On the syntax of clitic particles in Finnish -- AR 29/12/2010 The clitic particles come in two groups: Pas ::= pas | pa | han | kos | ko | kohan | pahan -- free variation Kin ::= kin/kaan -- depending on polarity (vowel harmony ignored). A Finnish sentence can have at most one of each. A Pas clitic is always attached to the first word ("Aripas juo maitoa") or phrase such as NP ("minun poikanipas juo maitoa"). A Kin clitic can be attached to almost any word; if the same as Pas, Kin must come first ("Arikinhan juo maitoa"). Some combinations are clumsy but presumably OK ("Arikinpas"). If the verb is first, it doesn't seem to allow Kin (*"juokin Ari maitoa"). The following is a list of combinatory possibilities. Adverbs (represented by "nyt") can be added ad libitum - at most two of them then become carriers of clitics ("nythän Ari juo maitoa täälläkin"). -- declaratives and questions (Notice that, in the presence of "ei", Kin is "kaan", otherwise "kin".) ari Pas? ei? (juo Kin maitoa nyt | juo maitoa Kin nyt | juo maitoa nyt Kin?) maitoa Pas? ei? (ari Kin juo nyt | ari juo Kin nyt | ari juo nyt Kin?) nyt Pas? ei? (ari Kin juo maitoa | ari juo Kin maitoa | ari juo maitoa Kin?) ari Kin Pas? ei? juo maitoa nyt maitoa Kin Pas? ari ei? juo nyt nyt Kin Pas? ari ei? juo maitoa juo Pas? (ari Kin maitoa nyt | ari maitoa Kin nyt | ari maitoa nyt Kin?) ei Pas? (ari Kin juo maitoa nyt | ari juo Kin maitoa nyt | ari juo maitoa Kin nyt | ari juo maitoa nyt Kin?) -- imperatives The question clitic is (for obvious semantic reasons) omitted from the Pas category: Pas- ::= pa | pas | han | pahan juo Pas-? (ari Kin maitoa nyt | ari maitoa Kin nyt | ari maitoa nyt Kin?) älä Pas-? (ari Kin juo maitoa nyt | ari juo Kin maitoa nyt | ari juo maitoa Kin nyt | ari juo maitoa nyt Kin?) -- negation word Strangely enough, Kin seems to be getting accepted in plural (= two-syllabic) negations: *enkään, *etkään, *eikään, ?emmekään, ?ettekään, ?eivätkään (quite some Google hits)