--# -path=.:../../prelude:../common --# -coding=utf8 --1 A polish Resource Morphology -- -- Ilona Nowak, Wintersemester 2007/08 -- -- Adam Slaski, 2009 -- resource PronounMorphoPol = ResPol ** open Prelude, (Predef=Predef) in { flags coding=utf8; --4 Pronouns --4.1 General --4.2 Personal pronouns and their possessive forms -- for "I", "my", "mine" oper pronJa: Pron = { nom = "ja"; voc = "ja"; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "mnie"; DatNoPrep => "mi"; DatPrep => "mnie"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "mnie"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "mną"; LocPrep => "mnie" }; sp = table { AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Nom => "mój"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Gen => "mojego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Dat => "mojemu"; AF MascInaniSg Acc => "mój"; -- widzę mój stół AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Acc => "mojego"; -- widzę mojego psa / przyjaciela AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Instr => "moim"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Loc => "moim"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) VocP => "mój"; AF FemSg Nom => "moja" ; AF FemSg Gen => "mojej"; AF FemSg Dat => "mojej"; AF FemSg Acc => "moją"; AF FemSg Instr => "moją"; AF FemSg Loc => "mojej"; AF FemSg VocP => "moja"; AF NeutSg Nom => "moje" ; AF NeutSg Gen => "mojego"; AF NeutSg Dat => "mojemu"; AF NeutSg Acc => "moje"; AF NeutSg Instr => "moim"; AF NeutSg Loc => "moim"; AF NeutSg VocP => "moje"; AF MascPersPl Nom => "moi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Nom => "moje"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Gen => "moich"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Dat => "moim"; AF MascPersPl Acc => "moich"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Acc => "moje"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Instr => "moimi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Loc => "moich"; AF MascPersPl VocP => "moi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) VocP=> "moje" }; n = Sg; p = P1 ; g = PNoGen }; -- for "you", "yours" oper pronTy: Pron = { sp = table { AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Nom => "twój"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Gen => "twojego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Dat => "twojemu"; -- zróbmy to po twojemu AF MascInaniSg Acc => "twój"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Acc => "twojego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Instr => "twoim"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Loc => "twoim"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) VocP => "twój"; AF FemSg Nom => "twoja" ; AF FemSg Gen => "twojej"; AF FemSg Dat => "twojej"; AF FemSg Acc => "twoją"; AF FemSg Instr => "twoją"; AF FemSg Loc => "twojej"; AF FemSg VocP => "twoja"; AF NeutSg Nom => "twoje" ; AF NeutSg Gen => "twojego"; AF NeutSg Dat => "twojemu"; AF NeutSg Acc => "twoje"; AF NeutSg Instr => "twoim"; AF NeutSg Loc => "twoim"; AF NeutSg VocP => "twoje"; AF MascPersPl Nom => "twoi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Nom => "twoje"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Gen => "twoich"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Dat => "twoim"; AF MascPersPl Acc => "twoich"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Acc => "twoje"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Instr => "twoimi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Loc => "twoich"; AF MascPersPl VocP => "twoi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) VocP => "twoje" }; nom = "ty" ; voc = "ty" ; dep = table { -- it is simplyfied to avoid variants GenNoPrep => "cię"; GenPrep => "ciebie"; DatNoPrep => "tobie"; DatPrep => "ci"; AccNoPrep => "cię"; AccPrep => "ciebie"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "tobą"; LocPrep => "tobie" }; n = Sg; p = P2 ; g = PNoGen }; -- for "he", "his" oper pronOn: Pron = { nom = "on" ; voc = "on" ; dep = table { GenNoPrep => "jego"; --"go"}; GenPrep => "niego"; DatNoPrep => "jemu"; --"mu"}; DatPrep => "niemu"; AccNoPrep => "jego"; --"go" }; AccPrep => "niego"; InstrNoPrep => "nim"; InstrPrep => "nim"; LocPrep => "nim" }; sp = \\_ => "jego"; n = Sg; p = P3 ; g = PGen (Masc Personal) }; -- for "she", "her", "hers" oper pronOna: Pron = { nom = "ona" ; voc = "ona" ; dep = table { GenNoPrep => "jej"; GenPrep => "niej"; DatNoPrep => "jej"; DatPrep => "nią"; AccNoPrep => "ją"; AccPrep => "nią"; InstrNoPrep => "nią"; InstrPrep => "nią"; LocPrep => "niej" }; sp = \\_ => "jej"; n = Sg; p = P3 ; g = PGen Fem; }; -- for "it", "its" oper pronOno: Pron = { nom = "ono" ; voc = "ono" ; dep= table { GenNoPrep => "jego"; --"go"}; GenPrep => "niego"; DatNoPrep => "jemu"; --"mu"}; DatPrep => "niemu"; AccNoPrep => "je"; AccPrep => "nie"; InstrNoPrep => "nim"; InstrPrep => "nim"; LocPrep => "nim" }; sp = \\_ => "jej"; n = Sg; p = P3 ; g = PGen Neut }; -- for "we", "our", "us", "ours" oper pronMy: Pron = { nom = "my"; voc = "my"; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "nas"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) => "nam"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "nas"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "nami"; LocPrep => "nas" }; sp = table { AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Nom => "nasz"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Gen => "naszego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Dat => "naszemu"; -- zróbmy to po naszemu AF MascInaniSg Acc => "nasz"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Acc => "naszego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Instr => "naszym"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Loc => "naszym"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) VocP => "nasz"; AF FemSg Nom => "nasza" ; AF FemSg Gen => "naszej"; AF FemSg Dat => "naszej"; AF FemSg Acc => "naszą"; AF FemSg Instr => "naszą"; AF FemSg Loc => "naszej"; AF FemSg VocP => "nasza"; AF NeutSg Nom => "nasze" ; AF NeutSg Gen => "naszego"; AF NeutSg Dat => "naszemu"; AF NeutSg Acc => "nasze"; AF NeutSg Instr => "naszym"; AF NeutSg Loc => "naszym"; AF NeutSg VocP => "nasze"; AF MascPersPl Nom => "nasi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Nom => "nasze"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Gen => "naszych"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Dat => "naszym"; AF MascPersPl Acc => "naszych"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Acc => "nasze"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Instr => "naszymi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Loc => "naszych"; AF MascPersPl VocP => "nasi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) VocP => "nasze" }; n = Pl; p = P1 ; g = PNoGen }; -- for "you", "yours", "your" oper pronWy: Pron = { nom = "wy" ; voc = "wy" ; dep = table { (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) => "was"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) => "wam"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) => "was"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "wami"; LocPrep => "was" }; sp = table { AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Nom => "wasz"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Gen => "waszego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Dat => "waszemu"; -- zróbmy to po waszemu AF MascInaniSg Acc => "wasz"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Acc => "waszego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Instr => "waszym"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Loc => "waszym"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) VocP => "wasz"; AF FemSg Nom => "wasza" ; AF FemSg Gen => "waszej"; AF FemSg Dat => "waszej"; AF FemSg Acc => "waszą"; AF FemSg Instr => "waszą"; AF FemSg Loc => "waszej"; AF FemSg VocP => "wasza"; AF NeutSg Nom => "wasze" ; AF NeutSg Gen => "waszego"; AF NeutSg Dat => "waszemu"; AF NeutSg Acc => "wasze"; AF NeutSg Instr => "waszym"; AF NeutSg Loc => "waszym"; AF NeutSg VocP => "wasze"; AF MascPersPl Nom => "wasi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Nom => "wasze"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Gen => "waszych"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Dat => "waszym"; AF MascPersPl Acc => "waszych"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Acc => "wasze"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Instr => "waszymi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Loc => "waszych"; AF MascPersPl VocP => "wasi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) VocP => "wasze" }; n = Pl; p = P2 ; g = PNoGen }; -- for "they", "their", "theirs" (Sg he)= Masculinum oper pronOni: Pron = { nom = "oni" ; voc = "oni" ; dep = table { GenNoPrep => "ich"; GenPrep => "nich"; DatNoPrep => "im"; DatPrep => "nim"; AccNoPrep => "ich"; AccPrep => "nich"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "nimi"; LocPrep => "nich" }; sp = \\_ => "ich"; n = Pl; p = P3 ; g = PGen (Masc Personal) }; -- for "they", "their", "theirs" (Sg she, it)= Fem), Neut) oper pronOneFem: Pron = { nom = "one" ; voc = "one" ; dep = table { GenNoPrep => "ich"; GenPrep => "nich"; DatNoPrep => "im"; DatPrep => "nim"; AccNoPrep => "je"; AccPrep => "nie"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "nimi"; LocPrep => "nich" }; sp = \\_ => "ich"; n = Pl; p = P3 ; g = PGen Fem }; oper pronOneNeut: Pron = { nom = "one" ; voc = "one" ; dep = table { GenNoPrep => "ich"; GenPrep => "nich"; DatNoPrep => "im"; DatPrep => "nim"; AccNoPrep => "je"; AccPrep => "nie"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) => "nimi"; LocPrep => "nich" }; sp = \\_ => "ich"; n = Pl; p = P3 ; g = PGen Neut }; --4.3 Interrogative pronouns {- -- for "who", "whose" oper pronKto : Pron = { s = table { PF Nom _ NonPoss => "kto" ; (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) NonPoss => "kogo"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) NonPoss => "komu"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) NonPoss => "kogo"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) NonPoss => "kim"; LocPrep NonPoss => "kim"; PF VocP _ NonPoss => nonExist; PF _ _ (Poss _ _) => nonExist -- exists in my opinion [asl] : czyje }; n = Sg; p = P3 ; g = PGen (Masc Personal); pron = False }; -- for "what" oper pronCo : Pron = { s = table { PF Nom _ NonPoss => "co"; (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) NonPoss => "czego"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) NonPoss => "czemu"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) NonPoss => "co"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) NonPoss => "czym"; LocPrep NonPoss => "czym"; PF VocP _ NonPoss => nonExist; PF _ _ (Poss _ _) => nonExist }; n = Sg; p = P3 ; g = PGen (Masc Personal); pron = False }; --4.4 Indefinite pronouns -- for "somebody", "someone", "someone's" -- in negative sentence, question for "anybody", "anyone" -- ktoś -- for "someone", "somebody", "someone's", "somebody's" -- in question for "anyone", "anybody", "anyone's", "anybody's" oper pronKtokolwiek : Pron = { s = table { PF Nom _ NonPoss => "ktokolwiek"; (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) NonPoss => "kogokolwiek"; (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) NonPoss => "komukolwiek"; (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) NonPoss => "kogokolwiek"; (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) NonPoss => "kimkolwiek"; LocPrep NonPoss => "kimkolwiek"; PF VocP _ NonPoss => nonExist; PF _ _ (Poss _ _) => nonExist }; n = Sg; p = P3 ; g = PGen (Masc Personal); pron = False }; -- for "something", "its" -- in negativ sentence, question or if-sentence for "anything" -- coś -- for "something", "its" -- in question for "anything" -- doesn't seam to true, doesn't seam to be necessary -- oper pronCokolwiek : Pron = -- { s = table { -- PF Nom _ NonPoss => "cokolwiek"; -- (GenNoPrep|GenPrep) NonPoss => "czegokolwiek"; -- (DatNoPrep|DatPrep) NonPoss => "czemukolwiek"; -- (AccNoPrep|AccPrep) NonPoss => "cokolwiek"; -- (InstrNoPrep|InstrPrep) NonPoss => "czymkolwiek"; -- LocPrep NonPoss => "czymkolwiek"; -- PF VocP _ NonPoss => nonExist; -- PF _ _ (Poss _ _) => nonExist -- }; -- n = Sg; -- p = P3 ; -- g = PGen (Neut)); -- pron = False -- }; --4.5 Negation pronouns -- for "nobody". Sg and Pl forms given. It is used like -- an adjective before a noun. So the end product of this -- oper is an adjectiv and no pronoun. -- oper pronZaden : Str -> Adjective = \zaden -> -- let x = fleetingEminus zaden -- in -- table { -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Nom => zaden; -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Gen => x +"ego"; -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Dat => x +"emu"; -- AF MascInaniSg Acc => zaden; -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Acc => x +"ego"; -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) VocP => zaden; -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) _ => x + "ym"; -- --------------------------- -- AF FemSg Nom => x +"a"; -- AF FemSg Acc => x +"ą"; -- AF FemSg Instr => x + "ą"; -- AF FemSg VocP => x + "a"; -- AF FemSg _ => x + "ej"; -- --------------------------- -- AF NeutSg Gen => x +"ego"; -- AF NeutSg Dat => x +"emu"; -- AF NeutSg Instr => x + "ym"; -- AF NeutSg Loc => x + "ym"; -- AF NeutSg _ => x + "e"; -- ----------------------------- -- AF MascPersPl Nom => x; -- AF MascPersPl Dat => x + "ym"; -- AF MascPersPl Instr => x + "ymi"; -- AF MascPersPl VocP => x; -- AF MascPersPl _ => x + "ych"; -- --------------------------- -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Nom => x + "e"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Dat => x +"ym"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Acc => x + "e"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Instr => x + "mi"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) VocP => x + "e"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) _ => x + "ych" -- }; -- -- -} --4.6 Demonstrativ pronouns -- for "ten" ("this") and "tamten" ("that") oper demPronTen: Str -> { s,sp : AForm => Str } = \s -> let x = Predef.tk 3 s in { s,sp = table { AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Nom => x + "ten"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Gen => x + "tego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Dat => x + "temu"; AF MascInaniSg Acc => x + "ten"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Acc => x + "tego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) VocP => "[" ++ x +"ten" ++ [": the vocative form does not exist]"]; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) _ => x + "tym"; --------------------------- AF FemSg Nom => x + "ta"; AF FemSg Acc => x + "tę"; AF FemSg Instr => x + "tą"; AF FemSg VocP => "["+x + "ten"++[": the vocative form does not exist]"]; AF FemSg _ => x + "tej"; --------------------------- AF NeutSg Nom => x + "to"; AF NeutSg Gen => x + "tego"; AF NeutSg Dat => x + "temu"; AF NeutSg Acc => x + "to"; AF NeutSg VocP => "["+x + "ten"++[": the vocative form does not exist]"]; AF NeutSg _ => x + "tym"; ---------------------------- AF MascPersPl Nom => x + "ci"; AF MascPersPl Dat => x + "tym"; AF MascPersPl Instr => x + "tymi"; AF MascPersPl VocP => "["+x + "ten"++[": the vocative form does not exist]"]; AF MascPersPl _ => x + "tych"; --------------------------- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Nom => x + "te"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Dat => x + "tym"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Acc => x + "te"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Instr => x + "tymi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) VocP => "["+x + "ten"++[": the vocative form does not exist]"]; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) _ => x + "tych" } } ; oper wszystek : AForm => Str = table { AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Nom => "wszystek"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Gen => "wszystkiego"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Dat => "wszystkiemu"; AF MascInaniSg Acc => "wszystek"; -- wszystky stół widzę AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg) Acc => "wszystkiego"; -- wszystkego psa / przyjaciela widzę AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Instr => "wszystkim"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Loc => "wszystkim"; AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) VocP => "wszystek"; AF FemSg Nom => "wszystka"; AF FemSg Gen => "wszystkiej"; AF FemSg Dat => "wszystkiej"; AF FemSg Acc => "wszystką"; AF FemSg Instr => "wszystką"; AF FemSg Loc => "wszystkiej"; AF FemSg VocP => "wszystka"; AF NeutSg Nom => "wszystkie" ; AF NeutSg Gen => "wszystkiego"; AF NeutSg Dat => "wszystkiemu"; AF NeutSg Acc => "wszystkie"; AF NeutSg Instr => "wszystkim"; AF NeutSg Loc => "wszystkim"; AF NeutSg VocP => "wszystkie"; AF MascPersPl Nom => "wszyscy"; AF OthersPl Nom => "wszystkie"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Gen => "wszystkich"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Dat => "wszystkim"; AF MascPersPl Acc => "wszystkich"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Acc => "wszystkie"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Instr => "wszystkimi"; AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Loc => "wszystkich"; AF MascPersPl VocP => "wszyscy"; AF OthersPl VocP => "wszystkie" }; {- -- -- -- oper for "a" -- oper jedenDet: Str -> Adjective = \s -> -- table { -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Nom => "jeden"; -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Gen => "jednego"; -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Dat => "jednemu"; -- AF MascInaniSg Acc => "jeden"; -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) Acc => "jednego"; -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) VocP => nonExist; -- AF (MascPersSg|MascAniSg|MascInaniSg) _ => "jednym"; -- --------------------------- -- AF FemSg Nom => "jedna"; -- AF FemSg Acc => "jedną"; -- AF FemSg Instr => "jedną"; -- AF FemSg VocP => nonExist; -- AF FemSg _ => "jednej"; -- --------------------------- -- AF NeutSg Nom => "jedno"; -- AF NeutSg Gen => "jedno"; -- AF NeutSg Dat => "jednemu"; -- AF NeutSg Acc => "jedno"; -- AF NeutSg VocP => nonExist; -- AF NeutSg _ => "jednym"; -- ---------------------------- -- AF MascPersPl Nom => "jedni"; -- AF MascPersPl Dat => "jednym"; -- AF MascPersPl Instr => "jednymi"; -- AF MascPersPl VocP => nonExist; -- AF MascPersPl _ => "jednych"; -- --------------------------- -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Nom => "jedne"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Dat => "jednym"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Acc => "jedne"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) Instr => "jednymi"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) VocP => nonExist; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) _ => "jednych" -- }; -- -- -- -- --4.7 Generalized pronouns ????????????????? -- -- --???????????????????????????? english -- -- pronoun "all" -- --4.8 Pronouns used in funtion of DET, PREDET -- Here, I have to define "wszystek" again, but only for the plural. -- I need it in declension of pronKazdy, because "każdy" has only -- sg forms. In pl they are used forms of "wszyscy". -- oper pronWszystekDet : Str -> Adjective = \wszyscy -> -- table { -- AF MascPersPl Nom => "wszyscy"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) _) Nom => "wszystkie"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) _) Gen => "wszystkich"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) _) Dat => "wszystkim"; -- AF MascPersPl Acc => "wszystkich"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) _) Acc => "wszystkie"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) _) Instr => "wszystkimi"; -- AF (MascPersPl|OthersPl) _) Loc => "wszystkich"; -- _ => nonExist -- }; -- I need this oper for building of pronouns like "każdy". -- This pronoun has not any plural forms. For plural it is used -- the pronoun "wszyscy" ( Pl form of "wszystek") -- oper pronKazdy : (x : Str ) -> {s : Number => Adjective} = \x -> -- {s = table { -- Sg => table {af => ((AdjectivDeclension "każdy") ! af)}; -- Pl => table {af => ((pronWszystekDet "wszyscy") ! af)} -- }}; -} }