concrete VerbRon of Verb = CatRon ** open Prelude, ResRon in { flags optimize=all_subs ; lin UseV = useVerb ; ComplVV v vp =insertSimpObj (\\a => "sã" ++ (flattenSimpleClitics vp.nrClit vp.clAcc vp.clDat (vp.isRefl ! a)) ++ conjVP vp a ++vp.comp ! a ++ vp.ext ! Pos) (useVerb v) ; ComplVS v s = insertExtrapos (\\b => conjThat ++ s.s ! (v.m ! b)) (predV v) ; ComplVQ v q = insertExtrapos (\\_ => q.s ! QIndir) (predV v) ; ComplVA v ap = insertSimpObj (\\a => ap.s ! AF a.g a.n Indef ANomAcc) (useVerb v) ; SlashV2a verb = {s = verb.s ; isRefl = verb.isRefl; nrClit = verb.nrClit; isFemSg = False ; pReflClit = verb.pReflClit ; neg = table {Pos => ""; Neg => "nu"} ; clAcc = RNoAg ; clDat = RNoAg ; comp = \\a => [] ; ext = \\p => [] ; c2 = verb.c2 ; needAgr = False ; needClit = True ; lock_VP = <>}; Slash2V3 v np = let s1 = v.c2.s ++(np.s ! (v.c2.c)).comp ; ss = case np.nForm of {HasRef False => s1 ; _ => v.c2.prepDir ++ s1 }; sir = if_then_Str np.isPronoun "" ss ; vcDa = case np.nForm of {HasClit => nextClit v.nrClit PDat ; _ => v.nrClit }; vcAc = case np.nForm of {HasClit => nextClit v.nrClit PAcc ; _ => v.nrClit } in case v.c2.isDir of {Dir PAcc => (insertObje (\\_ => sir) (clitFromNoun np Ac) RNoAg (isAgrFSg np.a) vcAc (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = False ; needClit = True ; c2 = v.c3} ; Dir PDat => (insertObje (\\_ => sir) RNoAg (clitFromNoun np Da) False vcDa (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = False ; needClit = True ; c2 = v.c3}; _ => (insertSimpObjPre (\\_ => ss) (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = False ; needClit = True ; c2 = v.c3} }; Slash3V3 v np = let s1 = v.c3.s ++ (np.s ! (v.c3.c)).comp ; ss = case np.nForm of {HasRef False => s1 ; _ => v.c3.prepDir ++ s1} ; sir = if_then_Str np.isPronoun "" ss ; vcDa = case np.nForm of {HasClit => nextClit v.nrClit PDat ; _ => v.nrClit }; vcAc = case np.nForm of {HasClit => nextClit v.nrClit PAcc ; _ => v.nrClit }; in case v.c3.isDir of {Dir PAcc => (insertObje (\\_ => sir) (clitFromNoun np Ac) RNoAg (isAgrFSg np.a) vcAc (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = False ; needClit = True ; c2 = v.c2} ; Dir PDat => (insertObje (\\_ => sir) RNoAg (clitFromNoun np Da) False vcDa (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = False ; needClit = True ; c2 = v.c2} ; _ => (insertSimpObjPre (\\_ => ss) (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = False ; needClit = True ;c2 = v.c2} }; -- needs fixing - agreement for the added verb must be made accordingly to what we add in ComplSlash !!! -- fixed with extra parameter ! SlashV2V v vp = (insertSimpObj (\\a => "sã" ++ (flattenSimpleClitics vp.nrClit vp.clAcc vp.clDat (vp.isRefl ! a)) ++ conjVP vp a ++ vp.comp ! a ++ vp.ext ! Pos) (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = True ; needClit = True ;c2 = v.c2} ; SlashV2S v s = (insertExtrapos (\\b => conjThat ++ s.s ! Indic) (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = False; needClit = True ;c2 = v.c2}; SlashV2Q v q = (insertExtrapos (\\_ => q.s ! QIndir) (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = False ; needClit = False ;c2 = v.c2 } ; -- more usually the adverbial form is used, hence no agreement SlashV2A v ap = (insertSimpObj (\\a => v.c2.s ++ ap.s ! (AF Masc Sg Indef (convCase v.c2.c))) (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = False ; needClit = True ; c2 = v.c2} ; ComplSlash vp np = let s1 = vp.c2.s ++(np.s ! (vp.c2.c)).comp ; ss = case np.nForm of { HasRef False => s1 ; _ => vp.c2.prepDir ++ s1 }; sir = if_then_Str np.isPronoun "" ss ; vcDa = case np.nForm of {HasClit => nextClit vp.nrClit PDat ; _ => vp.nrClit }; --if_then_else VClit np.hasClit (nextClit vp.nrClit PDat) vp.nrClit; vcAc = case np.nForm of {HasClit => nextClit vp.nrClit PAcc ; _ => vp.nrClit }; --if_then_else VClit np.hasClit (nextClit vp.nrClit PAcc) vp.nrClit; vpp = case vp.c2.isDir of {Dir PAcc => insertObje (\\_ => sir) (clitFromNoun np Ac) RNoAg (isAgrFSg np.a) vcAc vp ; Dir PDat => insertObje (\\_ => sir) RNoAg (clitFromNoun np Da) False vcDa vp; _ => insertSimpObjPre (\\_ => ss) vp } in {isRefl = vpp.isRefl; s = vpp.s ; isFemSg = vpp.isFemSg ; pReflClit = vp.pReflClit ; nrClit = vpp.nrClit; clAcc = vpp.clAcc ; clDat = vpp.clDat ; neg = vpp.neg ; comp = case vp.needAgr of {True => \\a => vpp.comp ! (np.a); _ => \\a => vpp.comp ! a }; ext = vpp.ext ; lock_VP = <> }; --add reflexive clitics ReflVP v = {isRefl = case v.c2.c of {Da => \\a => dRefl a; _ => \\a => aRefl a }; s = v.s ; isFemSg = v.isFemSg ; nrClit = case v.nrClit of {VNone => VRefl; _ => VMany }; clAcc = v.clAcc ; pReflClit = case v.c2.c of {Ac => Short ; _ => Composite}; clDat = v.clDat ; neg = v.neg ; comp = v.comp ; ext = v.ext ; lock_VP = <> }; SlashVV v vp = insertObjc (\\a => "sã" ++ (flattenSimpleClitics vp.nrClit vp.clAcc vp.clDat (vp.isRefl ! a)) ++ conjVP vp a ++ vp.comp ! a ++ vp.ext ! Pos) ((useVerb v) **{c2=vp.c2; needAgr= vp.needAgr ; needClit = False; lock_VPSlash = <>}) ; SlashV2VNP v np vp = let s1 = v.c2.s ++(np.s ! (v.c2.c)).comp ; ss = case np.nForm of {HasRef False => s1 ; _ => v.c2.prepDir ++ s1 }; sir = if_then_Str np.isPronoun "" ss ; vcDa = case np.nForm of {HasClit => nextClit v.nrClit PDat; _ => v.nrClit }; vcAc = case np.nForm of {HasClit => nextClit v.nrClit PAcc; _ => v.nrClit }; vvp = vp ** {lock_VP = <>}; vcomp = (getConjComp vvp np.a).s in case v.c2.isDir of {Dir PAcc => (insertObje (\\a => sir ++ vcomp ! a) (clitFromNoun np Ac) RNoAg (isAgrFSg np.a) vcAc (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = vp.needAgr ; needClit = False ;c2 = vp.c2} ; Dir PDat => (insertObje (\\a => sir ++ vcomp ! a) RNoAg (clitFromNoun np Da) False vcDa (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = vp.needAgr ; needClit = False ; c2 = vp.c2}; _ => (insertSimpObjPre (\\a => ss ++ vcomp ! a) (useVerb v)) ** {needAgr = vp.needAgr ; needClit = False ; c2 = vp.c2} }; UseComp comp = insertSimpObj comp.s copula ; UseCopula = copula ; CompAP ap = {s = \\ag => ap.s ! AF ag.g ag.n Indef ANomAcc} ; CompCN cn = { s = \\ag => cn.s ! ag.n ! Indef ! ANomAcc }; --- RE 7/12/2010 CompNP np = {s = \\_ => (np.s ! No).comp} ; CompAdv a = {s = \\_ => a.s} ; AdvVP vp adv = insertAdv adv.s vp ; AdVVP adv vp = insertAdv adv.s vp ; PassV2 v = insertSimpObj (\\a => v.s ! PPasse a.g a.n Indef ANomAcc) auxPassive ** {lock_VP = <>}; VPSlashPrep vp prep = vp ** {c2 = prep ; needAgr = False; needClit = True} ; ---- AR oper auxPassive = copula ; mkVPSlash : Compl -> VP -> VP ** {c2 : Compl} = \c,vp -> vp ** {c2 = c; needAgr = False; needClit = True} ; insertObjc : (Agr => Str) -> VPSlash -> VPSlash = \obj,vp -> insertSimpObj obj vp ** {c2 = vp.c2; needAgr = False ; needClit = True ; lock_VPSlash = <>} ; getConjComp : VP -> Agr -> {s: Agr => Str} = \vp,ag -> {s = \\a => "sã" ++ (flattenSimpleClitics vp.nrClit vp.clAcc vp.clDat (vp.isRefl ! a)) ++ conjVP vp ag ++ vp.comp ! a ++ vp.ext ! Pos}; };