concrete tamil of Numerals = { flags coding = utf8 ; -- Tamil -- Ad hoc transcr. -- when there is something bigger maybe a:yiram should be preceded -- by an o:ru -- c is sh/ch etc -- s is sanskr. s' -- S is sanskr. s. -- G is velar n i.e [ng] -- V regular n in e.g [na:ru] -- n one ring n -- N two ring n -- ñ -- l -- L (like N but without the middle ring) -- M is retroflex l with the char that looks a bit like m (e.g l in Tamil) -- include ; -- flags coding=tamil ; oper vowel : Strs = strs {"ஒ" ; "எ" ; "அ" ; "இ" ; "உ"} ; labial : Strs = strs {"மௌ" ; "பௌ"} ; retroflex : Strs = strs {"ணௌ" ; "டௌ"} ; sandhi_u : Str = pre {"உ" ; [] / vowel} ; sandhi_n : Str = pre {"னௌ" ; "மௌ" / labial} ; sandhi_spc_n : Str = pre {"னௌ" ; "பௌ" / labial} ; -- sandhi_N : Str = post {"னௌ" ; "ணௌ" / retroflex } ; param DForm = unit | attr1 | attr2 | teen ; param Size = sg | four | five | eight | nine | more100 | less100 ; param Place = attr | indep ; param Sub1000Data = attrtwo | indeptwo | preceded | lakhs | lakhs2 ; lincat Numeral = {s : Str} ; lincat Digit = {s : DForm => Str ; size : Size} ; lincat Sub10 = {s : DForm => Str ; size : Size} ; lincat Sub100 = {s : Place => Str ; size : Size} ; lincat Sub1000 = {s : Sub1000Data => Str ; size : Size} ; lincat Sub1000000 = {s : Str} ; lin num x0 = {s = [] ++ x0.s ++ []} ; -- the Tamil environment lin n2 = {s = table {teen => "பனௌனாரணௌடீ" ; unit => "இரணௌடௌ" + sandhi_u ; attr1 => "இரீ" ; attr2 => variants {"இரணௌடௌ" + sandhi_u ; "ஈரௌ"} } ; size = less100} ; lin n3 = {s = table {teen => "பதானௌ" + "முனௌரீ" ; unit => "முனௌரௌ" + sandhi_u ; attr1 => "மீ" + sandhi_spc_n ; attr2 => "முறௌ"} ; size = less100} ; lin n4 = {s = table {teen => "பதா" + variants { "ந஽றீ" ; "ந஽னௌகீ" } ; unit => variants { "ந஽றௌ" + sandhi_u ; "ந஽னௌகௌ" + sandhi_u } ; attr1 => "ந஽ரௌ" ; attr2 => "ந஽றௌ"} ; size = four} ; lin n5 = {s = table {teen => "பதானௌ" + "ஐனௌdீ" ; unit => "ஐனௌதௌ" + sandhi_u ; attr1 => "ஐ" + sandhi_n ; attr2 => "ஐயௌ"} ; size = five} ; lin n6 = {s = table {teen => "பதானௌ" + "ஆரீ" ; unit => "ஆரௌ" + sandhi_u ; attr1 => "அரீ" ; attr2 => "ஆரௌ"} ; size = less100} ; lin n7 = {s = table {teen => "பதானௌ" + "ஏலீ" ; unit => "ஏலௌ" + sandhi_u ; attr1 => "எலீ" ; attr2 => "எலௌ"} ; size = less100} ; lin n8 = {s = table {teen => "பதானௌ" + "எடௌடீ" ; unit => "எடௌடௌ" + sandhi_u ; attr1 => "எணௌ" ; attr2 => "எணௌணௌ"} ; size = eight} ; lin n9 = {s = table {teen => "பதௌதௌ" + "ஓனௌபதீ" ; unit => "ஓனௌபதௌ" + sandhi_u ; attr1 => "த௉ணௌ" ; attr2 => "ஓனௌபதானௌ"} ; size = nine} ; oper fiveh : Str = variants { "ஐனௌன஽ரீ" ; "அஞௌஞ஽ரீ"} ; oper fiveh_sandhi : Str = variants { "ஐனௌன஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u ; "அஞௌஞ஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u } ; lin pot01 = {s = table {unit => "ஓனௌரீ"; teen => "பதானௌ" + "ஓனௌரீ" ; attr1 => "ஓரௌ" + sandhi_u ; attr2 => []} ; size = sg} ; lin pot0 d = {s = d.s ; size = d.size} ; lin pot110 = {s = table {_ => "பதௌதீ"} ; size = less100} ; lin pot111 = {s = table {_ => "பதானௌ" + "ஓனௌரௌ" + sandhi_u} ; size = less100} ; lin pot1to19 d = {s = table {_ => d.s ! teen} ; size = less100} ; lin pot0as1 n = {s = table {attr => n.s ! attr2 ; indep => n.s ! unit} ; size = n.size} ; lin pot1 d = {s = table {_ => table {nine => "த௉ணௌண஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u ; _ => d.s ! attr1 ++ "பதீ"} ! d.size} ; size = less100} ; lin pot1plus d e = {s = table {_ => table {nine => ("த௉ணௌண஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) ++ e.s ! unit; _ => d.s ! attr1 ++ "பதௌ" + sandhi_u } ! d.size ++ e.s ! unit }; size = less100} ; lin pot1as2 n = {s = table {indeptwo => n.s ! indep ; attrtwo => n.s ! attr ; preceded => n.s ! indep ; _ => "dீமௌமௌயௌ"}; size = n.size} ; lin pot2 d = {s = table {indeptwo => table {nine => "த௉லௌல஽யாரமௌ" ; eight => "எணௌண஽ரீ" ; four => "ந஽ந஽ரீ" ; five => fiveh ; sg => "ந஽ரீ" ; _ => d.s ! attr1 ++ "ந஽ரீ"} ! d.size ; attrtwo => table {nine => "த௉லௌல஽யாரதௌதௌ" + sandhi_u ; eight => "எணௌண஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u ; four => "ந஽ந஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u; five => fiveh_sandhi ; _ => d.s ! attr1 ++ "ந஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u} ! d.size ; preceded => table {nine => "த௉லௌல஽யாரமௌ" ; eight => "எணௌண஽ரீ" ; four => "ந஽ந஽ரீ" ; five => fiveh ; _ => d.s ! attr1 ++ "ந஽ரீ"} ! d.size ; lakhs => d.s ! unit ++ "இறடௌசமௌ" ; lakhs2 => d.s ! unit ++ "இறடௌசதௌதீ" } ; size = more100} ; lin pot2plus d e = {s = table {indeptwo => table {nine => ("த௉லௌல஽யாரதௌதௌ" + sandhi_u) ; eight => ("எணௌண஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) ; four => ("ந஽ந஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) ; five => fiveh_sandhi ; sg => ("ந஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) ; _ => d.s ! attr1 ++ ("ந஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) } ! d.size ++ e.s ! indep ; attrtwo => table {nine => ("த௉லௌல஽யாரதௌதௌ" + sandhi_u) ; eight => ("எணௌண஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) ; four => ("ந஽ந஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) ; five => fiveh_sandhi ; sg => ("ந஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) ; _ => d.s ! attr1 ++ ("ந஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) } ! d.size ++ e.s ! indep ; preceded => table {nine => ("த௉லௌல஽யாரதௌதௌ" + sandhi_u) ; eight => ("எணௌண஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) ; four => ("ந஽ந஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) ; five => fiveh_sandhi ; _ => d.s ! attr1 ++ ("ந஽ரௌ" + sandhi_u) } ! d.size ++ e.s ! indep ; lakhs => d.s ! unit ++ ("இறடௌசதௌதௌ" + sandhi_u) ++ table {sg => "ஆயாரமௌ" ; _ => e.s ! attr ++ "ஆயாரமௌ" } ! e.size ; lakhs2 => d.s ! unit ++ ("இறடௌசதௌதௌ" + sandhi_u) ++ table {sg => "ஆயாரதௌதௌ" + sandhi_u ; _ => e.s ! attr ++ ("ஆயாரதௌதௌ" + sandhi_u) } ! e.size} ; size = more100} ; lin pot2as3 n = {s = n.s ! indeptwo} ; lin pot3 n = {s = table {sg => "ஆயாரமௌ" ; more100 => n.s ! lakhs ; _ => n.s ! attrtwo ++ "ஆயாரமௌ" } ! n.size } ; lin pot3plus n m = {s = table {sg => "ஆயாரதௌதௌ" + sandhi_u; more100 => n.s ! lakhs2 ; _ => n.s ! attrtwo ++ "ஆயாரதௌதௌ" + sandhi_u } ! n.size ++ m.s ! preceded} ; }