--# -path=.:../romance:../abstract:../common:prelude instance DiffSpa of DiffRomance = open CommonRomance, PhonoSpa, BeschSpa, Prelude in { flags optimize=noexpand ; param Prepos = P_de | P_a ; VType = VHabere | VRefl ; oper dative : Case = CPrep P_a ; genitive : Case = CPrep P_de ; prepCase = \c -> case c of { Nom => [] ; Acc => [] ; CPrep P_de => "de" ; CPrep P_a => "a" } ; artDef : Gender -> Number -> Case -> Str = \g,n,c -> case of { => "del" ; => "al" ; => prepCase c ++ "el" ; => prepCase c ++ "la" ; => prepCase c ++ "los" ; => prepCase c ++ "las" } ; -- In these two, "de de/du/des" becomes "de". artIndef = \g,n,c -> case n of { Sg => prepCase c ++ genForms "un" "una" ! g ; _ => prepCase c -- ++ genForms "unos" "unas" ! g --- take this as a determiner } ; possCase = \_,_,c -> prepCase c ; partitive = \_,c -> prepCase c ; {- partitive = \g,c -> case c of { CPrep P_de => "de" ; _ => prepCase c ++ artDef g Sg (CPrep P_de) } ; -} conjunctCase : Case -> Case = \c -> case c of { Nom => Nom ; _ => Acc } ; auxVerb : VType -> (VF => Str) = \_ -> haber_V.s ; partAgr : VType -> VPAgr = \vtyp -> vpAgrNone ; vpAgrClit : Agr -> VPAgr = \a -> vpAgrNone ; pronArg = \n,p,acc,dat -> let paccp = case acc of { CRefl => ; CPron ag an ap => ; _ => <[],P2,False> } ; pdatp = case dat of { CPron ag an ap => ; _ => <[],P2,False> } ; peither = case acc of { CRefl | CPron _ _ _ => True ; _ => case dat of { CPron _ _ _ => True ; _ => False } } ; defaultPronArg = ---- defaultPronArg = in ---- case < : Person * Person> of { ---- => <"se" ++ paccp.p1, [], True> ; ---- _ => defaultPronArg --- } ; ---- 8/6/2008 efficiency problem in pgf generation: replace the case expr with ---- a constant produces an error in V3 predication with two pronouns defaultPronArg ; infForm _ _ _ _ = True ; mkImperative b p vp = \\pol,g,n => let pe = case b of {True => P3 ; _ => p} ; agr = {g = g ; n = n ; p = pe} ; clpr = ; ---- TODO: True if clit ---- clpr = <[],[],False> ; ----e pronArg agr.n agr.p vp.clAcc vp.clDat ; ----e verb = case of { ----e => (vp.s ! VPInfinit Simul clpr.p3).inf ! aag ; ----e _ => (vp.s ! VPImperat).fin ! agr ----e } ; verb = vp.s.s ! vImper n pe ; neg = vp.neg ! pol ; compl = neg.p2 ++ clpr.p2 ++ vp.comp ! agr ++ vp.ext ! pol in neg.p1 ++ verb ++ bindIf clpr.p3 ++ clpr.p1 ++ compl ; negation : RPolarity => (Str * Str) = table { RPos => <[],[]> ; RNeg _ => <"no",[]> } ; conjThan = "que" ; conjThat = "que" ; subjIf = "si" ; clitInf b cli inf = inf ++ bindIf b ++ cli ; relPron : Bool => AAgr => Case => Str = \\b,a,c => case c of { Nom | Acc => "que" ; CPrep P_a => "cuyo" ; _ => prepCase c ++ "cuyo" } ; pronSuch : AAgr => Str = aagrForms "tál" "tál" "tales" "tales" ; quelPron : AAgr => Str = aagrForms "cuál" "cuál" "cuales" "cuales" ; partQIndir = [] ; ---- ? reflPron : Number -> Person -> Case -> Str = \n,p,c -> let pro = argPron Fem n p c in case p of { P3 => case c of { Acc | CPrep P_a => "se" ; _ => "sí" } ; _ => pro } ; argPron : Gender -> Number -> Person -> Case -> Str = let cases : (x,y : Str) -> Case -> Str = \me,moi,c -> case c of { Acc | CPrep P_a => me ; _ => moi } ; cases3 : (x,y,z : Str) -> Case -> Str = \les,leur,eux,c -> case c of { Acc => les ; CPrep P_a => leur ; _ => eux } ; in \g,n,p -> case < : Gender * Number * Person> of { <_,Sg,P1> => cases "me" "mí" ; <_,Sg,P2> => cases "te" "tí" ; <_,Pl,P1> => cases "nos" "nosotras" ; --- nosotros <_,Pl,P2> => cases "vos" "vosotras" ; --- vosotros => cases3 "la" "le" "ella" ; <_, Sg,P3> => cases3 "lo" "le" "čl" ; => cases3 "las" "les" "ellas" ; <_, Pl,P3> => cases3 "los" "les" "ellos" } ; vRefl : VType = VRefl ; isVRefl : VType -> Bool = \ty -> case ty of { VRefl => True ; _ => False } ; auxPassive : Verb = verbBeschH (estar_2 "estar") ; copula = verbBeschH (ser_1 "ser") ; haber_V : Verb = verbBeschH (haber_3 "haber") ; verbBeschH : Verbum -> Verb = \v -> verbBesch v ** {vtyp = VHabere} ; subjPron = \_ -> [] ; polNegDirSubj = RPos ; }