--concrete ConjunctionUrd of Conjunction = -- CatUrdu ** open ResUrdu, Coordination, Prelude in { concrete ConjunctionUrd of Conjunction = CatUrd ** open ResUrd, Coordination, Prelude in { flags optimize=all_subs ; lin ConjS = conjunctDistrSS ; ConjAdv = conjunctDistrSS ; ConjNP conj ss = conjunctDistrTable NPCase conj ss ** { a = conjAgr (agrP3 Masc conj.n) ss.a } ; ConjAP conj ss = conjunctDistrTable4 Number Gender Case Degree conj ss ; ConjRS conj rs = conjunctDistrTable Agr conj rs ** { c = rs.c}; ---- These fun's are generated from the list cat's. BaseS = twoSS ; ConsS = consrSS comma ; BaseAdv = twoSS ; ConsAdv = consrSS comma ; BaseNP x y = twoTable NPCase x y ** {a = conjAgr x.a y.a} ; BaseRS x y = twoTable Agr x y ** {c = x.c}; ConsNP xs x = consrTable NPCase comma xs x ** {a = conjAgr xs.a x.a} ; ConsRS xs x = consrTable Agr comma xs x ** { c = xs.c}; BaseAP x y = twoTable4 Number Gender Case Degree x y ; -- ** {isPre = andB x.isPre y.isPre} ; ConsAP xs x = consrTable4 Number Gender Case Degree comma xs x ;-- ** {isPre = andB xs.isPre x.isPre} ; lincat [S] = {s1,s2 : Str} ; [Adv] = {s1,s2 : Str} ; [NP] = {s1,s2 : NPCase => Str ; a : Agr} ; [AP] = {s1,s2 : Number => Gender => Case => Degree => Str} ; [RS] = {s1,s2 : Agr => Str ; c : Case}; }