--# -path=.:../prelude:../common:../abstract --# -coding=utf8 --1 A polish Resource Morphology -- -- Ilona Nowak, Wintersemester 2007/08 -- -- Adam Slaski, 2009 -- -- This resource morphology contains definitions -- of the lexical entries needed in the resource syntax. -- It moreover contains copies of the most usual inflectional patterns. -- I use the parameter types and word classes defined for morphology. resource MorphoPol = ResPol, VerbMorphoPol, PronounMorphoPol, AdjectiveMorphoPol, NounMorphoPol ** open Prelude, (Predef=Predef) in { flags coding=utf8; -- definitions for structural objects oper wszyscy : NounPhrase = { nom = "wszyscy" ; voc = "wszyscy" ; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "wszystkich"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) => "wszystkim"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "wszystkich"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "wszystkimi"; LocPrep => "wszystkich" }; p = P3 ; gn = MascPersPl -- in fact it is plurale tantum ver. 3 }; wszystko : NounPhrase = { nom = "wszystko" ; voc = "wszystko" ; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "wszystkiego"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) => "wszystkiemu"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "wszystko"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "wszystkim"; LocPrep => "wszystkim" }; p = P3; gn = NeutSg -- in fact it is plurale tantum ver. 3 }; ktos : NounPhrase = { nom = "ktoś" ; voc = "ktosiu" ; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "kogoś"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) => "komuś"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "kogoś"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "kimś"; LocPrep => "kimś" }; p = P3 ; gn = MascPersSg }; cos : NounPhrase = { nom = "coś" ; voc = "coś" ; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "czegoś"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) => "czemuś"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "coś"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "czymś"; LocPrep => "czymś" }; p = P3 ; gn = NeutSg }; kto : NounPhrase = { nom = "kto" ; voc = "kto" ; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "kogo"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) => "komu"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "kogo"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "kim"; LocPrep => "kim" }; p = P3 ; gn = MascPersSg }; co : NounPhrase = { nom = "co" ; voc = "co" ; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "czego"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) => "czemu"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "co"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "czym"; LocPrep => "czym" }; p = P3 ; gn = NeutSg }; kazdyDet : Determiner = { s,sp = table { Nom => table {Masc _ => "każdy"; Fem => "każda"; (Neut|NeutGr) => "każde" }; Gen => table {Masc _ => "każdego"; Fem => "każdą"; (Neut|NeutGr) => "każdego" }; Dat => table {Masc _ => "każdemu"; Fem => "każdej"; (Neut|NeutGr) => "każdemu" }; Acc => table {Masc (Personal|Animate) => "każdego"; Masc Inanimate => "każdy"; Fem => "każdą"; (Neut|NeutGr) => "każde" }; Instr => table {Masc _ => "każdym"; Fem => "każdą"; (Neut|NeutGr) => "każdym" }; Loc => table {Masc _ => "każdym"; Fem => "każdej"; (Neut|NeutGr) => "każdym" }; VocP => table {Masc _ => "każdy"; Fem => "każda"; (Neut|NeutGr) => "każde" } }; n = Sg; a = NoA; }; pareDet : Determiner = { s,sp = table { Nom => table {Masc Personal => "paru"; _ => "parę" }; Gen => table { _ => "paru" }; Dat => table { _ => "paru" }; Acc => table {Masc Personal => "paru"; _ => "parę" }; Instr => table { _ => "paroma" }; Loc => table { _ => "paru" }; VocP => table {Masc Personal => "paru"; _ => "parę" } }; n = Pl; a = StoA }; wieleDet : Determiner = { s,sp = table { Nom => table {Masc Personal => "wielu"; _ => "wiele" }; Gen => table { _ => "wielu" }; Dat => table { _ => "wielu" }; Acc => table {Masc Personal => "wielu"; _ => "wiele" }; Instr => table { _ => "wieloma" }; Loc => table { _ => "wielu" }; VocP => table {Masc Personal => "wielu"; _ => "wiele" } }; n = Pl; a = StoA }; duzoDet : Determiner = { s,sp = \\_,_=>"dużo";{- table { Nom => table { _ => "dużo" }; Gen => table { _ => "dużo" }; Dat => table { _ => variants {} }; Acc => table { _ => "dużo" }; Instr => table { _ => variants {} }; Loc => table { _ => variants {} }; VocP => table {_ => "dużo" } };-} n = Pl; a = StoA }; ileDet : IDeterminer = { s = table { Nom => table {Masc Personal => "ilu"; _ => "ile" }; Gen => table { _ => "ilu" }; Dat => table { _ => "ilu" }; Acc => table {Masc Personal => "ilu"; _ => "ile" }; Instr => table { _ => "ilu" }; Loc => table { _ => "ilu" }; VocP => table {Masc Personal => "ilu"; _ => "ile" } }; n = Pl; a = StoA }; -- for "nobody", "noone", "none" oper niktNP : NounPhrase = { voc,nom="nikt"; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "nikogo"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) => "nikomu"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "nikogo"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "nikim"; LocPrep => "nikim" }; p=P3; gn= MascPersSg }; -- for "nothing" oper nicNP : NounPhrase = { voc,nom="nic"; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "niczego"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) => "niczemu"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "niczego"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "niczym"; LocPrep => "niczym" }; p=P3; gn= NeutSg }; zadenQuant : { s,sp:AForm=>Str } = {s,sp=table { AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Nom => "żaden"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Gen => "żadnego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Dat => "żadnemu"; AF MascInaniSg Acc => "żaden"; -- który stół widzę AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg) Acc => "żadnego"; -- którego psa / przyjaciela widzę AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Instr => "żadnym"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Loc => "żadnym"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) VocP => "żadny"; AF FemSg Nom => "żadna" ; AF FemSg Gen => "żadnej"; AF FemSg Dat => "żadnej"; AF FemSg Acc => "żadną"; AF FemSg Instr => "żadną"; AF FemSg Loc => "żadnej"; AF FemSg VocP => "żadna"; AF NeutSg Nom => "żadne" ; AF NeutSg Gen => "żadnego"; AF NeutSg Dat => "żadnemu"; AF NeutSg Acc => "żadne"; AF NeutSg Instr => "żadnym"; AF NeutSg Loc => "żadnym"; AF NeutSg VocP => "żadne"; AF MascPersPl Nom => "żadni"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Nom => "żadne"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Gen => "żadnych"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Dat => "żadnym"; AF MascPersPl Acc => "żadnych"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Acc => "żadne"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Instr => "żadnymi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Loc => "żadnych"; AF MascPersPl VocP => "żadni"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) VocP=> "żadne" }}; pewienDet : Determiner = { s,sp = table { Nom => table {Masc _ => "pewien"; Fem=>"pewna"; _ => "pewne" }; Gen => table { Fem=>"pewnej"; _ => "pewnego" }; Dat => table { Fem=>"pewnej"; _ => "pewnemu" }; Acc => table { Masc Inanimate => "pewien"; Masc _ => "pewnego"; Fem=>"pewną"; _ => "pewne" }; Instr => table { Fem=>"pewną"; _=> "pewnym" }; Loc => table { Fem=>"pewnej"; _=> "pewnym" }; VocP => table {Masc _ => "pewny"; Fem=>"pewna"; _ => "pewne" } }; n = Sg; a = NoA }; pewniDet : Determiner = { s,sp = table { Nom => table {Masc Personal => "pewni"; _ => "pewne" }; Gen => table { _ => "pewnych" }; Dat => table { _ => "pewnym" }; Acc => table {Masc Personal => "pewnych"; _ => "pewne" }; Instr => table { _ => "pewnymi" }; Loc => table { _ => "pewnych" }; VocP => table {Masc Personal => "pewni"; _ => "pewne" } }; n = Pl; a = NoA }; }