#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include GU_DEFINE_TYPE(PgfExn, abstract, _); PgfPGF* pgf_read(const char* fpath, GuPool* pool, GuExn* err) { FILE* infile = fopen(fpath, "r"); if (infile == NULL) { gu_raise_errno(err); return NULL; } GuPool* tmp_pool = gu_new_pool(); // Create an input stream from the input file GuIn* in = gu_file_in(infile, tmp_pool); PgfReader* rdr = pgf_new_reader(in, pool, tmp_pool, err); PgfPGF* pgf = pgf_read_new(rdr, gu_type(PgfPGF), pool, NULL); gu_pool_free(tmp_pool); gu_return_on_exn(err, NULL); return pgf; } void pgf_load_meta_child_probs(PgfPGF* pgf, const char* fpath, GuPool* pool, GuExn* err) { FILE *fp = fopen(fpath, "r"); if (!fp) { gu_raise_errno(err); return; } GuPool* tmp_pool = gu_new_pool(); for (;;) { char cat1_s[21]; char cat2_s[21]; prob_t prob; if (fscanf(fp, "%20s\t%20s\t%f", cat1_s, cat2_s, &prob) < 3) break; prob = - log(prob); GuString cat1 = gu_str_string(cat1_s, tmp_pool); PgfCat* abscat1 = gu_map_get(pgf->abstract.cats, &cat1, PgfCat*); if (abscat1 == NULL) { gu_raise(err, PgfExn); goto close; } if (strcmp(cat2_s, "*") == 0) { abscat1->meta_prob = prob; } else if (strcmp(cat2_s, "_") == 0) { abscat1->meta_token_prob = prob; } else { GuString cat2 = gu_str_string(cat2_s, tmp_pool); PgfCat* abscat2 = gu_map_get(pgf->abstract.cats, &cat2, PgfCat*); if (abscat2 == NULL) { gu_raise(err, PgfExn); goto close; } if (abscat1->meta_child_probs == NULL) { abscat1->meta_child_probs = gu_map_type_new(PgfMetaChildMap, pool); } gu_map_put(abscat1->meta_child_probs, abscat2, prob_t, prob); } } close: gu_pool_free(tmp_pool); fclose(fp); } GuString pgf_abstract_name(PgfPGF* pgf) { return pgf->absname; } void pgf_iter_languages(PgfPGF* pgf, GuMapItor* fn, GuExn* err) { gu_map_iter(pgf->concretes, fn, err); } PgfConcr* pgf_get_language(PgfPGF* pgf, PgfCId lang) { return gu_map_get(pgf->concretes, &lang, PgfConcr*); } void pgf_iter_categories(PgfPGF* pgf, GuMapItor* fn, GuExn* err) { gu_map_iter(pgf->abstract.cats, fn, err); } PgfCId pgf_start_cat(PgfPGF* pgf, GuPool* pool) { GuPool* tmp_pool = gu_local_pool(); GuString s = gu_str_string("startcat", tmp_pool); PgfLiteral lit = gu_map_get(pgf->abstract.aflags, &s, PgfLiteral); if (gu_variant_is_null(lit)) return gu_str_string("S", pool); GuVariantInfo i = gu_variant_open(lit); switch (i.tag) { case PGF_LITERAL_STR: { PgfLiteralStr *lstr = (PgfLiteralStr *) i.data; return lstr->val; } } return gu_str_string("S", pool); } void pgf_iter_functions(PgfPGF* pgf, GuMapItor* fn, GuExn* err) { gu_map_iter(pgf->abstract.funs, fn, err); } void pgf_iter_functions_by_cat(PgfPGF* pgf, PgfCId catname, GuMapItor* fn, GuExn* err) { PgfCat* abscat = gu_map_get(pgf->abstract.cats, &catname, PgfCat*); if (abscat == NULL) { gu_raise(err, PgfExn); return; } size_t n_functions = gu_buf_length(abscat->functions); for (size_t i = 0; i < n_functions; i++) { PgfFunDecl* fun = gu_buf_get(abscat->functions, PgfFunDecl*, i); GuVariantInfo i = gu_variant_open(fun->ep.expr); switch (i.tag) { case PGF_EXPR_FUN: { PgfExprFun* efun = i.data; fn->fn(fn, &efun->fun, NULL, err); if (!gu_ok(err)) return; break; } default: gu_impossible(); } } } GuString pgf_print_name(PgfConcr* concr, PgfCId id) { PgfCId name = gu_map_get(concr->printnames, &id, PgfCId); if (gu_string_eq(name, gu_empty_string)) name = id; return name; } void pgf_linearize(PgfConcr* concr, PgfExpr expr, GuWriter* wtr, GuExn* err) { GuPool* tmp_pool = gu_local_pool(); GuEnum* cts = pgf_lzr_concretize(concr, expr, tmp_pool); PgfCncTree ctree = gu_next(cts, PgfCncTree, tmp_pool); if (!gu_variant_is_null(ctree)) { pgf_lzr_linearize_simple(concr, ctree, 0, wtr, err); } gu_pool_free(tmp_pool); } GuEnum* pgf_parse(PgfConcr* concr, PgfCId cat, PgfLexer *lexer, GuPool* pool) { // Begin parsing a sentence of the specified category PgfParseState* state = pgf_parser_init_state(concr, cat, 0, pool); if (state == NULL) { return NULL; } // Tokenization GuExn* lex_err = gu_new_exn(NULL, gu_kind(type), pool); PgfToken tok = pgf_lexer_read_token(lexer, lex_err); while (!gu_exn_is_raised(lex_err)) { // feed the token to get a new parse state state = pgf_parser_next_state(state, tok, pool); if (state == NULL) { return NULL; } tok = pgf_lexer_read_token(lexer, lex_err); } // Now begin enumerating the resulting syntax trees return pgf_parse_result(state, pool); } // Same as previous but accept a list of tokens as input instead of a // lexer GuEnum* pgf_parse_tokens(PgfConcr* concr, PgfCId cat, char **tokens, int len, GuPool* pool) { // Begin parsing a sentence of the specified category PgfParseState* state = pgf_parser_init_state(concr, cat, 0, pool); if (state == NULL) { return NULL; } // Parsing PgfToken tok; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { tok = gu_str_string(tokens[i], pool); state = pgf_parser_next_state(state, tok, pool); if (state == NULL) { return NULL; } } // Now begin enumerating the resulting syntax trees return pgf_parse_result(state, pool); } void pgf_print_chunks(PgfConcr* concr, PgfCId cat, PgfLexer *lexer, GuPool* pool) { // Begin parsing a sentence of the specified category PgfParseState* state = pgf_parser_init_state(concr, cat, 0, pool); if (state == NULL) { printf("\n"); return; } // Tokenization GuExn* lex_err = gu_new_exn(NULL, gu_kind(type), pool); PgfToken tok = pgf_lexer_read_token(lexer, lex_err); while (!gu_exn_is_raised(lex_err)) { // feed the token to get a new parse state state = pgf_parser_next_state(state, tok, pool); if (state == NULL) { printf("\n"); return; } tok = pgf_lexer_read_token(lexer, lex_err); } pgf_parse_print_chunks(state); }