep v.p3 v.c3 ++ (ap.s ! Sp3)) (predV v) ** {p2 = v.p2 ; c2 = v.c2} ; -- This is not described by the interlingua grammar. -- eg. "peint en rouge" -- the 1.4 additions made by AR 16/6/2008 SlashV2V v vp = insertInvarObj (infVP vp) (predV v) ** {p2 = v.p2 ; c2 = v.c2} ; SlashV2S v s = insertInvarObj ("que" ++ s.s) (predV v) ** {p2 = v.p2 ; c2 = v.c2} ; SlashV2Q v q = insertInvarObj (q.s ! ODir) (predV v) ** {p2 = v.p2 ; c2 = v.c2} ; ComplVV v vp = insertInvarObj (infVP vp) (predV v) ; ComplVS v s = insertInvarObj ("que" ++ s.s) (predV v) ; ComplVQ v q = insertInvarObj (q.s ! ODir) (predV v) ; ComplVA v ap = insertInvarObj (ap.s ! Sp3) (predV v) ; -- !!! Agr should agree with the subject; however this is a quite useless sentence: -- You are greater than yourself... etc. ComplSlash vp np = insertObj vp.p2 vp.c2 np vp ; UseComp comp = insertInvarObj (comp.s ! Sp3) (predV_ esserV) ; -- !!! as above SlashVV v vp = insertInvarObj (infVP vp) (predV v) ** {p2 = vp.p2 ; c2 = vp.c2} ; SlashV2VNP v np vp = insertObj v.p2 v.c2 np (insertInvarObj (infVP vp) (predV v)) ** {p2 = vp.p2 ; c2 = vp.c2} ; AdvVP vp adv = insertInvarObj (adv.s) vp ; AdVVP adv vp = insertInvarObj adv.s vp ; -- ??? The grammar is quite unclear about where the adverbs should go. ReflVP vp = insertReflObj vp.p2 vp.c2 {isPronoun = True; s = \\agr,c => reflPron!agr} vp ; PassV2 v = insertInvarObj (v.s ! VPPart) (predV_ esserV); CompAP ap = ap ; CompNP np = {s = \\_ => np.s ! Acc} ; CompAdv a = {s = \\_ => a.s} ; }