incomplete concrete RelativeRomance of Relative = CatRomance ** open Prelude, CommonRomance, ResRomance in { flags optimize=all_subs ; lin RelCl cl = { s = \\ag,t,a,p,m => pronSuch ! complAgr ag ++ conjThat ++ cl.s ! DDir ! t ! a ! p ! m ; c = Nom } ; --- more efficient to compile than case inside mkClause; see log.txt RelVP rp vp = case rp.hasAgr of { True => {s = \\ag => (mkClause (rp.s ! False ! complAgr ag ! Nom) False False (Ag rp.a.g rp.a.n P3) vp).s ! DDir ; c = Nom} ; False => {s = \\ag => (mkClause (rp.s ! False ! complAgr ag ! Nom) False False ag vp).s ! DDir ; c = Nom } } ; RelSlash rp slash = { s = \\ag,t,a,p,m => let aag = complAgr ag in slash.c2.s ++ rp.s ! False ! aag ! slash.c2.c ++ slash.s ! aag ! DDir ! t ! a ! p ! m ; --- ragr c = Acc } ; FunRP p np rp = { s = \\_,a,c => (np.s ! Nom).ton ++ p.s ++ rp.s ! True ! a ! p.c ; a = complAgr np.a ; hasAgr = True } ; IdRP = { s = relPron ; a = {g = Masc ; n = Sg} ; hasAgr = False } ; }