--# -path=.:../abstract:../common:../../prelude concrete NounRus of Noun = CatRus ** open ResRus, Prelude, MorphoRus in { flags optimize=all_subs ; coding=utf8 ; lin DetCN kazhduj okhotnik = { s = \\c => case kazhduj.c of { Nom => kazhduj.s ! AF (extCase c) okhotnik.anim (gennum okhotnik.g kazhduj.n) ++ okhotnik.s ! NF kazhduj.n (extCase c) ; _ => kazhduj.s ! AF (extCase c) okhotnik.anim (gennum okhotnik.g kazhduj.n) ++ okhotnik.s ! NF kazhduj.n kazhduj.c }; n = kazhduj.n ; p = P3 ; pron = False; g = case kazhduj.g of { PNoGen => (PGen okhotnik.g); _ => kazhduj.g }; anim = okhotnik.anim } ; UsePN masha = { s = \\c => masha.s ! (extCase c) ; p = P3; g = PGen masha.g ; anim = masha.anim ; n = Sg; nComp = Sg; pron = False} ; UsePron p = p ** {anim = Inanimate}; PredetNP pred np = { s = \\pf => pred.s! (AF (extCase pf) np.anim (gennum (pgen2gen np.g) np.n))++ np.s ! pf ; n = np.n; p = np.p; g = np.g; anim = np.anim; pron = np.pron } ; PPartNP np v2 = { s = \\pf => np.s ! pf ++ v2.s ! VFORM Act VINF ; -- no participles in the Verbum type as they behave as adjectives n = np.n; p = np.p; g = np.g; anim = np.anim; pron = np.pron } ; AdvNP np adv = { s = \\pf => np.s ! pf ++ adv.s ; n = np.n; p = np.p; g = np.g; anim = np.anim; pron = np.pron } ; -- 1.4 additions AR 17/6/2008 DetNP kazhduj = let g = Neut ; ---- anim = Inanimate ; in { s = \\c => kazhduj.s ! AF (extCase c) anim (gennum g kazhduj.n) ; n = kazhduj.n ; p = P3 ; pron = False; g = case kazhduj.g of { PNoGen => (PGen g); _ => kazhduj.g }; anim = anim } ; DetQuantOrd quant num ord = { s = \\af => quant.s !af ++ num.s! (caseAF af) ! (genAF af) ++ ord.s!af ; n = num.n ; g = quant.g; c = quant.c } ; DetQuant quant num = { s = \\af => quant.s !af ++ num.s! (caseAF af) ! (genAF af) ; n = num.n ; g = quant.g; c = quant.c } ; {- DetArtOrd quant num ord = { s = \\af => quant.s !af ++ num.s! (caseAF af) ! (genAF af) ++ ord.s!af ; n = num.n ; g = quant.g; c = quant.c } ; DetArtCard quant num = { s = \\af => quant.s !af ++ num.s! (caseAF af) ! (genAF af) ; n = num.n ; g = quant.g; c = quant.c } ; -} -- MassDet = {s = \\_=>[] ; c=Nom; g = PNoGen; n = Sg} ; MassNP okhotnik = { s = \\c => okhotnik.s ! NF Sg (extCase c) ; n = Sg ; p = P3 ; pron = False; g = PGen okhotnik.g ; anim = okhotnik.anim } ; {- DetArtSg kazhduj okhotnik = { s = \\c => -- art case always Nom (AR 17/6/2008) kazhduj.s ! AF (extCase c) okhotnik.anim (gennum okhotnik.g Sg) ++ okhotnik.s ! Sg ! (extCase c) ; n = Sg ; p = P3 ; pron = False; g = case kazhduj.g of { PNoGen => (PGen okhotnik.g); _ => kazhduj.g }; anim = okhotnik.anim } ; DetArtPl kazhduj okhotnik = { s = \\c => -- art case always Nom (AR 17/6/2008) kazhduj.s ! AF (extCase c) okhotnik.anim (gennum okhotnik.g Pl) ++ okhotnik.s ! Pl ! (extCase c) ; n = Pl ; p = P3 ; pron = False; g = case kazhduj.g of { PNoGen => (PGen okhotnik.g); _ => kazhduj.g }; anim = okhotnik.anim } ; -} PossPron p = {s = \\af => p.s ! mkPronForm (caseAF af) No (Poss (gennum (genAF af) (numAF af) )); c=Nom; g = PNoGen} ; NumCard c = c ; NumSg = {s = \\_,_ => [] ; n = Sg} ; NumPl = {s = \\_,_ => [] ; n = Pl} ; OrdNumeral numeral = variants {} ; ---- TODO; needed to compile Constructors OrdDigits numeral = variants {} ; ---- TODO; needed to compile Constructors ---- OrdDigits TODO -- {s = \\ af => (uy_j_EndDecl (numeral.s ! caseAF af ! genAF af)).s!af} ; NumNumeral n = n ; NumDigits n = {s = \\_,_ => n.s ; n = n.n} ; AdNum adn num = {s = \\c,n => adn.s ++ num.s!c!n ; n = num.n} ; OrdSuperl a = {s = a.s!Posit}; DefArt = {s = \\_=>[] ; c=Nom; g = PNoGen }; IndefArt = { s = \\_=>[] ; c=Nom; g = PNoGen }; UseN noun = noun ; UseN2 noun = noun ; -- The application of a function gives, in the first place, a common noun: -- "ключ от дома". From this, other rules of the resource grammar -- give noun phrases, such as "ключи от дома", "ключи от дома -- и от машины", and "ключ от дома и машины" (the -- latter two corresponding to distributive and collective functions, -- respectively). Semantics will eventually tell when each -- of the readings is meaningful. ComplN2 f x = { s = \\nf => case x.pron of { True => x.s ! (case nf of {NF n c => mkPronForm c No (Poss (gennum f.g n))}) ++ f.s ! nf ; False => f.s ! nf ++ f.c2.s ++ x.s ! (case nf of {NF n c => mkPronForm f.c2.c Yes (Poss (gennum f.g n))}) }; g = f.g ; anim = f.anim } ; -- Two-place functions add one argument place. -- There application starts by filling the first place. ComplN3 f x = { s = \\nf => f.s ! nf ++ f.c2.s ++ x.s ! (PF f.c2.c Yes NonPoss) ; g = f.g ; anim = f.anim ; c2 = f.c3 ; } ; ---- AR 17/12/2008 Use2N3 f = { s = f.s ; g = f.g ; anim = f.anim ; c2 = f.c2 } ; ---- AR 17/12/2008 Use3N3 f = { s = f.s ; g = f.g ; anim = f.anim ; c2 = f.c3 } ; -- The two main functions of adjective are in predication ("Иван - молод") -- and in modification ("молодой человек"). Predication will be defined -- later, in the chapter on verbs. AdjCN ap cn = { s = \\nf => ap.s ! case nf of {NF n c => AF c cn.anim (gennum cn.g n)} ++ cn.s ! nf ; g = cn.g ; anim = cn.anim } ; -- This is a source of the "man with a telescope" ambiguity, and may produce -- strange things, like "машины всегда". -- Semantics will have to make finer distinctions among adverbials. AdvCN cn adv = { s = \\nf => cn.s ! nf ++ adv.s ; g = cn.g ; anim = cn.anim } ; -- Constructions like "the idea that two is even" are formed at the -- first place as common nouns, so that one can also have "a suggestion that...". SentCN idea x = { s = \\nf => idea.s ! nf ++ x.s ; g = idea.g ; anim = idea.anim } ; RelCN idea x = { s = \\nf => idea.s ! nf ++ case nf of {NF n c => x.s ! (gennum idea.g n)!c!idea.anim} ; g = idea.g ; anim = idea.anim } ; ---- AR 17/12/2008 ApposCN cn s = { s = \\nf => cn.s ! nf ++ s.s ! (case nf of {NF n c => PF c No NonPoss}) ; g = cn.g ; anim = cn.anim } ; RelNP np rel = { s = \\c => np.s ! c ++ rel.s ! (gennum (pgen2gen np.g) np.n) ! extCase c ! np.anim ; n = np.n ; p = np.p ; pron = np.pron ; g = np.g ; anim = np.anim ; nComp = np.nComp } ; }