--# -path=.:../abstract:../common:prelude --1 German auxiliary operations. -- -- (c) 2002-2006 Aarne Ranta and Harald Hammarström -- -- This module contains operations that are needed to make the -- resource syntax work. To define everything that is needed to -- implement $Test$, it moreover contains some lexical -- patterns needed for $Lex$. resource ResGer = ParamX ** open Prelude in { flags optimize=all ; --2 For $Noun$ -- These are the standard four-value case and three-value gender. param Case = Nom | Acc | Dat | Gen ; Gender = Masc | Fem | Neutr ; -- Complex $CN$s, like adjectives, have strong and weak forms. Adjf = Strong | Weak ; -- Gender distinctions are only made in the singular. GenNum = GSg Gender | GPl ; -- Agreement of $NP$ has three parts. Agr = Ag Gender Number Person ; -- Case of $NP$ extended to deal with contractions like "zur", "im". PCase = NPC Case | NPP CPrep ; CPrep = CAnDat | CInAcc | CInDat | CZuDat | CVonDat ; oper NPNom : PCase = NPC Nom ; prepC : PCase -> {s : Str ; c : Case} = \cp -> case cp of { NPC c => {s = [] ; c = c} ; NPP CAnDat => {s = "an" ; c = Dat} ; NPP CInAcc => {s = "in" ; c = Acc} ; NPP CInDat => {s = "in" ; c = Dat} ; NPP CZuDat => {s = "zu" ; c = Dat} ; NPP CVonDat => {s = "von" ; c = Dat} } ; usePrepC : PCase -> (Case -> Str) -> Str = \c,fs -> let sc = prepC c in sc.s ++ fs sc.c ; oper mkAgr : {g : Gender ; n : Number ; p : Person} -> Agr = \r -> Ag r.g r.n r.p ; genderAgr : Agr -> Gender = \r -> case r of {Ag g _ _ => g} ; numberAgr : Agr -> Number = \r -> case r of {Ag _ n _ => n} ; personAgr : Agr -> Person = \r -> case r of {Ag _ _ p => p} ; -- Pronouns are the worst-case noun phrases, which have both case -- and possessive forms. param NPForm = NPCase Case | NPPoss GenNum Case ; -- Predeterminers sometimes require a case ("ausser mir"), sometimes not ("nur ich"). -- A number is sometimes inherited ("alle Menschen"), -- sometimes forced ("jeder von Mwnschen"). param PredetCase = NoCase | PredCase PCase ; PredetAgr = PAg Number | PAgNone ; oper noCase : {p : Str ; k : PredetCase} = {p = [] ; k = NoCase} ; --2 For $Adjective$ -- The predicative form of adjectives is not inflected further. param AForm = APred | AMod GenNum Case ; --2 For $Verb$ param VForm = VInf Bool -- True = with the particle "zu" | VFin Bool VFormFin -- True = prefix glued to verb | VImper Number -- prefix never glued | VPresPart AForm -- prefix always glued | VPastPart AForm ; param VFormFin = VPresInd Number Person | VPresSubj Number Person | VImpfInd Number Person --# notpresent | VImpfSubj Number Person --# notpresent ; param VPForm = VPFinite Mood Tense Anteriority | VPImperat Bool | VPInfinit Anteriority ; param VAux = VHaben | VSein ; param VType = VAct | VRefl Case ; -- The order of sentence is depends on whether it is used as a main -- clause, inverted, or subordinate. param Order = Main | Inv | Sub ; -- Main clause mood: "es sei, es wäre, es werde sein". -- Not relevant for $Fut$. --- Mood = MIndic | MConjunct ; --2 For $Relative$ RAgr = RNoAg | RAg Number Person ; --2 For $Numeral$ CardOrd = NCard Gender Case | NOrd AForm ; DForm = DUnit | DTeen | DTen ; --2 Transformations between parameter types oper agrP3 : Number -> Agr = agrgP3 Neutr ; agrgP3 : Gender -> Number -> Agr = \g,n -> Ag g n P3 ; gennum : Gender -> Number -> GenNum = \g,n -> case n of { Sg => GSg g ; Pl => GPl } ; -- Needed in $RelativeGer$. numGenNum : GenNum -> Number = \gn -> case gn of { GSg _ => Sg ; GPl => Pl } ; -- Used in $NounGer$. agrAdj : Gender -> Adjf -> Number -> Case -> AForm = \g,a,n,c -> let gn = gennum g n ; e = AMod (GSg Fem) Nom ; en = AMod (GSg Masc) Acc ; in case a of { Strong => AMod gn c ; _ => case of { => e ; => en ; => e ; _ => en } } ; -- This is used twice in NounGer. adjfCase : Adjf -> Case -> Adjf = \a,c -> case c of { Nom|Acc => a ; _ => Weak } ; vFin : Bool -> Mood -> Tense -> Agr -> VForm = \b,m,t,a -> let an = numberAgr a ; ap = personAgr a ; in case of { => VFin b (VPresInd an ap) ; => VFin b (VPresSubj an ap) ; --# notpresent => VFin b (VImpfInd an ap) ; --# notpresent => VFin b (VImpfSubj an ap) ; --# notpresent _ => VInf False --# notpresent } ; conjAgr : Agr -> Agr -> Agr = \a,b -> mkAgr { g = Neutr ; ---- n = conjNumber (numberAgr a) (numberAgr b) ; p = conjPerson (personAgr a) (personAgr b) } ; -- For $Lex$. -- For conciseness and abstraction, we first define a method for -- generating a case-dependent table from a list of four forms. oper caselist : (x1,_,_,x4 : Str) -> Case => Str = \n,a,d,g -> table { Nom => n ; Acc => a ; Dat => d ; Gen => g } ; -- For each lexical category, here are the worst-case constructors and -- some practical special cases. -- More paradigms are given in $ParadigmsGer$. -- The worst-case constructor for common nouns needs six forms: all plural forms -- are always the same except for the dative. Actually the six forms are never -- needed at the same time, but just subsets of them. Noun : Type = {s : Number => Case => Str ; g : Gender} ; mkN : (x1,_,_,_,_,x6 : Str) -> Gender -> Noun = \mann, mannen, manne, mannes, maenner, maennern, g -> { s = table { Sg => caselist mann mannen manne mannes ; Pl => caselist maenner maenner maennern maenner } ; g = g } ; -- Adjectives need four forms: two for the positive and one for the other degrees. Adjective : Type = {s : Degree => AForm => Str} ; mkA : (x1,_,_,x4 : Str) -> Adjective = \gut,gute,besser,best -> {s = table { Posit => adjForms gut gute ; Compar => adjForms besser besser ; Superl => adjForms best best } } ; -- Verbs need as many as 12 forms, to cover the variations with -- suffixes "t" and "st". Auxiliaries like "sein" will have to -- make extra cases even for this. Verb : Type = { s : VForm => Str ; prefix : Str ; aux : VAux ; vtype : VType } ; mkV : (x1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,x12 : Str) -> Str -> VAux -> Verb = \geben,gebe,gibst,gibt,gebt,gib, gab,gabst,gaben,gabt, gaebe,gegeben,ein,aux -> let einb : Bool -> Str -> Str = \b,geb -> if_then_Str b (ein + geb) geb ; in {s = table { VInf False => ein + geben ; VInf True => if_then_Str (isNil ein) ("zu" ++ geben) (ein + "zu" + geben) ; VFin b vf => einb b (case vf of { VPresInd Sg P1 => gebe ; VPresInd Sg P2 => gibst ; VPresInd Sg P3 => gibt ; VPresInd Pl P2 => gebt ; VPresInd Pl _ => geben ; VImpfInd Sg P2 => gabst ; --# notpresent VImpfInd Sg _ => gab ; --# notpresent VImpfInd Pl P2 => gabt ; --# notpresent VImpfInd Pl _ => gaben ; --# notpresent VImpfSubj Sg P2 => gaebe + "st" ; --# notpresent VImpfSubj Sg _ => gaebe ; --# notpresent VImpfSubj Pl P2 => gaebe + "t" ; --# notpresent VImpfSubj Pl _ => gaebe + "n" ; --# notpresent VPresSubj Sg P2 => init geben + "st" ; VPresSubj Sg _ => init geben ; VPresSubj Pl P2 => init geben + "t" ; VPresSubj Pl _ => geben }) ; VImper Sg => gib ; VImper Pl => gebt ; VPresPart a => ein + (regA (geben + "d")).s ! Posit ! a ; VPastPart a => ein + (regA gegeben).s ! Posit ! a } ; prefix = ein ; aux = aux ; vtype = VAct } ; -- To add a prefix (like "ein") to an already existing verb. prefixV : Str -> Verb -> Verb = \ein,verb -> let vs = verb.s ; geben = vs ! VInf False ; einb : Bool -> Str -> Str = \b,geb -> if_then_Str b (ein + geb) geb ; in {s = table { VInf False => ein + geben ; VInf True => if_then_Str (isNil ein) ("zu" ++ geben) (ein + "zu" + geben) ; VFin b vf => einb b (vs ! VFin b vf) ; VImper n => vs ! VImper n ; VPresPart a => ein + (regA (geben + "d")).s ! Posit ! a ; VPastPart a => ein + vs ! VPastPart a } ; prefix = ein ; aux = verb.aux ; vtype = verb.vtype } ; -- These functions cover many regular cases; full coverage inflectional patterns are -- defined in $MorphoGer$. mkN4 : (x1,_,_,x4 : Str) -> Gender -> Noun = \wein,weines,weine,weinen -> mkN wein wein wein weines weine weinen ; regA : Str -> Adjective = \blau -> let blauest : Str = case blau of { _ + ("t" | "d" | "s" | "sch" | "z") => blau + "est" ; _ => blau + "st" } in mkA blau blau (blau + "er") blauest ; regV : Str -> Verb = \legen -> let lege = init legen ; leg = init lege ; legt = leg + "t" ; legte = legt + "e" in mkV legen lege (leg+"st") legt legt leg legte (legte + "st") (legte + "n") (legte + "t") legte ("ge" + legt) [] VHaben ; -- Prepositions for complements indicate the complement case. Preposition : Type = {s : Str ; c : PCase} ; -- To apply a preposition to a complement. appPrep : Preposition -> (PCase => Str) -> Str = \prep,arg -> prep.s ++ arg ! prep.c ; -- To build a preposition from just a case. noPreposition : Case -> Preposition = \c -> {s = [] ; c = NPC c} ; -- Pronouns and articles -- Here we define personal and relative pronouns. -- All personal pronouns, except "ihr", conform to the simple -- pattern $mkPronPers$. mkPronPers : (x1,_,_,_,x5 : Str) -> Gender -> Number -> Person -> {s : NPForm => Str ; a : Agr} = \ich,mich,mir,meiner,mein,g,n,p -> { s = table { NPCase c => caselist ich mich mir meiner ! c ; NPPoss gn c => case pronEnding ! gn ! c of { "" => mein ; s => case of { => Predef.tk 2 meiner + s ; _ => mein + s } } } ; a = Ag g n p } ; pronEnding : GenNum => Case => Str = table { GSg Masc => caselist "" "en" "em" "es" ; GSg Fem => caselist "e" "e" "er" "er" ; GSg Neutr => caselist "" "" "em" "es" ; GPl => caselist "e" "e" "en" "er" } ; artDef : GenNum => Case => Str = table { GSg Masc => caselist "der" "den" "dem" "des" ; GSg Fem => caselist "die" "die" "der" "der" ; GSg Neutr => caselist "das" "das" "dem" "des" ; GPl => caselist "die" "die" "den" "der" } ; artDefContr : GenNum -> PCase -> Str = \gn,np -> case np of { NPC c => artDef ! gn ! c ; NPP p => case of { => "am" ; => "ins" ; => "im" ; => "zum" ; => "zum" ; => "zur" ; => "vom" ; _ => let sp = prepC np in sp.s ++ artDef ! gn ! sp.c } } ; -- This is used when forming determiners that are like adjectives. appAdj : Adjective -> Number => Gender => PCase => Str = \adj -> let ad : GenNum -> Case -> Str = \gn,c -> adj.s ! Posit ! AMod gn c in \\n,g,c => usePrepC c (\k -> case n of { Sg => ad (GSg g) k ; _ => ad GPl k }) ; -- This auxiliary gives the forms in each degree of adjectives. adjForms : (x1,x2 : Str) -> AForm => Str = \teuer,teur -> table { APred => teuer ; AMod (GSg Masc) c => caselist (teur+"er") (teur+"en") (teur+"em") (teur+"es") ! c ; AMod (GSg Fem) c => caselist (teur+"e") (teur+"e") (teur+"er") (teur+"er") ! c ; AMod (GSg Neut) c => caselist (teur+"es") (teur+"es") (teur+"em") (teur+"es") ! c ; AMod GPl c => caselist (teur+"e") (teur+"e") (teur+"en") (teur+"er") ! c } ; -- For $Verb$. VPC : Type = { s : Bool => Agr => VPForm => { -- True = prefix glued to verb fin : Str ; -- hat inf : Str -- wollen } } ; VP : Type = { s : Verb ; a1 : Polarity => Str ; -- nicht nn : Agr => Str * Str ; -- dich/deine Frau a2 : Str ; -- heute isAux : Bool ; -- is a double infinitive inf : Str ; -- sagen ext : Str ; -- dass sie kommt infExt : Str } ; predV : Verb -> VP = predVGen False ; useVP : VP -> VPC = \vp -> let isAux = vp.isAux ; verb = vp.s ; vfin : Bool -> Mood -> Tense -> Agr -> Str = \b,m,t,a -> verb.s ! vFin b m t a ; vinf = verb.s ! VInf False ; vpart = if_then_Str isAux vinf (verb.s ! VPastPart APred) ; vHaben = auxPerfect verb ; hat : Mood -> Tense -> Agr -> Str = \m,t,a -> vHaben ! vFin False m t a ; haben : Str = vHaben ! VInf False ; wird : Mood -> Agr -> Str = \m,a -> let an = numberAgr a ; ap = personAgr a ; in case m of { MIndic => werden_V.s ! VFin False (VPresInd an ap) ; MConjunct => werden_V.s ! VFin False (VPresSubj an ap) } ; wuerde : Agr -> Str = \a -> --# notpresent werden_V.s ! VFin False (VImpfSubj (numberAgr a) (personAgr a)) ; --# notpresent auf = verb.prefix ; vf : Bool -> Str -> Str -> {fin,inf : Str} = \b,fin,inf -> { fin = fin ; inf = if_then_Str b [] auf ++ inf --- negation of main b } ; in { s = \\b,a => table { VPFinite m t Simul => case t of { -- Pres | Past => vf (vfin m t a) [] ; -- the general rule Past => vf b (vfin b m t a) [] ; --# notpresent Fut => vf True (wird m a) vinf ; --# notpresent Cond => vf True (wuerde a) vinf ; --# notpresent Pres => vf b (vfin b m t a) [] } ; VPFinite m t Anter => case t of { --# notpresent Pres | Past => vf True (hat m t a) vpart ; --# notpresent Fut => vf True (wird m a) (vpart ++ haben) ; --# notpresent Cond => vf True (wuerde a) (vpart ++ haben) --# notpresent } ; --# notpresent VPImperat False => vf False (verb.s ! VImper (numberAgr a)) [] ; VPImperat True => vf False (verb.s ! VFin False (VPresSubj Pl P3)) [] ; VPInfinit Anter => vf True [] (vpart ++ haben) ; --# notpresent VPInfinit Simul => vf True [] (verb.s ! VInf b) } } ; predVGen : Bool -> Verb -> VP = \isAux, verb -> { s = { s = verb.s ; prefix = verb.prefix ; aux = verb.aux ; vtype = verb.vtype } ; a1 : Polarity => Str = negation ; nn : Agr => Str * Str = case verb.vtype of { VAct => \\_ => <[],[]> ; VRefl c => \\a => } ; a2 : Str = [] ; isAux = isAux ; ---- inf,ext,infExt : Str = [] } ; auxPerfect : Verb -> VForm => Str = \verb -> case verb.aux of { VHaben => haben_V.s ; VSein => sein_V.s } ; haben_V : Verb = mkV "haben" "habe" "hast" "hat" "habt" "hab" "hatte" "hattest" "hatten" "hattet" "hätte" "gehabt" [] VHaben ; werden_V : Verb = mkV "werden" "werde" "wirst" "wird" "werdet" "werd" "wurde" "wurdest" "wurden" "wurdet" "würde" "geworden" [] VSein ; werdenPass : Verb = mkV "werden" "werde" "wirst" "wird" "werdet" "werd" "wurde" "wurdest" "wurden" "wurdet" "würde" "worden" [] VSein ; sein_V : Verb = let sein = mkV "sein" "bin" "bist" "ist" "seid" "sei" "war" "warst" "waren" "wart" "wäre" "gewesen" [] VSein in {s = table { VFin _ (VPresInd Pl (P1 | P3)) => "sind" ; VFin _ (VPresSubj Sg P2) => (variants {"seiest" ; "seist"}) ; VFin _ (VPresSubj Sg _) => "sei" ; VFin _ (VPresSubj Pl P2) => "seiet" ; VFin _ (VPresSubj Pl _) => "seien" ; VPresPart a => (regA "seiend").s ! Posit ! a ; v => sein.s ! v } ; prefix = [] ; aux = VSein ; vtype = VAct } ; auxVV : Verb -> Verb ** {isAux : Bool} = \v -> v ** {isAux = True} ; negation : Polarity => Str = table { Pos => [] ; Neg => "nicht" } ; VPSlash = VP ** {c2 : Preposition} ; -- Extending a verb phrase with new constituents. insertObj : (Agr => Str) -> VP -> VP = insertObjNP False ; insertObjNP : Bool -> (Agr => Str) -> VP -> VP = \isPron, obj,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = vp.a1 ; nn = \\a => let vpnn = vp.nn ! a in case isPron of { True => ; False => < vpnn.p1, obj ! a ++ vpnn.p2> } ; a2 = vp.a2 ; isAux = vp.isAux ; inf = vp.inf ; ext = vp.ext ; infExt = vp.infExt } ; insertAdV : Str -> VP -> VP = \adv,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = \\a => adv ++ vp.a1 ! a ; -- immer nicht nn = vp.nn ; a2 = vp.a2 ; isAux = vp.isAux ; inf = vp.inf ; ext = vp.ext ; infExt = vp.infExt } ; insertAdv : Str -> VP -> VP = \adv,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = vp.a1 ; nn = vp.nn ; a2 = vp.a2 ++ adv ; isAux = vp.isAux ; inf = vp.inf ; ext = vp.ext ; infExt = vp.infExt } ; insertExtrapos : Str -> VP -> VP = \ext,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = vp.a1 ; nn = vp.nn ; a2 = vp.a2 ; isAux = vp.isAux ; inf = vp.inf ; ext = vp.ext ++ ext ; infExt = vp.infExt } ; insertInfExt : Str -> VP -> VP = \infExt,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = vp.a1 ; nn = vp.nn ; a2 = vp.a2 ; isAux = vp.isAux ; inf = vp.inf ; ext = vp.ext ; infExt = vp.infExt ++ infExt } ; insertInf : Str -> VP -> VP = \inf,vp -> { s = vp.s ; a1 = vp.a1 ; nn = vp.nn ; a2 = vp.a2 ; isAux = vp.isAux ; ---- inf = inf ++ vp.inf ; ext = vp.ext ; infExt = vp.infExt } ; -- For $Sentence$. Clause : Type = { s : Mood => Tense => Anteriority => Polarity => Order => Str } ; mkClause : Str -> Agr -> VP -> Clause = \subj,agr,vp -> let vps = useVP vp in { s = \\m,t,a,b,o => let ord = case o of { Sub => True ; -- glue prefix to verb _ => False } ; verb = vps.s ! ord ! agr ! VPFinite m t a ; neg = vp.a1 ! b ; obj0 = (vp.nn ! agr).p1 ; obj = (vp.nn ! agr).p2 ; compl = obj0 ++ neg ++ obj ++ vp.a2 ; -- from EG 15/5 inf = vp.inf ++ verb.inf ; extra = vp.ext ; inffin : Str = case of { => verb.fin ++ inf ; -- double inf --# notpresent _ => inf ++ verb.fin --- or just auxiliary vp } in case o of { Main => subj ++ verb.fin ++ compl ++ vp.infExt ++ inf ++ extra ; Inv => verb.fin ++ subj ++ compl ++ vp.infExt ++ inf ++ extra ; Sub => subj ++ compl ++ vp.infExt ++ inffin ++ extra -- Main => subj ++ verb.fin ++ compl ++ "[N]" ++ vp.infExt ++ "[/N]" ++ "[I]" ++ inf ++ "[/I]" ++ "[E]" ++ extra ++ "[/E]" ; -- Inv => verb.fin ++ subj ++ compl ++ inf ++ extra ; -- Sub => subj ++ compl ++ "(n)" ++ vp.infExt ++ "(/n)" ++ "(if)" ++ inffin ++ "(/if)" ++ "(e)" ++ extra ++ "(/e)" } } ; {- -- tests 27/5/2012 ich bin nicht alt ich bin nicht hier ich kenne dich nicht ich kenne deine Frau nicht ich bin nicht ein Kind / ich bin kein Kind (via no_Quant) ich schlafe nicht hier ich sage nicht, dass es regnet ich male es nicht blau ich schlafe nicht immer ich kenne dich nicht immer ich kann nicht schlafen es wird nicht besser -} infVP : Bool -> VP -> ((Agr => Str) * Str * Str * Str) = \isAux, vp -> let vps = useVP vp in < \\agr => (vp.nn ! agr).p1 ++ (vp.nn ! agr).p2 ++ vp.a2, vp.a1 ! Pos ++ (vps.s ! (notB isAux) ! agrP3 Sg ! VPInfinit Simul).inf, vp.inf, vp.ext > ; useInfVP : Bool -> VP -> Str = \isAux,vp -> let vpi = infVP isAux vp in vpi.p1 ! agrP3 Sg ++ vpi.p3 ++ vpi.p2 ; -- The nominative case is not used as reflexive, but defined here -- so that we can reuse this in personal pronouns. -- The missing Sg "ihrer" shows that a dependence on gender would -- be needed. reflPron : Agr => Case => Str = table { Ag _ Sg P1 => caselist "ich" "mich" "mir" "meiner" ; Ag _ Sg P2 => caselist "du" "dich" "dir" "deiner" ; Ag Masc Sg P3 => caselist "er" "sich" "sich" "seiner" ; Ag Fem Sg P3 => caselist "sie" "sich" "sich" "ihrer" ; Ag Neutr Sg P3 => caselist "es" "sich" "sich" "seiner" ; Ag _ Pl P1 => caselist "wir" "uns" "uns" "unser" ; Ag _ Pl P2 => caselist "ihr" "euch" "euch" "euer" ; Ag _ Pl P3 => caselist "sie" "sich" "sich" "ihrer" } ; conjThat : Str = "dass" ; conjThan : Str = "als" ; -- The infinitive particle "zu" is used if and only if $vv.isAux = False$. infPart : Bool -> Str = \b -> if_then_Str b [] "zu" ; heavyNP : {s : PCase => Str ; a : Agr} -> {s : PCase => Str ; a : Agr ; isPron : Bool} = \np -> np ** {isPron = False} ; oper relPron : GenNum => Case => Str = \\gn,c => case of { => "deren" ; => "dessen" ; => "denen" ; => "deren" ; _ => artDef ! gn ! c } ; }