concrete StructuralChi of Structural = CatChi ** open ParadigmsChi, ResChi, Prelude in { flags coding = utf8 ; lin every_Det = mkDet "mei3" Sg ; this_Quant = mkQuant "zhe4" ; that_Quant = mkQuant "na3" ; i_Pron = pronNP "wo3" ; youSg_Pron = pronNP "ni3" ; he_Pron = pronNP "ta1" ; she_Pron = pronNP "ta1" ; we_Pron = pronNP "wo3men" ; youPl_Pron = pronNP "ni3men" ; they_Pron = pronNP "ta1men" ; very_AdA = ssword "fei1chang2" ; by8means_Prep = mkPrep [] "pang2bian1" mannerAdvType ; -- in_Prep = mkPrep "li3" []; --- in Paris in_Prep = mkPrep "zai4" "zhong1" ; --- in the house, the car, etc possess_Prep = mkPrep [] "de" ; with_Prep = mkPrep "he2" "yi1qi3" ; ---- with_Prep = mkPrep [] "he2"; -- an alternative for some uses and_Conj = {s = table { CPhr CNPhrase => mkConjForm "he2" ; CPhr CAPhrase => mkConjForm "er2" ; CPhr CVPhrase => mkConjForm "you4" ; CSent => mkConjForm "bing4qie3" --modified by chenpneg 11.19 } } ; or_Conj = {s = table { CPhr _ => mkConjForm "huo4" ; CSent => mkConjForm "hai2shi4" } } ; although_Subj = mkSubj "sui1ran2" "dan4"; because_Subj = mkSubj "yin1wei2" "suo3yi3" ; when_Subj = mkSubj [] "deshi2hou4" ; here_Adv = mkAdv "zhe4li3" ; there_Adv = mkAdv "na3li3" ; whoSg_IP, whoPl_IP = mkIPL "shei2" ; whatSg_IP, whatPl_IP = mkIPL " shen2ma" ; where_IAdv = mkIAdvL "na3li3" ; when_IAdv = mkIAdvL "shen2mashi2hou4" ; how_IAdv = mkIAdvL "ru2he2" ; all_Predet = ssword "suo3you3" ; many_Det = mkDet (word "hen3duo1") DTPoss ; someSg_Det = mkDet (word "yi1xie1") Sg ; somePl_Det = mkDet (word "yi1xie1") Sg ; few_Det = mkDet "shao3" Pl ; other_A = mkA "qi2ta1" ; oper mkIPL, mkIAdvL, mkAdA, mkIDetL, mkPConjL, mkIQuant = ssword ; -- hsk lin above_Prep = mkPrep [] "shang4bian1" ; after_Prep = mkPrep [] "yi3hou4" timeAdvType ; under_Prep = mkPrep [] "xia4" ; why_IAdv = mkIAdvL "wei2shen2ma" ; too_AdA = mkAdA "tai4" ; before_Prep = mkPrep [] "zhi1qian2" timeAdvType ; between_Prep = mkPrep [] "zhi1jian1" ; but_PConj = mkPConjL "dan4shi4" ; can_VV = mkVerb "neng2" [] [] [] [] "bu4" ; must_VV = mkVerb "bi4xu1" [] [] [] [] "bu4" ; ---- False "bu4neng2" want_VV = mkVerb "xiang3" [] [] [] [] "bu4" ; can8know_VV = mkV "hui4" [] [] [] [] "bu4" ; ---- except_Prep = mkPrep "yi3wai4" "chu2le" mannerAdvType ; for_Prep = mkPrep "wei2le" ; from_Prep = mkPrep "cong1" ; in8front_Prep = mkPrep zai_s "qian2bian1" ; it_Pron = pronNP "ta1" ; much_Det = mkDet "duo1" Sg ; no_Quant = mkQuant "bu4" ; not_Predet = ssword "bu4" ; otherwise_PConj = mkPConjL "hai2shi4" ; to_Prep = mkPrep "wang3" ; have_V2 = mkV2 (mkV "you3" "le" "zhao1" "zai4" "guo4" "mei2") ; yes_Utt = ss "dui4" ; no_Utt = ss neg_s ; lin always_AdV = ssword "yi1zhi2" ; part_Prep = mkPrep possessive_s ; language_title_Utt = ssword "zhong1wen2" ; please_Voc = ss "qing3" ; quite_Adv = mkAdA "de2hen3" ; -- just missing lin almost_AdA = ssword "ji1hu1" ; almost_AdN = ssword "ji1hu1" ; as_CAdv = {s = word "he2" ; p = word "yi1yang4" } ; -- modified by chenpeng 11.24 at_least_AdN = ssword "zui4shao3" ; -- at least five at_most_AdN = ssword "zui4duo1" ; behind_Prep = mkPrep "zai4" "hou4mian4" ; both7and_DConj = {s = table { -- modified by chenpeng 11.19 CPhr CNPhrase => mkConjForm2 "bao1kuo4" "he2" ; CPhr CAPhrase => mkConjForm2 "ji2" "you4" ; CPhr CVPhrase => mkConjForm2 "bu4dan4" "er2qie3" ; CSent => mkConjForm2 "bu4dan4" "er2qie3" } } ; by8agent_Prep = mkPrep "bei4" [] mannerAdvType; -- by for agent in passive -- [mark] 被 during_Prep = mkPrep "zai4" "qi1jian1" timeAdvType ; -- [mark] often equivalent to nothing -- translation for "he swam during this summer. " and "he swam this summer." are often the same either7or_DConj = {s = table { -- modified by chenpeng 11.19 CPhr CNPhrase => mkConjForm2 "huo4zhe3" "huo4zhe3" ; CPhr CAPhrase => mkConjForm2 "yao1ma" "yao1ma" ; CPhr CVPhrase => mkConjForm2 "yao1ma" "yao1ma" ; CSent => mkConjForm2 "yao1ma" "yao1ma" } } ; everybody_NP = ssword "mei3ge4ren2" ; -- [mark] "mei3ge4ren2": 每(every)+个(classifier)+人(person) everything_NP = ssword "mei3jian4shi4" ; -- [mark] "mei3jian4shi4": 每(every)+件(classifier)+事(thing) everywhere_Adv = mkAdv "dao4chu3" ; here7from_Adv = mkAdv "cong1zhe4li3" ; -- from here here7to_Adv = mkAdv "dao4zhe4li3" ; -- to here -- [mark] "cong1zhe4li3" 从(from) 这里(here) -- "dao4zhe4li3" 到( to ) 这里(here) how8many_IDet = mkIDet "duo1shao3" ; how8much_IAdv = ssword "duo1shao3" ; if_Subj = mkSubj "ru2guo3" [] ; --"jiu4" ; -- [mark] "jiu4" often comes between NP and VP less_CAdv = {s = than_s ; p = word "mei2geng1"} ; -- modified by chenpeng 11.24 more_CAdv = {s = than_s ; p = word "geng1"} ; -- modified by chenpeng 11.24 most_Predet = ssword "da4duo1shu3" ; if_then_Conj = {s = table { -- added by chenpeng 11.19 CPhr CNPhrase => mkConjForm [] ; CPhr CAPhrase => mkConjForm [] ; CPhr CVPhrase => mkConjForm [] ; CSent => mkConjForm2 "ru2guo3" "na3ma" } } ; nobody_NP = ssword "mei2ren2" ; nothing_NP = ssword "mei2you3shen2ma" ; on_Prep = mkPrep "zai4" "shang4" ; only_Predet = ssword "qi2you3" ; -- only John so_AdA = ssword "ru2ci3" ; somebody_NP = ssword "mou3ren2" ; something_NP = ssword "mou3shi4" ; -- [mark] in sent, it depends on the context somewhere_Adv = mkAdv "mou3chu3" ; that_Subj = mkSubj [] chcomma ; -- that + S [mark] comma there7from_Adv = mkAdv "cong1na3li3" ; -- from there there7to_Adv = mkAdv "dao4na3li3" ; therefore_PConj = ssword "yin1ci3" ; through_Prep = mkPrep "tong1guo4" ; which_IQuant = mkIQuant "na3" ; --which_IQuant = ssword [] ; -- [mark] in sent, it depends on the context without_Prep = mkPrep "mei2you3" [] mannerAdvType ; youPol_Pron = ssword "nin2" ; -- polite you }