instance LexQueryPatsFre of LexQueryPats = open SyntaxFre, ParadigmsFre, ExtraFre, IrregFre, DiffFre, StructuralFre, (CR=CommonRomance), ParamX, QueryFre, Prelude in { oper -------------------------------------------------------------- -- structural words and extra grammar constructs about_Prep : Prep = mkPreposition ["à propos de"] ; all_NP : NP = mkNP (mkPN "tout") ; vpAP : VP -> AP = variants {} ; what_IQuant : IQuant = which_IQuant ; massInfoSg : CN -> NP = \cn -> let g = cn.g ; n = Sg in lin NP { s = \\c => {comp,ton = cn.s ! n ; c1,c2 = []} ; a = CR.agrP3 g n ; hasClit = False ; isPol = False } ; massInfoPl : CN -> NP = \cn -> SyntaxFre.mkNP aPl_Det cn ; PatsAdvVPSlash : VPSlash -> Adv -> VPSlash = \vp, adv -> lin VPSlash { s = vp.s ; agr = vp.agr ; clit1 = vp.clit1 ; clit2 = vp.clit2 ; clit3 = vp.clit3 ; neg = vp.neg ; comp = \\a => vp.comp ! a ++ adv.s ; ext = vp.ext ; c2 = vp.c2 ; } ; selectIP : NP -> IP = \np -> case np.a.n of {Sg => whatSg_IP ; _ => whatPl_IP }; -------------------------------------------------------------- -- kinds patent_number_CN : Kind = let pn : CN = mkCN (mkCN (mkN "numéro")) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv possess_Prep (mkNP (mkN "brevet"))) in lin Kind pn ; claim_N : Kind = lin Kind (mkCN (mkN "revendication")) ; -------------------------------------------------------------- -- activities expire_V : Adv -> Activity = \pdate -> lin Activity (mkVP (mkVP (mkV "expire")) pdate) ; simp_expire_V : Activity = lin Activity (mkVP (regV "expirer")) ; apply_V : NP -> Activity = \pat -> lin Activity ( mkVP (mkVP (regV "appliquer")) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv for_Prep pat)) ; compound_CN : Activity = let vp : VP = mkVP (mkCN (mkN "composé")) in lin Activity vp ; use_V2 : Set -> Activity = \s -> lin Activity (mkVP (passiveVP (dirV2 (regV "utiliser"))) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv in_Prep s)); approve_V2 : Adv -> Activity = \pdate -> lin Activity (mkVP (passiveVP (dirV2 (regV "approuver"))) pdate) ; mention_V2 : NP -> Activity = \drug -> lin Activity ( mkVP (mkVPSlash (dirV2 (regV "mentionner"))) drug) ; contain_V2 : NP -> Activity = \chem -> lin Activity (mkVP (mkVPSlash IrregFre.contenir_V2) chem) ; -------------------------------------------------------------- -- properties approve_prop_V2 : Adv -> Property = \pdate -> lin Property (vpAP (mkVP (passiveVP (dirV2 (regV "approuver"))) pdate)) ; use_prop_V2 : Set -> Property = \s -> lin Property (vpAP (mkVP (passiveVP (dirV2 (regV "utiliser"))) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv in_Prep s))) ; -------------------------------------------------------------- -- relations active_ingredient_CN : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkA "actif") (mkN "ingrédient")) ; dosage_form_CN : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkA "posologique") (mkN "forme")) ; route_of_administration_CN : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkCN (mkN "voie")) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv possess_Prep (mkNP (mkN "administration")))) ; patent_number_Rel : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkCN (mkN "numéro")) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv possess_Prep (mkNP (mkN "brevet")))) ; patent_N : Relation = lin Relation {cn = mkCN (mkN "brevet") ; prep = for_Prep } ; patent_with_N : Relation = lin Relation {cn = mkCN (mkN "brevet"); prep = with_Prep} ; expiration_date_CN : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkCN (mkN "date")) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv possess_Prep (mkNP (mkN "expiration")))) ; use_code_CN : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkCN (mkN "code")) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv possess_Prep (mkNP (mkN "utilisation")))) ; application_number_CN : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkCN (mkN "numéro")) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv possess_Prep (mkNP (mkN "demande")))) ; application_number_no_CN : Relation = lin Relation {cn = (mkCN (mkCN (mkN "numéro")) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv possess_Prep (mkNP (mkN "demande")))); prep = mkPrep ""} ; applicant_CN : Relation = lin Relation { cn = mkCN (mkN "demandeur") ; prep = for_Prep } ; applicant_no_CN : Relation = lin Relation {cn = mkCN (mkN "demandeur"); prep = mkPrep ""} ; approval_date_CN : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkCN (mkN "date")) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv possess_Prep (mkNP (mkN "approbation")))) ; chemical_composition_CN : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkA "chemique") (mkN "composition")) ; chemical_substance_CN : Relation = lin Relation {cn = (mkCN (mkA "chimique") (mkN "substance")) ; prep = from_Prep | part_Prep } ; drug_N : Relation = lin Relation {cn = mkCN (mkN "médicament") ; prep = with_Prep} ; use_N : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkN "utilisation")) ; method_N : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkN "méthode")) ; drug_with_usage_form_CN : Relation = lin Relation {cn = mkCN (mkN "médicament") ; prep = mkPrep "" } ; drug_preparation_CN : Relation = lin Relation {cn = mkCN (mkN "préparation") ; prep = for_Prep} ; strength_N : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkN "dosage")) ; name_N : Relation = makeRelation (mkCN (mkN "nom")) ; usage_form_CN = makeRelation ( mkCN (mkCN (mkN "formulaire")) (SyntaxFre.mkAdv possess_Prep (mkNP (mkN "utilisation")))) ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- oper makeRelation : CN -> Relation = \s -> lin Relation {cn = s ; prep = possess_Prep} ; }