--# -path=.:../abstract:../common incomplete concrete DocumentationItaFunctor of Documentation = CatIta ** open Terminology, -- the interface to be instantiated ResIta, CommonRomance, ParadigmsIta, (G = GrammarIta), (S = SyntaxIta), (L = LexiconIta), Prelude, HTML in { flags coding=utf8 ; lincat Inflection = {t : Str; s1,s2 : Str} ; Document = {s : Str} ; Tag = {s : Str} ; {- -} --# notpresent oper heading : N -> Str = \n -> (nounHeading n).s ; lin InflectionN, InflectionN3, InflectionN3 = \noun -> { t = "n" ; s1 = heading1 (heading noun_Category ++ case noun.g of { Masc => "("+heading masculine_Parameter+")" ; Fem => "("+heading feminine_Parameter+")" }) ; s2 = frameTable ( tr (th (heading singular_Parameter) ++ th (heading plural_Parameter)) ++ tr (td (noun.s ! Sg) ++ td (noun.s ! Pl)) ) } ; InflectionA, InflectionA2 = \adj -> { t = "a" ; s1 = heading1 (nounHeading adjective_Category).s ; s2 = frameTable ( tr (th "" ++ th (heading singular_Parameter) ++ th (heading plural_Parameter)) ++ tr (th (heading masculine_Parameter) ++ td (adj.s ! Posit ! (AF Masc Sg)) ++ td (adj.s ! Posit ! (AF Masc Pl))) ++ tr (th (heading feminine_Parameter) ++ td (adj.s ! Posit ! (AF Fem Sg)) ++ td (adj.s ! Posit ! (AF Fem Pl))) ) } ; InflectionAdv adv = { t = "adv" ; s1 = heading1 "Adverbe" ; s2 = paragraph adv.s } ; InflectionPrep p = { t = "prep" ; s1 = heading1 "Préposition" ; s2 = paragraph p.s } ; InflectionV v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 (heading verb_Category) ++ paragraph (verbExample (S.mkCl S.she_NP v)) ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2 v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 (heading verb_Category) ++ paragraph (verbExample (S.mkCl S.she_NP v S.something_NP)) ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; InflectionV3 v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 (heading verb_Category) ++ paragraph (verbExample (S.mkCl S.she_NP v S.something_NP S.something_NP)) ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2V v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 (heading verb_Category) ++ paragraph (verbExample (S.mkCl S.she_NP (lin V2V v) S.we_NP (S.mkVP (L.sleep_V)))) ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2S v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 (heading verb_Category) ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2Q v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 (heading verb_Category) ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; InflectionV2A v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 "Verb" ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; InflectionVV v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 (heading verb_Category) ++ paragraph (verbExample (S.mkCl S.she_NP v (S.mkVP (L.sleep_V)))) ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; InflectionVS v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 "Verb" ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; InflectionVQ v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 "Verb" ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; InflectionVA v = { t = "v" ; s1 = heading1 "Verb" ; s2 = inflVerb v } ; MkDocument b i e = ss (i.s1 ++ paragraph b.s ++ i.s2 ++ paragraph e.s) ; -- explanation appended in a new paragraph MkTag i = ss i.t ; oper verbExample : CatIta.Cl -> Str = \cl -> (S.mkUtt cl).s ++ ";" ++ (S.mkUtt (S.mkS S.anteriorAnt cl)).s --# notpresent ; inflVerb : Verb -> Str = \verb -> let vfin : CommonRomance.VF -> Str = \f -> verb.s ! f ; ttable : TMood -> Str = \tense -> frameTable ( tr (th "" ++ th (heading singular_Parameter) ++ th (heading plural_Parameter)) ++ tr (th "1.p" ++ td (vfin (VFin tense Sg P1)) ++ td (vfin (VFin tense Pl P1))) ++ tr (th "2.p" ++ td (vfin (VFin tense Sg P2)) ++ td (vfin (VFin tense Pl P2))) ++ tr (th "3.p" ++ td (vfin (VFin tense Sg P3)) ++ td (vfin (VFin tense Pl P3))) ) ; ttable2 : (Mood -> TMood) -> Str = \f -> frameTable ( tr (intagAttr "th" "colspan=2" "" ++ th (heading indicative_Parameter) ++ th (heading conjunctive_Parameter)) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "rowspan=3" (heading singular_Parameter) ++ th "1.p" ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Indic) Sg P1)) ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Conjunct) Sg P1))) ++ tr (th "2.p" ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Indic) Sg P2)) ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Conjunct) Sg P2))) ++ tr (th "3.p" ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Indic) Sg P3)) ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Conjunct) Sg P3))) ++ tr (intagAttr "th" "rowspan=3" (heading plural_Parameter) ++ th "1.p" ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Indic) Pl P1)) ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Conjunct) Pl P1))) ++ tr (th "2.p" ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Indic) Pl P2)) ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Conjunct) Pl P2))) ++ tr (th "3.p" ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Indic) Pl P3)) ++ td (vfin (VFin (f Conjunct) Pl P3))) ) ; in heading2 (heading present_Parameter) ++ ttable2 VPres ++ heading2 (heading imperfect_Parameter) ++ ttable2 VImperf ++ heading2 (heading simple_past_Parameter) ++ --# notpresent ttable VPasse --# notpresent ++ heading2 (heading future_Parameter) ++ --# notpresent ttable VFut --# notpresent ++ heading2 (heading conditional_Parameter) ++ --# notpresent ttable VCondit --# notpresent ++ heading2 (heading infinitive_Parameter) ++ paragraph (vfin (VInfin False)) ++ heading2 (heading imperative_Parameter) ++ frameTable ( tr (th "sg.2.p" ++ td (vfin (VImper SgP2))) ++ tr (th "pl.1.p" ++ td (vfin (VImper PlP1))) ++ tr (th "pl.2.p" ++ td (vfin (VImper PlP2))) ) ++ heading2 (heading participle_Parameter) ++ frameTable ( tr (th (heading past_Parameter) ++ td (vfin (VPart Masc Sg))) ++ tr (th (heading present_Parameter) ++ td (vfin VGer)) ) ; {- --# notpresent -} }