--# -path=.:../abstract:../common -- documentation of English in any language instantiating Terminology incomplete concrete DocumentationEngFunctor of Documentation = CatEng ** open Terminology, ResEng, ParadigmsEng, (G = GrammarEng), (S = SyntaxEng), (L = LexiconEng), Prelude, HTML in { lincat Inflection = {s1,s2 : Str} ; Document = {s : Str} ; oper tdf : Str -> Str = \s -> td (intag "i" s) ; heading : N -> Str = \n -> (nounHeading n).s ; lin InflectionN noun = { s1 = heading1 (heading noun_Category) ; s2 = frameTable ( tr (th "" ++ th (heading singular_Parameter) ++ th (heading plural_Parameter) ) ++ tr (th (heading nominative_Parameter) ++ tdf (noun.s ! Sg ! Nom) ++ tdf (noun.s ! Pl ! Nom)) ++ tr (th (heading genitive_Parameter) ++ tdf (noun.s ! Sg ! Gen) ++ tdf (noun.s ! Pl ! Gen)) ) } ; InflectionA adj = { s1 = heading1 (heading adjective_Category) ; s2 = frameTable ( tr (th (heading positive_Parameter) ++ tdf (adj.s ! AAdj Posit Nom)) ++ tr (th (heading comparative_Parameter) ++ tdf (adj.s ! AAdj Compar Nom)) ++ tr (th (heading superlative_Parameter) ++ tdf (adj.s ! AAdj Superl Nom)) ++ tr (th (heading adverb_Category) ++ tdf (adj.s ! AAdv)) ) } ; InflectionV v = { s1= heading1 (heading verb_Category) ++ paragraph (intag "b" (heading exampleGr_N ++ ":") ++ intag "i" (verbExample (S.mkCl S.she_NP (lin V v)))) ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2 v = { s1= heading1 (heading verb_Category) ++ paragraph (intag "b" (heading exampleGr_N ++ ":") ++ intag "i" (verbExample (S.mkCl S.she_NP (lin V2 v) S.something_NP))) ; s2= inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2V v = { s1= heading1 (heading verb_Category) ++ paragraph (intag "b" (heading exampleGr_N ++ ":") ++ intag "i" (verbExample (S.mkCl S.she_NP (lin V2V v) S.we_NP (S.mkVP (L.sleep_V))))) ; s2= inflVerb v } ; --- InflectionVV v = inflectionVerb (verbExample (S.mkCl S.she_NP (lin VV v) (S.mkVP (L.sleep_V)))) (lin V v) ; MkDocument b i e = ss (i.s1 ++ paragraph b.s ++ i.s2 ++ paragraph e.s) ; oper verbExample : CatEng.Cl -> Str = \cl -> (S.mkUtt cl).s ; inflVerb : Verb -> Str = \verb -> frameTable ( tr (th (heading infinitive_Parameter) ++ tdf (verb.s ! VInf)) ++ tr (th (heading present_Parameter) ++ tdf (verb.s ! VPres)) ++ tr (th (heading past_Parameter) ++ tdf (verb.s ! VPast)) ++ --# notpresent tr (th (heading past_Parameter ++ heading participle_Parameter) ++ tdf (verb.s ! VPPart)) ++ tr (th (heading present_Parameter ++ heading participle_Parameter) ++ tdf (verb.s ! VPresPart)) ) ; }