concrete SentencesBul of Sentences = NumeralBul ** SentencesI - [IMale, IFemale, YouFamMale, YouFamFemale, YouPolMale, YouPolFemale, ACitizen, Citizenship, PCitizenship, LangNat, CitiNat, CountryNat, PropCit, Nationality, Country, Language, PLanguage, PCountry ] with (Syntax = SyntaxBul), (Symbolic = SymbolicBul), (Lexicon = LexiconBul) ** open ExtraBul, (R = ResBul) in { lincat Citizenship = {s1 : R.Gender => R.NForm => Str; -- there are two nouns for every citizenship - one for males and one for females s2 : A -- furthermore, adjective for Property } ; Nationality = {s1 : R.Gender => R.NForm => Str; -- there are two nouns for every citizenship - one for males and one for females s2 : A; -- furthermore, adjective for Property s3 : PN -- country name } ; Language = A ; Country = PN ; lin IMale = mkPerson i_Pron ; IFemale = mkPerson i8fem_Pron ; lin YouFamMale = mkPerson youSg_Pron ; YouFamFemale = mkPerson youSg8fem_Pron ; YouPolMale, YouPolFemale = mkPerson youPol_Pron ; lin ACitizen p cit = let noun : N = case of { R.GSg g => lin N {s = \\nf => cit.s1 ! g ! nf; g = case g of {R.Masc=>R.AMasc R.Human; R.Fem=>R.AFem; R.Neut=>R.ANeut}} ; R.GPl => lin N {s = \\nf => cit.s1 ! R.Masc ! nf; g = R.AMasc R.Human} } ; in mkCl noun ; PCitizenship cit = mkPhrase (mkUtt (mkAP cit.s2)) ; LangNat n = n.s2 ; CitiNat n = n ; CountryNat n = n.s3 ; PropCit cit = cit.s2 ; PLanguage x = mkPhrase (mkUtt (mkAP x)) ; PCountry x = mkPhrase (mkUtt (mkNP x)) ; }