concrete IdiomRon of Idiom = -- CatRon ** open (P = ParamX), MorphoRon, ParadigmsRon,Prelude CatRon ** open Prelude, ResRon,BeschRon in { flags optimize=all_subs ; lin ImpersCl vp = mkClause "" (agrP3 Masc Sg) vp ; GenericCl vp = mkClause "cineva" (agrP3 Masc Sg) vp ; -- an exact correspondent does not exist ! ExistNP np = mkClause "" np.a (insertSimpObj (\\ag => (np.s ! No ).comp) (useVerb (v_besch20 "existã"))) ; -- v_besch20 "exista" ExistIP ip = { s = \\t,a,p,_ => ip.s ! No ++ (mkClause "" (agrP3 (ip.a.g) (ip.a.n)) copula).s ! DDir ! t ! a ! p ! Indic } ; CleftNP np rs = mkClause "" np.a (insertSimpObj (\\_ => rs.s ! Indic ! np.a) (insertSimpObj (\\_ => (np.s ! rs.c).comp) copula)) ; --need adverb for CleftAdv ad s = mkClause "" (agrP3 Masc Sg) (insertSimpObj (\\_ => conjThat ++ s.s ! Indic) (insertSimpObj (\\_ => ad.s) copula)) ; ProgrVP vp = vp; -- for the moment, since there is no particular way to express continuous action, except for the imperfect, which wouldn't work for all tenses ImpPl1 vp = let a = {p = P1 ; n = Pl ; g = Masc} in { s = "sã" ++ (flattenSimpleClitics vp.nrClit vp.clAcc vp.clDat (vp.isRefl ! a)) ++ conjVP vp a ++vp.comp ! a ++ vp.ext ! Pos }; }