--# -path=.:../prelude --1 A Simple Latin Resource Morphology. -- Herbert Lange 2013 -- This resource morphology contains definitions needed in the resource -- syntax. To build a lexicon, it is better to use $ParadigmsLat$, which -- gives a higher-level access to this module. resource MorphoLat = ParamX, ResLat ** open Prelude in { -- -- flags optimize=all ; -- ----2 Phonology oper -- sounds and sound changes vowel : pattern Str = #( "a" | "e" | "o" | "u" | "y" ); semivowel : pattern Str = #( "j" | "w" ); consonant : pattern Str = #( "p" | "b" | "f" | "v" | "m" | "t" | "d" | "s" | "z" | "n" | "r" | "c" | "g" | "l" | "q" | "qu" | "h" ); stop : pattern Str = #( "p" | "b" | "t" | "d" | "c" | "q" | "q" ); fricative : pattern Str = #( "f" | "v" | "s" | "z" | "h" ); nasal : pattern Str = #( "m" | "n" ); liquid : pattern Str = #( "r" | "l" ); -- consonant : pattern Str = #(#stop | #fricative | #nasal | #liquid ); -- not working ----2 Nouns -- declensions oper -- a-Declension noun1 : Str -> Noun = \mensa -> let mensae = mensa + "e" ; mensis = init mensa + "is" ; in mkNoun mensa (mensa +"m") mensae mensae mensa mensa mensae (mensa + "s") (mensa + "rum") mensis Fem ; -- o-Declension noun2us : Str -> Noun = \servus -> let serv = Predef.tk 2 servus ; servum = serv + "um" ; servi = serv + "i" ; servo = serv + "o" ; in mkNoun servus servum servi servo servo (serv + "e") servi (serv + "os") (serv + "orum") (serv + "is") Masc ; noun2er : Str -> Str -> Noun = \liber,libri -> let libr : Str = Predef.tk 1 libri; librum = libr + "um" ; libri = libr + "i" ; libro = libr + "o" ; in mkNoun liber librum libri libro libro liber libri ( libr + "os" ) ( libr + "orum" ) ( libr + "is" ) Masc ; noun2um : Str -> Noun = \bellum -> let bell = Predef.tk 2 bellum ; belli = bell + "i" ; bello = bell + "o" ; bella = bell + "a" ; in mkNoun bellum bellum belli bello bello (bell + "um") bella bella (bell + "orum") (bell + "is") Neutr ; -- Consonant declension noun3c : Str -> Str -> Gender -> Noun = \rex,regis,g -> let reg : Str = Predef.tk 2 regis ; regemes : Str * Str = case g of { Masc | Fem => < reg + "em" , reg + "es" > ; Neutr => < rex , reg + "a" > } ; in mkNoun rex regemes.p1 ( reg + "is" ) ( reg + "i" ) ( reg + "e" ) rex regemes.p2 regemes.p2 ( reg + "um" ) ( reg + "ibus" ) g ; -- i-declension noun3i : Str -> Str -> Gender -> Noun = \ars,artis,g -> let art : Str = Predef.tk 2 artis ; artemes : Str * Str = case g of { Masc | Fem => < art + "em" , art + "es" > ; Neutr => case art of { _ + #consonant + #consonant => < ars , art + "a" > ; -- maybe complete fiction but may be working _ => < ars , art + "ia" > -- Bayer-Lindauer 32 4 } } ; arte : Str = case ars of { _ + ( "e" | "al" | "ar" ) => art + "i" ; _ => art + "e" }; in mkNoun ars artemes.p1 ( art + "is" ) ( art + "i" ) arte ars artemes.p2 artemes.p2 ( art + "ium" ) ( art + "ibus" ) g ; -- u-Declension noun4us : Str -> Noun = \fructus -> let fructu = init fructus ; fruct = init fructu in mkNoun fructus (fructu + "m") fructus (fructu + "i") fructu fructus fructus fructus (fructu + "um") (fruct + "ibus") Masc ; noun4u : Str -> Noun = \cornu -> let corn = init cornu ; cornua = cornu + "a" in mkNoun cornu cornu (cornu + "s") cornu cornu cornu cornua cornua (cornu + "um") (corn + "ibus") Neutr ; -- e-Declension noun5 : Str -> Noun = \res -> let re = init res ; rei = re + "i" in mkNoun res (re+ "m") rei rei re res res res (re + "rum") (re + "bus") Fem ; -- smart paradigms noun_ngg : Str -> Str -> Gender -> Noun = \verbum,verbi,g -> let s : Noun = case of { <_ + "a", _ + "ae"> => noun1 verbum ; <_ + "us", _ + "i"> => noun2us verbum ; <_ + "um", _ + "i"> => noun2um verbum ; <_ + ( "er" | "ir" ) , _ + "i"> => noun2er verbum verbi ; <_ + "us", _ + "us"> => noun4us verbum ; <_ + "u", _ + "us"> => noun4u verbum ; <_ + "es", _ + "ei"> => noun5 verbum ; _ => noun3 verbum verbi g } in nounWithGen g s ; noun : Str -> Noun = \verbum -> case verbum of { _ + "a" => noun1 verbum ; _ + "us" => noun2us verbum ; _ + "um" => noun2um verbum ; _ + ( "er" | "ir" ) => noun2er verbum ( (Predef.tk 2 verbum) + "ri" ) ; _ + "u" => noun4u verbum ; _ + "es" => noun5 verbum ; _ => Predef.error ("3rd declinsion cannot be applied to just one noun form " ++ verbum) } ; noun12 : Str -> Noun = \verbum -> case verbum of { _ + "a" => noun1 verbum ; _ + "us" => noun2us verbum ; _ + "um" => noun2um verbum ; _ + ( "er" | "ir" ) => let puer = verbum ; pue = Predef.tk 1 puer ; e = case puer of { -- Exception of nouns where e is part of the word stem Bayer-Lindauer 27 4.2 "puer" | "socer" | "gener" | "vesper" => "e" ; -- Exception of adjectives where e is part of the word stem 31 3.2 ("asper" | "miser" | "tener" | "frugifer") + _ => "e"; -- "liber" => ( "e" | "" ) ; conflicting with noun liber _ => "" } ; pu = Predef.tk 1 pue ; in noun2er verbum ( pu + e + "ri" ); _ => Predef.error ("noun12 does not apply to" ++ verbum) } ; noun3 : Str -> Str -> Gender -> Noun = \rex,regis,g -> let reg : Str = Predef.tk 2 regis ; in case of { -- Bos has to many exceptions to be handled correctly < "bos" , "bov" > => mkNoun "bos" "bovem" "bovis" "bovi" "bove" "bos" "boves" "boves" "boum" "bobus" g; -- Some exceptions with no fitting rules < "nix" , _ > => noun3i rex regis g; -- L... < ( "sedes" | "canis" | "iuvenis" | "mensis" | "sal" ) , _ > => noun3c rex regis g ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 31 3 and Exercitia Latina 32 b), sal must be handled here because it will be handled wrongly by the next rule < _ + ( "e" | "al" | "ar" ) , _ > => noun3i rex regis g ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 32 2.3 < _ + "ter", _ + "tr" > => noun3c rex regis g ; -- might not be right but seems fitting for Bayer-Lindauer 31 2.2 < _ , _ + #consonant + #consonant > => noun3i rex regis g ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 32 2.2 < _ + ( "is" | "es" ) , _ > => if_then_else Noun -- assumption based on Bayer-Lindauer 32 2.1 ( pbool2bool ( Predef.eqInt ( Predef.length rex ) ( Predef.length regis ) ) ) ( noun3i rex regis g ) ( noun3c rex regis g ) ; _ => noun3c rex regis g } ; ----3 Proper names ----2 Determiners ----2 Pronouns ----2 Adjectives oper comp_super : Noun -> ( Agr => Str ) * ( Agr => Str ) = \bonus -> case bonus.s!Sg!Gen of { -- Exception Bayer-Lindauer 50 1 "boni" => < comp "meli" , table { Ag g n c => table Gender [ (noun2us "optimus").s ! n ! c ; (noun1 "optima").s ! n ! c ; (noun2um "optimum").s ! n ! c ] ! g } > ; "mali" => < comp "pei" , super "pessus" > ; "magni" => < comp "mai" , table { Ag g n c => table Gender [ (noun2us "maximus").s ! n ! c ; (noun1 "maxima").s ! n ! c ; (noun2um "maximum").s ! n ! c ] ! g } > ; "parvi" => < comp "mini" , table { Ag g n c => table Gender [ (noun2us "minimus").s ! n ! c ; (noun1 "minima").s ! n ! c ; (noun2um "minimum").s ! n ! c ] ! g } >; --Exception Bayer-Lindauer 50.3 "novi" => < comp "recenti" , super "recens" > ; "feri" => < comp "feroci" , super "ferox" > ; "sacris" => < comp "sancti" , super "sanctus" >; "frugiferi" => < comp "fertilis" , super "fertilis" > ; "veti" => < comp "vetusti" , super "vetustus" >; "inopis" => < comp "egentis" , super "egens" >; -- Default Case use Singular Genetive to determine comparative sggen => < comp sggen , super (bonus.s!Sg!Nom) > } ; comp : Str -> ( Agr => Str ) = \boni -> -- Bayer-Lindauer 46 2 case boni of { bon + ( "i" | "is" ) => table { Ag ( Fem | Masc ) Sg c => table Case [ bon + "ior" ; bon + "iorem" ; bon + "ioris" ; bon + "iori" ; bon + "iore"; bon + "ior" ] ! c ; Ag ( Fem | Masc ) Pl c => table Case [ bon + "iores" ; bon + "iores" ; bon + "iorum" ; bon + "ioribus" ; bon + "ioribus" ; bon + "iores" ] ! c ; Ag Neutr Sg c => table Case [ bon + "ius" ; bon + "ius" ; bon + "ioris" ; bon + "iori" ; bon + "iore" ; bon + "ius" ] ! c ; Ag Neutr Pl c => table Case [ bon + "iora" ; bon + "iora" ; bon + "iorum" ; bon + "ioribus" ; bon + "ioribus" ; bon + "iora" ] ! c } } ; super : Str -> ( Agr => Str ) = \bonus -> let prefix : Str = case bonus of { ac + "er" => bonus ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 48 2 faci + "lis" => faci + "l" ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 48 3 feli + "x" => feli + "c" ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 48 1 ege + "ns" => ege + "nt" ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 48 1 bon + ( "us" | "is") => bon -- Bayer-Lindauer 48 1 }; suffix : Str = case bonus of { ac + "er" => "rim" ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 48 2 faci + "lis" => "lim" ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 48 3 _ => "issim" -- Bayer-Lindauer 48 1 }; in table { Ag Fem n c => (noun1 ( prefix + suffix + "a" )).s ! n ! c ; Ag Masc n c => (noun2us ( prefix + suffix + "us" )).s ! n ! c; Ag Neutr n c => (noun2um ( prefix + suffix + "um" )).s ! n ! c } ; adj12 : Str -> Adjective = \bonus -> let bon : Str = case bonus of { -- Exceptions Bayer-Lindauer 41 3.2 ("asper" | "liber" | "miser" | "tener" | "frugifer") => bonus ; -- Usual cases pulch + "er" => pulch + "r" ; bon + "us" => bon ; _ => Predef.error ("adj12 does not apply to" ++ bonus) } ; nbonus = (noun12 bonus) ; compsup : ( Agr => Str ) * ( Agr => Str ) = -- Bayer-Lindauer 50 4 case bonus of { (_ + #vowel + "us" ) | (_ + "r" + "us" ) => < table { Ag g n c => table Gender [ ( noun12 bonus ).s ! n ! c ; ( noun12 ( bon + "a" ) ).s ! n ! c ; ( noun12 ( bon + "um" ) ).s ! n ! c ] ! g } , table { Ag g n c => table Gender [ ( noun12 bonus ).s ! n ! c ; ( noun12 ( bon + "a" ) ).s ! n ! c ; ( noun12 ( bon + "um" ) ).s ! n ! c ] ! g } > ; _ => comp_super nbonus }; advs : Str * Str = case bonus of { -- Bayer-Lindauer 50 4 idon + #vowel + "us" => < "magis" , "maxime" > ; _ => < "" , "" > } in mkAdjective nbonus (noun1 (bon + "a")) (noun2um (bon + "um")) < compsup.p1 , advs.p1 > < compsup.p2 , advs.p2 > ; adj3x : (_,_ : Str) -> Adjective = \acer,acris -> let ac = Predef.tk 2 acer ; acrise : Str * Str = case acer of { _ + "er" => ; _ + "is" => ; _ => } ; nacer = (noun3adj acer acris Masc) ; compsuper = comp_super nacer; in mkAdjective nacer (noun3adj acrise.p1 acris Fem) (noun3adj acrise.p2 acris Neutr) < compsuper.p1 , "" > < compsuper.p2 , "" > ; -- smart paradigms adj123 : Str -> Str -> Adjective = \bonus,boni -> case of { <_ + ("us" | "er"), _ + "i" > => adj12 bonus ; <_ + ("us" | "er"), _ + "is"> => adj3x bonus boni ; <_ , _ + "is"> => adj3x bonus boni ; <_ + "is" , _ + "e" > => adj3x bonus boni ; _ => Predef.error ("adj123: not applicable to" ++ bonus ++ boni) } ; adj : Str -> Adjective = \bonus -> case bonus of { _ + ("us" | "er") => adj12 bonus ; facil + "is" => adj3x bonus bonus ; feli + "x" => adj3x bonus (feli + "cis") ; _ => adj3x bonus (bonus + "is") ---- any example? } ; ----3 Verbs -- 1./a-conjugation verb1 : Str -> Verb = \laudare -> let lauda = Predef.tk 2 laudare ; laud = init lauda ; laudav = lauda + "v" ; pres_stem = lauda ; pres_ind_base = lauda ; pres_conj_base = laud + "e" ; impf_ind_base = lauda + "ba" ; impf_conj_base = lauda + "re" ; fut_I_base = lauda + "bi" ; imp_base = lauda ; perf_stem = laudav ; perf_ind_base = laudav ; perf_conj_base = laudav + "eri" ; pqperf_ind_base = laudav + "era" ; pqperf_conj_base = laudav + "isse" ; fut_II_base = laudav + "eri" ; part_stem = lauda + "t" ; in mkVerb laudare pres_stem pres_ind_base pres_conj_base impf_ind_base impf_conj_base fut_I_base imp_base perf_stem perf_ind_base perf_conj_base pqperf_ind_base pqperf_conj_base fut_II_base part_stem ; -- 2./e-conjugation verb2 : Str -> Verb = \monere -> let mone = Predef.tk 2 monere ; mon = init mone ; monu = mon + "u" ; pres_stem = mone ; pres_ind_base = mone ; pres_conj_base = mone + "a" ; impf_ind_base = mone + "ba" ; impf_conj_base = mone + "re" ; fut_I_base = mone + "bi" ; imp_base = mone ; perf_stem = monu ; perf_ind_base = monu ; perf_conj_base = monu + "eri" ; pqperf_ind_base = monu + "era" ; pqperf_conj_base = monu + "isse" ; fut_II_base = monu + "eri" ; part_stem = mon + "it" ; in mkVerb monere pres_stem pres_ind_base pres_conj_base impf_ind_base impf_conj_base fut_I_base imp_base perf_stem perf_ind_base perf_conj_base pqperf_ind_base pqperf_conj_base fut_II_base part_stem ; -- 3./Consonant conjugation verb3c : ( regere,rexi,rectus : Str ) -> Verb = \regere,rexi,rectus -> let rege = Predef.tk 2 regere ; reg = init rege ; rex = init rexi ; rect = Predef.tk 2 rectus ; pres_stem = reg ; pres_ind_base = reg ; pres_conj_base = reg + "a" ; impf_ind_base = reg + "eba" ; impf_conj_base = reg + "ere" ; fut_I_base = rege ; imp_base = reg ; perf_stem = rex ; perf_ind_base = rex ; perf_conj_base = rex + "eri" ; pqperf_ind_base = rex + "era" ; pqperf_conj_base = rex + "isse" ; fut_II_base = rex + "eri" ; part_stem = rect ; in mkVerb regere pres_stem pres_ind_base pres_conj_base impf_ind_base impf_conj_base fut_I_base imp_base perf_stem perf_ind_base perf_conj_base pqperf_ind_base pqperf_conj_base fut_II_base part_stem ; -- 3./i-conjugation verb3i : ( capere,cepi,captus : Str ) -> Verb = \capere,cepi,captus -> let cape = Predef.tk 2 capere ; cap = init cape ; capi = cap + "i" ; cep = init cepi ; capt = Predef.tk 2 captus ; pres_stem = capi ; pres_ind_base = capi ; pres_conj_base = capi + "a" ; impf_ind_base = capi + "eba" ; impf_conj_base = cape + "re" ; fut_I_base = capi + "e" ; imp_base = cap ; perf_stem = cep ; perf_ind_base = cep ; perf_conj_base = cep + "eri" ; pqperf_ind_base = cep + "era" ; pqperf_conj_base = cep + "isse" ; fut_II_base = cep + "eri" ; part_stem = capt ; in mkVerb capere pres_stem pres_ind_base pres_conj_base impf_ind_base impf_conj_base fut_I_base imp_base perf_stem perf_ind_base perf_conj_base pqperf_ind_base pqperf_conj_base fut_II_base part_stem ; -- 4./i-conjugation verb4 : Str -> Verb = \audire -> let audi = Predef.tk 2 audire ; audiv = audi + "v" ; pres_stem = audi ; pres_ind_base = audi ; pres_conj_base = audi + "a" ; impf_ind_base = audi + "eba" ; impf_conj_base = audi + "re" ; fut_I_base = audi +"e" ; imp_base = audi ; perf_stem = audiv ; perf_ind_base = audiv ; perf_conj_base = audiv + "eri" ; pqperf_ind_base = audiv + "era" ; pqperf_conj_base = audiv + "isse" ; fut_II_base = audiv + "eri" ; part_stem = audi + "t" ; in mkVerb audire pres_stem pres_ind_base pres_conj_base impf_ind_base impf_conj_base fut_I_base imp_base perf_stem perf_ind_base perf_conj_base pqperf_ind_base pqperf_conj_base fut_II_base part_stem ; -- deponent verb -- 1./a-conjugation deponent1 : Str -> Verb = \hortari -> let horta = Predef.tk 2 hortari ; hort = init horta ; pres_stem = horta ; pres_ind_base = horta ; pres_conj_base = hort + "e" ; impf_ind_base = horta + "ba" ; impf_conj_base = horta + "re" ; fut_I_base = horta + "bi" ; imp_base = horta ; part_stem = horta + "t" ; in mkDeponent hortari pres_stem pres_ind_base pres_conj_base impf_ind_base impf_conj_base fut_I_base imp_base part_stem ; -- 2./e-conjugation deponent2 : Str -> Verb = \vereri -> let vere = Predef.tk 2 vereri ; ver = init vere ; pres_stem = vere ; pres_ind_base = vere ; pres_conj_base = vere + "a" ; impf_ind_base = vere + "ba" ; impf_conj_base = vere + "re" ; fut_I_base = vere + "bi" ; imp_base = vere ; part_stem = ver + "it" ; in mkDeponent vereri pres_stem pres_ind_base pres_conj_base impf_ind_base impf_conj_base fut_I_base imp_base part_stem ; -- 3./Consonant conjugation deponent3c : ( sequi,sequor,secutus : Str ) -> Verb = \sequi,sequor,secutus -> let sequ = Predef.tk 2 sequor ; secu = Predef.tk 3 secutus ; pres_stem = sequ ; pres_ind_base = sequ ; pres_conj_base = sequ + "a" ; impf_ind_base = sequ + "eba" ; impf_conj_base = sequ + "ere" ; fut_I_base = sequ + "e" ; imp_base = sequi ; part_stem = secu + "t" ; in mkDeponent sequi pres_stem pres_ind_base pres_conj_base impf_ind_base impf_conj_base fut_I_base imp_base part_stem ; -- 3./i-conjugation deponent3i : ( pati,patior,passus : Str ) -> Verb = \pati,patior,passus -> let pat = init pati ; pass = Predef.tk 2 passus ; pres_stem = pati ; pres_ind_base = pati ; pres_conj_base = pati + "a" ; impf_ind_base = pati + "eba" ; impf_conj_base = pat + "ere" ; fut_I_base = pati + "e" ; imp_base = pati ; part_stem = pass ; in mkDeponent pati pres_stem pres_ind_base pres_conj_base impf_ind_base impf_conj_base fut_I_base imp_base part_stem ; -- 4./i-conjugation deponent4 : Str -> Verb = \largiri -> let largi = Predef.tk 2 largiri ; pres_stem = largi ; pres_ind_base = largi ; pres_conj_base = largi + "a" ; impf_ind_base = largi + "eba" ; impf_conj_base = largi + "re" ; fut_I_base = largi + "e" ; imp_base = largi ; part_stem = largi + "t" ; in mkDeponent largiri pres_stem pres_ind_base pres_conj_base impf_ind_base impf_conj_base fut_I_base imp_base part_stem ; -- smart paradigms verb_ippp : (iacere,iacio,ieci,iactus : Str) -> Verb = \iacere,iacio,ieci,iactus -> case iacere of { _ + "ari" => deponent1 iacere ; _ + "eri" => deponent2 iacere ; _ + "iri" => deponent4 iacere ; _ + "i" => case iacio of { _ + "ior" => deponent3i iacere iacio iactus ; _ => deponent3c iacere iacio iactus } ; _ + "are" => verb1 iacere ; _ + "ire" => verb4 iacere ; -- ieci iactus ; _ + "ere" => case iacio of { _ + #consonant + "o" => verb3c iacere ieci iactus ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 74 1 _ + "eo" => verb2 iacere ; _ + ( "i" | "u" ) + "o" => verb3i iacere ieci iactus ; -- Bayer-Linduaer 74 1 _ => verb3c iacere ieci iactus } ; _ => Predef.error ("verb_ippp: illegal infinitive form" ++ iacere) } ; verb : (iacere : Str) -> Verb = \iacere -> case iacere of { _ + "ari" => deponent1 iacere ; _ + "eri" => deponent2 iacere ; _ + "iri" => deponent4 iacere ; _ + "are" => verb1 iacere ; _ + "ire" => let iaci = Predef.tk 2 iacere in verb4 iacere ; -- (iaci + "vi") (iaci + "tus") ; _ + "ere" => verb2 iacere ; _ => Predef.error ("verb: illegal infinitive form" ++ iacere) } ; }