--# -path=.:../abstract:../common:../../prelude concrete StructuralRus of Structural = CatRus ** open ResRus, MorphoRus, (P = ParadigmsRus), Prelude, NounRus in { flags optimize=all ; coding=utf8 ; lin -- First mount the numerals. -- UseNumeral i = i ; -- Then an alphabetical list of structural words above_Prep = { s = "над" ; c = Inst} ; after_Prep = { s = "после" ; c = Gen }; -- all8mass_Det = vesDet ** {n = Sg; g = PNoGen; c = Nom} ; all_Predet = vseDetPl ** { g = PNoGen; c = Nom} ; almost_AdA = {s= "почти"} ; almost_AdN = {s= "почти"} ; although_Subj = ss "хотя" ; always_AdV = ss "всегда" ; and_Conj = {s1 = [] ; s2 = "и" ; n = Pl} ; because_Subj = ss ["потому что"] ; before_Prep ={ s = "перед" ; c = Inst}; behind_Prep = { s = "за" ; c = Inst }; between_Prep = { s = "между" ; c = Inst}; both7and_DConj = sd2 "как" [", так и"] ** {n = Pl} ; but_PConj = ss "но" ; by8agent_Prep = { s = ["с помощью"] ; c = Gen}; by8means_Prep = { s = ["с помощью"] ; c = Gen}; can8know_VV = verbMoch ; can_VV = verbMoch ; during_Prep = { s = ["в течение"] ; c = Gen}; either7or_DConj = sd2 "либо" [", либо"] ** {n = Sg} ; -- comma is not visible in GUI! every_Det = kazhdujDet ** {n = Sg ; g = PNoGen; c= Nom} ; everybody_NP = mkNP Pl (UseN ((eEnd_Decl "вс")**{lock_N=<>})) ; everything_NP = UsePron (pronVseInanimate ** {lock_Pron=<>}) ; everywhere_Adv = ss "везде" ; few_Det = nemnogoSgDet **{lock_Det= <>; n= Sg; g = PNoGen; c = Nom}; --- DEPREC first_Ord = (uy_j_EndDecl "перв" ) ** {lock_A = <>}; --AStaruyj from_Prep = { s = "от" ; c = Gen }; he_Pron = pronOn ; here_Adv = ss "здесь" ; here7to_Adv = ss "сюда" ; here7from_Adv = ss "отсюда" ; how_IAdv = ss "как" ; how8many_IDet = skolkoSgDet ** {n = Pl; g = (PGen Neut); c= Gen}; i_Pron = pronYa ; if_Subj = ss "если" ; in8front_Prep = { s = "перед" ; c = Inst}; in_Prep = { s = "в" ; c = Prepos PrepVNa } ; it_Pron = pronOno ; less_CAdv = {s="менее"; p=""} ; many_Det = mnogoSgDet ** {n = Sg; g = (PGen Neut); c= Gen} ; more_CAdv = {s="более"; p=""} ; most_Predet = bolshinstvoSgDet ** {n = Sg; g = (PGen Neut); c= Gen} ; -- inanimate, Sg: "большинство телефонов безмолству-ет" -- most8many_Det = bolshinstvoPlDet ** {n = Pl; g = (PGen Neut); c= Gen} ; -- animate, Pl: "большинство учащихся хорошо подготовлен-ы" much_Det = mnogoSgDet ** {n = Sg; g = (PGen Neut); c= Gen} ; -- same as previous must_VV = verbDolzhen ; no_Utt = ss ["Нет"] ; on_Prep = { s = "на" ; c = Prepos PrepVNa }; --- DEPREC one_Quant = odinDet ** {lock_QuantSg = <>; n= Sg; g = PNoGen; c = Nom }; --AStaruyj : only_Predet = (uy_j_EndDecl "единственн" ) ** {lock_Predet = <>; n= Sg; g = PNoGen; c = Nom }; or_Conj = {s1= [] ; s2 = "или" ; n = Sg} ; otherwise_PConj = ss "иначе" ; part_Prep = { s = "" ; c = Nom}; -- missing in Russian please_Voc = ss "пожалуйста" ; possess_Prep = { s = "" ; c = Gen}; --- ?? AR 19/2/2004 quite_Adv = ss "довольно" ; she_Pron = pronOna ; so_AdA = ss "так"; somebody_NP = UsePron (pronKtoTo** {lock_Pron = <>}); someSg_Det = nekotorujDet ** {n = Sg; g = PNoGen; c= Nom} ; somePl_Det = nekotorujDet ** {n = Pl; g = PNoGen; c= Nom} ; something_NP = UsePron (pronChtoTo** {lock_Pron=<> }) ; somewhere_Adv = ss "где-нибудь" ; that_Quant = totDet ** {n = Sg; g = PNoGen; c= Nom} ; there_Adv = ss "там" ; there7to_Adv = ss "туда" ; there7from_Adv = ss "оттуда" ; therefore_PConj = ss "следовательно" ; they_Pron = pronOni; this_Quant = etotDet ** {n = Sg; g = PNoGen; c= Nom} ; through_Prep = { s = "через" ; c = Acc }; to_Prep = { s = "к" ; c = Dat }; too_AdA = ss "слишком" ; under_Prep = { s = "под" ; c = Inst }; very_AdA = ss "очень" ; want_VV = verbKhotet ; we_Pron = pronMu ; whatPl_IP = pron2NounPhraseNum pronChto Inanimate Pl; whatSg_IP = pron2NounPhraseNum pronChto Inanimate Sg; when_IAdv = ss "когда" ; when_Subj = ss "когда" ; where_IAdv = ss "где" ; which_IQuant = { s = \\_ => kotorujDet.s ; g = PNoGen; c= Nom } ; whoPl_IP = pron2NounPhraseNum pronKto Animate Pl; whoSg_IP = pron2NounPhraseNum pronKto Animate Sg; why_IAdv = ss "почему" ; with_Prep = { s = "с" ; c = Inst}; without_Prep = { s = "без" ; c = Gen}; youPl_Pron = pronVu; yes_Utt = ss ["Да"] ; youSg_Pron = pronTu; youPol_Pron = pronVu; have_V2= P.dirV2 (P.regV P.imperfective P.first "име" "ю" "имел" "имей" "иметь" ); --- NoDet = nikakojDet ** {n = Sg; g = PNoGen; c= Nom} ; --- AnyDet = lubojDet ** {n = Sg; g = PNoGen; c= Nom} ; --- AnyNumDet = mkDeterminerNum (lubojDet ** {n = Pl; g = PNoGen; c= Nom} ); --- NoNumDet = mkDeterminerNum (nikakojDet ** {n = Pl; g = PNoGen; c= Nom} ); ---NobodyNP = UsePron pronNikto Animate; ---NothingNP = UsePron pronNichto Inanimate; -- In case of "neither.. no" expression double negation is not -- only possible, but also required in Russian. -- There is no means of control for this however in the resource grammar. --- NeitherNor = sd2 "ни" [", ни"] ** {n = Sg} ; --- NowhereNP = ss "нигде" ; --- AgentPrep = { s = "" ; c = Nom}; -- missing in Russian lin language_title_Utt = ss "Русский" ; }