module PGF.Morphology(Lemma,Analysis,Morpho,
                      missingWordMsg) where

import PGF.CId
import PGF.Data

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.List (intersperse)
import Data.Char (isDigit) ----

-- these 4 definitions depend on the datastructure used

type Lemma = CId
type Analysis = String

newtype Morpho = Morpho (Map.Map String [(Lemma,Analysis)])

buildMorpho :: PGF -> Language -> Morpho
buildMorpho pgf lang = Morpho $
  case Map.lookup lang (concretes pgf) of
    Just pinfo -> collectWords pinfo
    Nothing    -> Map.empty

collectWords pinfo = Map.fromListWith (++)
  [(t, [(fun,lbls ! l)]) | (CncCat s e lbls) <- Map.elems (cnccats pinfo)
                         , fid <- [s..e]
                         , PApply funid _ <- maybe [] Set.toList (IntMap.lookup fid (productions pinfo))
                         , let CncFun fun lins = cncfuns pinfo ! funid
                         , (l,seqid) <- assocs lins
                         , sym <- elems (sequences pinfo ! seqid)
                         , t <- sym2tokns sym]
    sym2tokns (SymKS ts)      = ts
    sym2tokns (SymKP ts alts) = ts ++ [t | Alt ts ps <- alts, t <- ts]
    sym2tokns _               = []

lookupMorpho :: Morpho -> String -> [(Lemma,Analysis)]
lookupMorpho (Morpho mo) s = maybe [] id $ Map.lookup s mo

isInMorpho :: Morpho -> String -> Bool
isInMorpho (Morpho mo) s = maybe False (const True) $ Map.lookup s mo

fullFormLexicon :: Morpho -> [(String,[(Lemma,Analysis)])]
fullFormLexicon (Morpho mo) = Map.toList mo

morphoMissing  :: Morpho -> [String] -> [String]
morphoMissing = morphoClassify False

morphoKnown    :: Morpho -> [String] -> [String]
morphoKnown = morphoClassify True

morphoClassify :: Bool -> Morpho -> [String] -> [String]
morphoClassify k mo ws = [w | w <- ws, k /= null (lookupMorpho mo w), notLiteral w] where
  notLiteral w = not (all isDigit w) ---- should be defined somewhere

missingWordMsg :: Morpho -> [String] -> String
missingWordMsg morpho ws = case morphoMissing morpho ws of
  [] -> ", but all words are known"
  ws -> "; unknown words: " ++ unwords ws