incomplete concrete VerbScand of Verb = CatScand ** open CommonScand, ResScand in { flags optimize=all_subs ; lin UseV = predV ; SlashV2a v = predV v ** {n3 = \\_ => [] ; c2 = v.c2} ; Slash2V3 v np = insertObj (\\_ => v.c2.s ++ np.s ! accusative) (predV v) ** {n3 = \\_ => [] ; c2 = v.c3} ; -- to preserve the order of args Slash3V3 v np = predV v ** { n3 = \\_ => v.c3.s ++ np.s ! accusative ; c2 = v.c2 } ; ComplVV v vp = insertObj (\\a => v.c2.s ++ infVP vp a) (predV v) ; ComplVS v s = insertObj (\\_ => conjThat ++ s.s ! Sub) (predV v) ; ComplVQ v q = insertObj (\\_ => q.s ! QIndir) (predV v) ; ComplVA v ap = insertObj (\\a => ap.s ! agrAdjNP a DIndef) (predV v) ; SlashV2V v vp = predV v ** { n3 = \\a => v.c3.s ++ infVP vp a ; c2 = v.c2 } ; SlashV2S v s = predV v ** { n3 = \\_ => conjThat ++ s.s ! Sub ; c2 = v.c2 } ; SlashV2Q v q = predV v ** { n3 = \\_ => q.s ! QIndir ; c2 = v.c2 } ; SlashV2A v ap = predV v ** { n3 = \\a => ap.s ! agrAdjNP a DIndef ; c2 = v.c2 } ; ComplSlash vp np = insertObj (\\_ => vp.c2.s ++ np.s ! accusative ++ vp.n3 ! np.a) vp ; SlashVV v vp = insertObj (\\a => v.c2.s ++ infVP vp a) (predV v) ** {n3 = vp.n3 ; c2 = vp.c2} ; SlashV2VNP v np vp = insertObj (\\a => v.c2.s ++ np.s ! accusative ++ v.c3.s ++ infVP vp a) (predV v) ** {n3 = vp.n3 ; c2 = v.c2} ; UseComp comp = insertObj (\\a => comp.s ! agrAdjNP a DIndef) (predV verbBe) ; CompAP ap = ap ; CompNP np = {s = \\_ => np.s ! accusative} ; CompAdv a = {s = \\_ => a.s} ; AdvVP vp adv = insertAdv adv.s vp ; AdVVP adv vp = insertAdV adv.s vp ; ReflVP vp = insertObj (\\a => vp.c2.s ++ reflPron a ++ vp.n3 ! a) vp ; PassV2 v = insertObj (\\a => v.s ! VI (VPtPret (agrAdjNP a DIndef) Nom)) (predV verbBecome) ; }