--# -path=.:../Romance:../common:../abstract:../common:prelude concrete NounAmh of Noun = CatAmh ** open ResAmh,ParamX, Prelude in { flags optimize=noexpand ; flags coding = utf8; lin DetCN det cn = { s = \\ c => case c of { Acc => det.s ! cn.g ! Nom ++ cn.s ! det.n! det.d ! c ; _ => det.s ! cn.g ! c ++ cn.s ! det.n! det.d ! Nom }; a = {png = Per3 det.n cn.g; isPron = False} }; -- UsePN pn = { s = pn.s; a = {png=Per3 Sg pn.g; isPron = False} }; -- UsePron p = p ; -- PredetNP pred np = { s = \\c => case pred.isDecl of { True => pred.s! c ++ np.s ! Nom ; -- amzaNaw temari, yeabzaNaw temari , lebzaNaw temari False => np.s ! c ++ pred.s!c }; a = np.a } ; -- FIX NEEDED! consider the case for number and gender later !!! --- arabic book table --- to solve affices --Compound Participle : is formed by prefixing the relative pronoun yete : to the forms of the perfect mood -- there are three ways of building the participle in Amh PPartNP np v2 = { s = \\c => "y'"++ (v2.s ! Perf!Pas! np.a.png) ++ np.s ! c; a = np.a } ; DetNP det = { s = \\_ => det.s!Masc!Nom; a = { png = Per3 det.n Masc ; isPron = False} }; AdvNP np adv = { s = \\c => np.s ! c ++ adv.s; a = np.a }; DetQuantOrd quant num ord = { s = \\g,c=> quant.s!num.n!g!c ++ num.s!quant.d!Nom ++ ord.s!g!num.n!quant.d!Nom; d = Indef; n = num.n; isNum = True; isPron = quant.isPron } ; DetQuant quant num = { s = \\g,c =>quant.s!num.n!g!c ++ num.s!quant.d!c ; d = quant.d; n = num.n; isNum = True; isPron = quant.isPron } ; PossPron p = { s = \\_,_,_ => p.s ! Gen; d = Indef; isNum = False; isPron = True } ; NumCard n = {s = \\s,c => n.s!Masc!Sg!s!c ; n = Pl; hasCard = True} ; NumDigits n = {s = n.s ! NCard } ; NumNumeral numeral = {s = numeral.s ! NCard} ; OrdDigits n = {s = n.s ! NOrd} ; OrdNumeral numeral = {s = numeral.s ! NOrd} ; NumSg = {s = \\s,c => []; n = Sg ; hasCard = False} ; NumPl = {s = \\s,c => []; n = Pl ; hasCard = False} ; -- AdNum adn num = { -- s = \\g,d,c => adn.s ++ num.s ! g ! d ! c ; -- n = num.n } ; -- OrdSuperl a = { s = \\g,n,s,c => a.s!g!n!s!c ; }; DefArt = { s = \\_,_,_ => []; d = Def ; isNum,isPron = False } ; IndefArt = { s = \\n,g,_ => case of { =>"አንድ" ++ []; =>"አንዲት" ++ []; => [] }; d = Indef ; isNum,isPron = False } ; MassNP cn = {s = \\_=> cn.s ! Sg ! Indef!Nom ; a = { png = Per3 Sg cn.g; isPron = False } }; UseN n = n ; --UseN n = n ** {adj = \\_,_,_ => []}; ComplN2 f x = {s = \\n,s,c => f.c2++ x.s ! c ++ f.s ! n !Indef! Nom ; g = f.g } ; ComplN3 f x = {s = \\n,s,c => f.c2 ++ x.s ! c ++ f.s ! n !Indef! Nom ;g = f.g; c2 = f.c3} ; -- => f.c2 ++ x.s ! c++"ያለው" ++ f.s ! n !Indef! Nom ; -- => f.c2 ++ x.s ! c ++"ያሉት"++ f.s ! n !Indef! Nom }; -- g = f.g; c2 = f.c3; UseN2 n = n ; UseN3 n = n ; Use2N3 f = { s = \\n,s,c => f.s ! n !Indef! Nom ; g = f.g ; c2 = f.c2 } ; Use3N3 f = { s = \\n,s,c => f.s ! n !Indef! Nom ; g = f.g ; c2 = f.c3 } ; --TO DO!! AdjCN ap cn = { s = \\n,s,c => case c of { Acc => ap.s ! cn.g !n ! s !Nom++ cn.s ! n! Indef ! c ; _ => ap.s ! cn.g !n ! s !c ++ cn.s ! n! Indef ! Nom }; g = cn.g } ; -- -- RelCN cn rs = {s = \\n,c => cn.s ! n ! c ++ rs.s ! {n = n ; p = P3}} ; AdvCN cn ad = {s = \\n,s,c => ad.s ++ cn.s ! n ! Indef ! c ; g = cn.g} ; -- -- -- -- SentCN cn sc = {s = \\n,c => cn.s ! n ! c ++ sc.s} ; ApposCN cn np = {s = \\n,s,c => cn.s ! n !Indef! Nom ++ np.s ! c ; g = cn.g} ; }