--# -path=.:../abstract:../common:../prelude --1 Latin auxiliary operations. resource ResLat = ParamX ** open Prelude,TenseX in { param Case = Nom | Acc | Gen | Dat | Abl | Voc ; Gender = Masc | Fem | Neutr ; -- Degree = DPos | DComp | DSup ; oper consonant : pattern Str = #( "p" | "b" | "f" | "v" | "m" | "t" | "d" | "s" | "z" | "n" | "r" | "c" | "g" | "l" | "q" | "qu" | "h" ); Noun : Type = {s : Number => Case => Str ; g : Gender} ; NounPhrase : Type = { s : Case => Str ; g : Gender ; n : Number ; p : Person ; } ; param Order = SVO | VSO | VOS | OSV | OVS | SOV ; param Agr = Ag Gender Number Case ; -- Agreement for NP et al. oper Adjective : Type = { s : Degree => Agr => Str ; -- comp_adv : Str ; -- super_adv : Str } ; ComplexNoun : Type = { s : Number => Case => Str ; g : Gender ; preap : {s : Agr => Str } ; postap : {s : Agr => Str } ; } ; -- nouns useCNasN : ComplexNoun -> Noun = \cn -> { s = cn.s ; g = cn.g ; } ; pluralN : Noun -> Noun = \n -> { s = table { Pl => n.s ! Pl ; Sg => \\_ => "######" -- no singular forms }; g = n.g ; preap = n.preap ; postap = n.postap ; }; mkNoun : (n1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,n10 : Str) -> Gender -> Noun = \sn,sa,sg,sd,sab,sv,pn,pa,pg,pd,g -> { s = table { Sg => table { Nom => sn ; Acc => sa ; Gen => sg ; Dat => sd ; Abl => sab ; Voc => sv } ; Pl => table { Nom | Voc => pn ; Acc => pa ; Gen => pg ; Dat | Abl => pd } } ; g = g } ; -- to change the default gender nounWithGen : Gender -> Noun -> Noun = \g,n -> {s = n.s ; g = g} ; regNP : (_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Gender -> Number -> NounPhrase = \nom,acc,gen,dat,abl,voc,g,n -> { s = table Case [ nom ; acc ; gen ; dat ; abl ; voc ] ; g = g ; n = n ; p = P3 } ; -- also used for adjectives and so on -- adjectives mkAdjective : (_,_,_ : Noun) -> ( (Agr => Str) * Str ) -> ( (Agr => Str) * Str ) -> Adjective = \bonus,bona,bonum,melior,optimus -> { s = table { Posit => table { Ag Masc n c => bonus.s ! n ! c ; Ag Fem n c => bona.s ! n ! c ; Ag Neutr n c => bonum.s ! n ! c } ; Compar => melior.p1 ; Superl => optimus.p1 } ; comp_adv = melior.p2 ; super_adv = optimus.p2 } ; noun3adj : Str -> Str -> Gender -> Noun = \audax,audacis,g -> let audac = Predef.tk 2 audacis ; audacem = case g of {Neutr => audax ; _ => audac + "em"} ; audaces = case g of {Neutr => audac +"ia" ; _ => audac + "es"} ; audaci = audac + "i" ; in mkNoun audax audacem (audac + "is") audaci audaci audax audaces audaces (audac + "ium") (audac + "ibus") g ; emptyAdj : Adjective = { s = \\_,_ => "" ; comp_adv = "" ; super_adv = "" } ; -- verbs param VActForm = VAct VAnter VTense Number Person ; VPassForm = VPass VTense Number Person ; -- No anteriority because perfect forms are built using participle VInfForm = VInfActPres | VInfActPerf Gender | VInfActFut Gender | VInfPassPres | VInfPassPerf Gender | VinfPassFut ; VImpForm = VImp1 Number | VImp2 Number Person ; VGerund = VGenAcc | VGenGen |VGenDat | VGenAbl ; VSupine = VSupAcc | VSupAbl ; VPartForm = VActPres | VActFut | VPassPerf ; VAnter = VAnt | VSim ; VTense = VPres VMood | VImpf VMood | VFut ; VMood = VInd | VConj ; oper VerbPhrase : Type = { fin : VActForm => Str ; inf : VInfForm => Str ; obj : Str ; adj : Agr => Str } ; Verb : Type = { act : VActForm => Str ; pass : VPassForm => Str ; inf : VInfForm => Str ; imp : VImpForm => Str ; ger : VGerund => Str ; geriv : Agr => Str ; sup : VSupine => Str ; part : VPartForm =>Agr => Str ; } ; VV : Type = Verb ** { isAux : Bool } ; tenseToVTense : Tense -> VTense = \t -> case t of { Pres => VPres VInd ; Past => VImpf VInd ; Fut => VFut ; Cond => VPres VConj -- don't know what to do } ; anteriorityToVAnter : Anteriority -> VAnter = \a -> case a of { Simul => VSim ; Anter => VAnt } ; useVV : VV -> Verb = \vv -> { act = vv.act ; pass = vv.pass ; inf = vv.inf ; imp = vv.imp ; ger = vv.ger ; geriv = vv.geriv ; sup = vv.sup ; part = vv.part ; } ; useVPasV : VerbPhrase -> Verb = \vp -> { act = \\a => vp.obj ++ vp.fin ! a ; pass = \\_ => "???" ; inf = \\a => vp.obj ++ vp.inf ! a ; imp = \\_ => "???" ; ger = \\_ => "???" ; geriv = \\_ => "???" ; sup = \\_ => "???" ; part = \\_,_ => "???" ; } ; mkVerb : (regere,reg,regi,rega,regeba,regere,rege,regi,rex,rex,rexeri,rexera,rexisse,rexeri,rect : Str) -> Verb = \inf_act_pres,pres_stem,pres_ind_base,pres_conj_base,impf_ind_base,impf_conj_base,fut_I_base,imp_base, perf_stem,perf_ind_base,perf_conj_base,pqperf_ind_base,pqperf_conj_base,fut_II_base,part_stem -> let fill : Str * Str * Str = case pres_stem of { _ + ( "a" | "e" ) => < "" , "" , "" > ; _ + #consonant => < "e" , "u" , "i" > ; _ => < "e" , "u" , "" > } ; in { act = table { VAct VSim (VPres VInd) Sg P1 => -- Present Indicative ( case pres_ind_base of { _ + "a" => ( init pres_ind_base ) ; _ => pres_ind_base } ) + "o" ; --actPresEnding Sg P1 ; VAct VSim (VPres VInd) Pl P3 => -- Present Indicative pres_ind_base + fill.p2 + actPresEnding Pl P3 ; VAct VSim (VPres VInd) n p => -- Present Indicative pres_ind_base + fill.p3 + actPresEnding n p ; VAct VSim (VPres VConj) n p => -- Present Conjunctive pres_conj_base + actPresEnding n p ; VAct VSim (VImpf VInd) n p => -- Imperfect Indicative impf_ind_base + actPresEnding n p ; VAct VSim (VImpf VConj) n p => -- Imperfect Conjunctive impf_conj_base + actPresEnding n p ; VAct VSim VFut Sg P1 => -- Future I case fut_I_base of { _ + "bi" => ( init fut_I_base ) + "o" ; _ => ( init fut_I_base ) + "a" + actPresEnding Sg P1 } ; VAct VSim VFut Pl P3 => -- Future I ( case fut_I_base of { _ + "bi" => ( init fut_I_base ) + "u"; _ => fut_I_base } ) + actPresEnding Pl P3 ; VAct VSim VFut n p => -- Future I fut_I_base + actPresEnding n p ; VAct VAnt (VPres VInd) n p => -- Prefect Indicative perf_ind_base + actPerfEnding n p ; VAct VAnt (VPres VConj) n p => -- Prefect Conjunctive perf_conj_base + actPresEnding n p ; VAct VAnt (VImpf VInd) n p => -- Plusperfect Indicative pqperf_ind_base + actPresEnding n p ; VAct VAnt (VImpf VConj) n p => -- Plusperfect Conjunctive pqperf_conj_base + actPresEnding n p ; VAct VAnt VFut Sg P1 => -- Future II ( init fut_II_base ) + "o" ; VAct VAnt VFut n p => -- Future II fut_II_base + actPresEnding n p } ; pass = table { VPass (VPres VInd) Sg P1 => -- Present Indicative ( case pres_ind_base of { _ + "a" => (init pres_ind_base ) ; _ => pres_ind_base } ) + "o" + passPresEnding Sg P1 ; VPass (VPres VInd) Sg P2 => -- Present Indicative ( case imp_base of { _ + #consonant => ( case pres_ind_base of { _ + "i" => ( init pres_ind_base ) ; _ => pres_ind_base } ) + "e" ; _ => pres_ind_base } ) + passPresEnding Sg P2 ; VPass (VPres VInd) Pl P3 => -- Present Indicative pres_ind_base + fill.p2 + passPresEnding Pl P3 ; VPass (VPres VInd) n p => -- Present Indicative pres_ind_base + fill.p3 + passPresEnding n p ; VPass (VPres VConj) n p => -- Present Conjunctive pres_conj_base + passPresEnding n p ; VPass (VImpf VInd) n p => -- Imperfect Indicative impf_ind_base + passPresEnding n p ; VPass (VImpf VConj) n p => -- Imperfect Conjunctive impf_conj_base + passPresEnding n p ; VPass VFut Sg P1 => -- Future I ( case fut_I_base of { _ + "bi" => ( init fut_I_base ) + "o" ; _ => ( init fut_I_base ) + "a" } ) + passPresEnding Sg P1 ; VPass VFut Sg P2 => -- Future I ( init fut_I_base ) + "e" + passPresEnding Sg P2 ; VPass VFut Pl P3 => -- Future I ( case fut_I_base of { _ + "bi" => ( init fut_I_base ) + "u" ; _ => fut_I_base } ) + passPresEnding Pl P3 ; VPass VFut n p => -- Future I fut_I_base + passPresEnding n p } ; inf = table { VInfActPres => -- Infinitive Active Present inf_act_pres ; VInfActPerf _ => -- Infinitive Active Perfect perf_stem + "isse" ; VInfActFut Masc => -- Infinitive Active Future part_stem + "urum" ; VInfActFut Fem => -- Infinitive Active Future part_stem + "uram" ; VInfActFut Neutr => -- Infinitive Active Future part_stem + "urum" ; VInfPassPres => -- Infinitive Present Passive ( init inf_act_pres ) + "i" ; VInfPassPerf Masc => -- Infinitive Perfect Passive part_stem + "um" ; VInfPassPerf Fem => -- Infinitive Perfect Passive part_stem + "am" ; VInfPassPerf Neutr => -- Infinitive Perfect Passive part_stem + "um" ; VInfPassFut => -- Infinitive Future Passive part_stem + "um" } ; imp = let imp_fill : Str * Str = case imp_base of { _ + #consonant => < "e" , "i" > ; _ => < "" , "" > }; in table { VImp1 Sg => -- Imperative I imp_base + imp_fill.p1 ; VImp1 Pl => -- Imperative I imp_base + imp_fill.p2 + "te" ; VImp2 Sg ( P2 | P3 ) => -- Imperative II imp_base + imp_fill.p2 + "to" ; VImp2 Pl P2 => -- Imperative II imp_base + ( case imp_base of { _ + #consonant => "i" ; _ => fill.p3 } ) + "tote" ; VImp2 Pl P3 => -- Imperative II pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nto" ; _ => "######" -- No imperative form } ; ger = table { VGenAcc => -- Gerund pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndum" ; VGenGen => -- Gerund pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndi" ; VGenDat => -- Gerund pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndo" ; VGenAbl => -- Gerund pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndo" } ; geriv = ( mkAdjective ( mkNoun ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndus" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndi" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndo" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndo" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "nde" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndi" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndos" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndorum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndis" ) Masc ) ( mkNoun ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "nda" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndam" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndae" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndae" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "nda" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "nda" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndae" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndas" ) (pres_stem + fill.p1 +"ndarum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndis" ) Fem ) ( mkNoun ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndi" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndo" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndo" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "nda" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "nda" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndorum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ndis" ) Neutr ) < \\_ => "" , "" > < \\_ => "" , "" > ).s!Posit ; sup = table { VSupAcc => -- Supin part_stem + "um" ; VSupAbl => -- Supin part_stem + "u" } ; part= table { VActPres => table { Ag ( Fem | Masc ) n c => ( mkNoun ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ns" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntem" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntis" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "nti" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "nte" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ns" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntes" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntes" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntium" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntibus" ) Masc ).s ! n ! c ; Ag Neutr n c => ( mkNoun ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ns" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ns" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntis" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "nti" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "nte" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ns" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntia" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntia" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntium" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p1 + "ntibus" ) Masc ).s ! n ! c } ; VActFut => ( mkAdjective ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "urus" ) ( part_stem + "urum" ) ( part_stem + "uri" ) ( part_stem + "uro" ) ( part_stem + "uro" ) ( part_stem + "ure" ) ( part_stem + "uri" ) ( part_stem + "uros" ) ( part_stem + "urorum" ) ( part_stem + "uris" ) Masc ) ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "ura" ) ( part_stem + "uram" ) ( part_stem + "urae" ) ( part_stem + "urae" ) ( part_stem + "ura" ) ( part_stem + "ura" )( part_stem + "urae" ) ( part_stem + "uras" ) ( part_stem +"urarum" ) ( part_stem + "uris" ) Fem ) ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "urum" ) ( part_stem + "urum" ) ( part_stem + "uri" ) ( part_stem + "uro" ) ( part_stem + "uro" ) ( part_stem + "urum" ) ( part_stem + "ura" ) ( part_stem + "ura" ) ( part_stem + "urorum" ) ( part_stem + "uris" ) Neutr ) < \\_ => "" , "" > < \\_ => "" , "" > ).s!Posit ; VPassPerf => ( mkAdjective ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "us" ) ( part_stem + "um" ) ( part_stem + "i" ) ( part_stem + "o" ) ( part_stem + "o" ) ( part_stem + "e" ) ( part_stem + "i" ) ( part_stem + "os" ) ( part_stem + "orum" ) ( part_stem + "is" ) Masc ) ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "a" ) ( part_stem + "am" ) ( part_stem + "ae" ) ( part_stem + "ae" ) ( part_stem + "a" ) ( part_stem + "a" ) ( part_stem + "ae" ) ( part_stem + "as" ) ( part_stem + "arum" ) ( part_stem + "is" ) Fem ) ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "um" ) ( part_stem + "um" ) ( part_stem + "i" ) ( part_stem + "o" ) ( part_stem + "o" ) ( part_stem + "um" ) ( part_stem + "a" ) ( part_stem + "a" ) ( part_stem + "orum" ) ( part_stem + "is" ) Neutr ) < \\_ => "" , "" > < \\_ => "" , "" > ).s!Posit } } ; mkDeponent : ( sequi,sequ,sequi,sequa,sequeba,sequere,seque,sequi,secut : Str ) -> Verb = \inf_pres,pres_stem,pres_ind_base,pres_conj_base,impf_ind_base,impf_conj_base,fut_I_base,imp_base,part_stem -> let fill : Str * Str = case pres_ind_base of { _ + ( "a" | "e" ) => < "" , "" >; _ => < "u" , "e" > } in { act = table { VAct VSim (VPres VInd) Sg P1 => -- Present Indicative ( case pres_ind_base of { _ + "a" => ( init pres_ind_base ) ; _ => pres_ind_base } ) + "o" + passPresEnding Sg P1 ; VAct VSim (VPres VInd) Sg P2 => -- Present Indicative ( case inf_pres of { _ + "ri" => pres_ind_base ; _ => ( case pres_ind_base of { _ + "i" => init pres_ind_base ; _ => pres_ind_base } ) + "e" } ) + passPresEnding Sg P2 ; VAct VSim (VPres VInd) Pl P3 => -- Present Indicative pres_ind_base + fill.p1 + passPresEnding Pl P3 ; VAct VSim (VPres VInd) n p => -- Present Indicative pres_ind_base + ( case pres_ind_base of { _ + #consonant => "i" ; _ => "" } ) + passPresEnding n p ; VAct VSim (VPres VConj) n p => -- Present Conjunctive pres_conj_base + passPresEnding n p ; VAct VSim (VImpf VInd) n p => -- Imperfect Indicative impf_ind_base + passPresEnding n p ; VAct VSim (VImpf VConj) n p => -- Imperfect Conjunctive impf_conj_base + passPresEnding n p ; VAct VSim VFut Sg P1 => -- Future I (init fut_I_base ) + ( case fut_I_base of { _ + "bi" => "o" ; _ => "a" } ) + passPresEnding Sg P1 ; VAct VSim VFut Sg P2 => -- Future I ( case fut_I_base of { _ + "bi" => ( init fut_I_base ) + "e" ; _ => fut_I_base } ) + passPresEnding Sg P2 ; VAct VSim VFut Pl P3 => -- Future I (init fut_I_base ) + ( case fut_I_base of { _ + "bi" => "u" ; _ => "e" } ) + passPresEnding Pl P3 ; VAct VSim VFut n p => -- Future I fut_I_base + passPresEnding n p ; VAct VAnt (VPres VInd) n p => -- Prefect Indicative "######" ; -- Use participle VAct VAnt (VPres VConj) n p => -- Prefect Conjunctive "######" ; -- Use participle VAct VAnt (VImpf VInd) n p => -- Plusperfect Indicative "######" ; -- Use participle VAct VAnt (VImpf VConj) n p => -- Plusperfect Conjunctive "######" ; -- Use participle VAct VAnt VFut n p => -- Future II "######" -- Use participle } ; pass = \\_ => "######" ; -- no passive forms inf = table { VInfActPres => -- Infinitive Present Active inf_pres ; VInfActPerf Masc => -- Infinitive Perfect Active part_stem + "um" ; VInfActPerf Fem => -- Infinitive Perfect Active part_stem + "am" ; VInfActPerf Neutr => -- Infinitive Perfect Active part_stem + "um" ; VInfActFut Masc => -- Infinitive Future Active part_stem + "urum" ; VInfActFut Fem => -- Infinitive Perfect Active part_stem + "uram" ; VInfActFut Neutr => -- Infinitive Perfect Active part_stem + "urum" ; VInfPassPres => -- Infinitive Present Passive "######" ; -- no passive form VInfPassPerf _ => -- Infinitive Perfect Passive "######" ; -- no passive form VInfPassFut => -- Infinitive Future Passive "######" -- no passive form } ; imp = table { VImp1 Sg => -- Imperative I ( case inf_pres of { _ + "ri" => imp_base ; _ => (init imp_base ) + "e" } ) + "re" ; VImp1 Pl => -- Imperative I imp_base + "mini" ; VImp2 Sg ( P2 | P3 ) => -- Imperative II imp_base + "tor" ; VImp2 Pl P2 => -- Imperative II "######" ; -- really no such form? VImp2 Pl P3 => -- Imperative II pres_ind_base + fill.p1 + "ntor" ; _ => "######" -- No imperative form } ; ger = table { VGenAcc => -- Gerund pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndum" ; VGenGen => -- Gerund pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndi" ; VGenDat => -- Gerund pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndo" ; VGenAbl => -- Gerund pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndo" } ; geriv = ( mkAdjective ( mkNoun ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndus" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndi" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndo" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndo" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nde" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndi" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndos" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndorum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndis" ) Masc ) ( mkNoun ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nda" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndam" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndae" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndae" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nda" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nda" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndae" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndas" ) (pres_stem + fill.p2 +"ndarum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndis" ) Fem ) ( mkNoun ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndi" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndo" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndo" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nda" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nda" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndorum" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ndis" ) Neutr ) < \\_ => "" , "" > < \\_ => "" , "" > ).s!Posit ; sup = table { VSupAcc => -- Supin part_stem + "um" ; VSupAbl => -- Supin part_stem + "u" } ; -- Bayer-Lindauer 44 1 part = table { VActPres => table { Ag ( Fem | Masc ) n c => ( mkNoun ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ns" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntem" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntis" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nti" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nte" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ns" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntes" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntes" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntium" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntibus" ) Masc ).s ! n ! c ; Ag Neutr n c => ( mkNoun ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ns" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ns" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntis" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nti" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "nte" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ns" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntia" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntia" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntium" ) ( pres_stem + fill.p2 + "ntibus" ) Masc ).s ! n ! c } ; VActFut => ( mkAdjective ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "urus" ) ( part_stem + "urum" ) ( part_stem + "uri" ) ( part_stem + "uro" ) ( part_stem + "uro" ) ( part_stem + "ure" ) ( part_stem + "uri" ) ( part_stem + "uros" ) ( part_stem + "urorum" ) ( part_stem + "uris" ) Masc ) ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "ura" ) ( part_stem + "uram" ) ( part_stem + "urae" ) ( part_stem + "urae" ) ( part_stem + "ura" ) ( part_stem + "ura" )( part_stem + "urae" ) ( part_stem + "uras" ) ( part_stem +"urarum" ) ( part_stem + "uris" ) Fem ) ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "urum" ) ( part_stem + "urum" ) ( part_stem + "uri" ) ( part_stem + "uro" ) ( part_stem + "uro" ) ( part_stem + "urum" ) ( part_stem + "ura" ) ( part_stem + "ura" ) ( part_stem + "urorum" ) ( part_stem + "uris" ) Neutr ) < \\_ => "" , "" > < \\_ => "" , "" > ).s!Posit ; VPassPerf => ( mkAdjective ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "us" ) ( part_stem + "um" ) ( part_stem + "i" ) ( part_stem + "o" ) ( part_stem + "o" ) ( part_stem + "e" ) ( part_stem + "i" ) ( part_stem + "os" ) ( part_stem + "orum" ) ( part_stem + "is" ) Masc ) ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "a" ) ( part_stem + "am" ) ( part_stem + "ae" ) ( part_stem + "ae" ) ( part_stem + "a" ) ( part_stem + "a" ) ( part_stem + "ae" ) ( part_stem + "as" ) ( part_stem + "arum" ) ( part_stem + "is" ) Fem ) ( mkNoun ( part_stem + "um" ) ( part_stem + "um" ) ( part_stem + "i" ) ( part_stem + "o" ) ( part_stem + "o" ) ( part_stem + "um" ) ( part_stem + "a" ) ( part_stem + "a" ) ( part_stem + "orum" ) ( part_stem + "is" ) Neutr ) < \\_ => "" , "" > < \\_ => "" , "" > ).s!Posit } } ; actPresEnding : Number -> Person -> Str = useEndingTable <"m", "s", "t", "mus", "tis", "nt"> ; actPerfEnding : Number -> Person -> Str = useEndingTable <"i", "isti", "it", "imus", "istis", "erunt"> ; passPresEnding : Number -> Person -> Str = useEndingTable <"r", "ris", "tur", "mur", "mini", "ntur"> ; passFutEnding : Str -> Number -> Person -> Str = \lauda,n,p -> let endings : Str * Str * Str * Str * Str * Str = case lauda of { ( _ + "a" ) | ( _ + "e" ) => < "bo" , "be" , "bi" , "bi" , "bi" , "bu" > ; _ => < "a" , "e" , "e" , "e" , "e" , "e" > } in (useEndingTable endings n p) + passPresEnding n p ; useEndingTable : (Str*Str*Str*Str*Str*Str) -> Number -> Person -> Str = \es,n,p -> case n of { Sg => case p of { P1 => es.p1 ; P2 => es.p2 ; P3 => es.p3 } ; Pl => case p of { P1 => es.p4 ; P2 => es.p5 ; P3 => es.p6 } } ; -- pronouns param PronReflForm = PronRefl | PronNonRefl ; PronDropForm = PronDrop | PronNonDrop; -- PronIndefUsage = PronSubst | PronAdj ; -- PronIndefPol = PronPos | PronNeg ; -- PronIndefMeaning = PronSomeone | PronCertainOne | PronEvery ; -- PronType = PronPers PronReflForm | PronPoss PronReflForm | PronDemo | PronRelat | PronInterrog | -- PronIndef PronIndefUsage PronIndefPol PronIndefMeaning ; oper Pronoun : Type = { pers : PronDropForm => PronReflForm => Case => Str ; poss : PronReflForm => Agr => Str ; g : Gender ; n : Number ; p : Person ; } ; pronForms = overload { pronForms : (_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Case => Str = \ego,me,mei,mihi,mee -> table Case [ego ; me ; mei ; mihi ; mee ; ego] ; pronForms : (_,_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> Case => Str = \meus,meum,mei,meo,meoo,mi -> table Case [meus ; meum ; mei ; meo ; meoo ; mi] ; }; createPronouns : Gender -> Number -> Person -> ( ( PronDropForm => PronReflForm => Case => Str ) * ( PronReflForm => Agr => Str ) ) = \g,n,p -> case of { <_,Sg,P1> => < table { PronDrop => \\_,_ => "" ; PronNonDrop => \\_ => pronForms "ego" "me" "mei" "mihi" "me" "me" }, \\_ => table { Ag Masc Sg c => ( pronForms "meus" "meum" "mei" "meo" "meo" "mi" ) ! c ; Ag Masc Pl c => ( pronForms "mei" "meos" "meorum" "meis" "meis" "mei" ) ! c ; Ag Fem Sg c => ( pronForms "mea" "meam" "meae" "meae" "mea" "mea" ) ! c ; Ag Fem Pl c => ( pronForms "meae" "meas" "mearum" "meis" "meis" "meae" ) ! c ; Ag Neutr Sg c => ( pronForms "meum" "meum" "mei" "meo" "meo" "meum" ) ! c ; Ag Neutr Pl c => ( pronForms "mea" "mea" "meorum" "meis" "meis" "mea" ) ! c } > ; <_, Sg,P2> => < table { PronDrop => \\_,_ => "" ; PronNonDrop => \\_ => pronForms "tu" "te" "tui" "tibi" "te" "te" } , \\_ => table { Ag Masc Sg c => ( pronForms "tuus" "tuum" "tui" "tuo" "tu" "tue" ) ! c ; Ag Masc Pl c => ( pronForms "tui" "tuos" "tuorum" "tuis" "tuis" "tui" ) ! c ; Ag Fem Sg c => ( pronForms "tua" "tuam" "tuae" "tuae" "tua" "tua" ) ! c ; Ag Fem Pl c => ( pronForms "tuae" "tuas" "tuarum" "tuis" "tuis" "tuae" ) ! c ; Ag Neutr Sg c => ( pronForms "tuum" "tuum" "tui" "tuo" "tuo" "tuum" ) ! c ; Ag Neutr Pl c => ( pronForms "tua" "tua" "tuorum" "tuis" "tuis" "tua" ) ! c } > ; <_, Pl,P1> => < table { PronDrop => \\_,_ => "" ; PronNonDrop => \\_ => pronForms "nos" "nos" "nostri" "nobis" "nobis" --- nostrum } , \\_ => table { Ag Masc Sg c => ( pronForms "noster" "nostrum" "nostri" "nostro" "nostro" "noster" ) ! c ; Ag Masc Pl c => ( pronForms "nostri" "nostros" "nostrorum" "nostris" "nostris" "nostri" ) ! c ; Ag Fem Sg c => ( pronForms "nostra" "nostram" "nostrae" "nostrae" "nostra" "nostra" ) ! c ; Ag Fem Pl c => ( pronForms "nostrae" "nostras" "nostrarum" "nostris" "nostris" "nostrae" ) ! c ; Ag Neutr Sg c => ( pronForms "nostrum" "nostrum" "nostri" "nostro" "nostro" "nostrum" ) ! c ; Ag Neutr Pl c => ( pronForms "nostra" "nostra" "nostrorum" "nostris" "nostris" "nostra" ) ! c } > ; <_, Pl,P2> => < table { PronDrop => \\_,_ => "" ; PronNonDrop => \\_ => pronForms "vos" "vos" "vestri" "vobis" "vobis" --- vestrum } , \\_ => table { Ag Masc Sg c => ( pronForms "vester" "vestrum" "vestri" "vestro" "vestro" "vester" ) ! c ; Ag Masc Pl c => ( pronForms "vestri" "vestros" "vestrorum" "vestris" "vestris" "vestri" ) ! c ; Ag Fem Sg c => ( pronForms "vestra" "vestram" "vestrae" "vestrae" "vestra" "vestra" ) ! c ; Ag Fem Pl c => ( pronForms "vestrae" "vestras" "vestrarum" "vestris" "vestris" "vestrae" ) ! c ; Ag Neutr Sg c => ( pronForms "vestrum" "vestrum" "vestri" "vestro" "vestro" "vestrum" ) ! c ; Ag Neutr Pl c => ( pronForms "vestra" "vestra" "vestrorum" "vestris" "vestris" "vestra" ) ! c } >; <_,_ ,P3> => < table { PronDrop => \\_,_ => "" ; PronNonDrop => table { PronNonRefl => case of { => pronForms "is" "eum" "eius" "ei" "eo" ; => pronForms "ea" "eam" "eius" "ei" "ea" ; => pronForms "id" "id" "eius" "ei" "eo" ; => pronForms "ei" "eos" "eorum" "eis" "eis" ; => pronForms "eae" "eas" "earum" "eis" "eis" ; => pronForms "ea" "ea" "eorum" "eis" "eis" } ; PronRefl => pronForms "######" "se" "sui" "sibi" "se" } } , table { PronNonRefl => \\_ => "######" ; PronRefl => table { Ag Masc Sg c => ( pronForms "suus" "suum" "sui" "suo" "suo" ) ! c ; Ag Masc Pl c => ( pronForms "sui" "suos" "suorum" "suis" "suis" ) ! c ; Ag Fem Sg c => ( pronForms "sua" "suam" "suae" "suae" "sua" ) ! c ; Ag Fem Pl c => ( pronForms "suae" "suas" "suarum" "suis" "suis" ) ! c ; Ag Neutr Sg c => ( pronForms "suum" "suum" "sui" "suo" "suo" ) ! c ; Ag Neutr Pl c => ( pronForms "sua" "sua" "suorum" "suis" "suis" ) ! c } } > -- ; -- _ => -- < \\_,_,_ => "######!" , \\_,_ => "######!" > -- should never be reached } ; mkPronoun : Gender -> Number -> Person -> Pronoun = \g,n,p -> let -- Personal_Form * Possesive_Form prons : ( PronDropForm => PronReflForm => Case => Str ) * ( PronReflForm => Agr => Str ) = createPronouns g n p ; in { pers = prons.p1 ; poss = prons.p2 ; g = g ; n = n ; p = p } ; -- prepositions Preposition : Type = {s : Str ; c : Case} ; -- Bayer-Lindauer $149ff. about_P = lin Prep (mkPrep "de" Gen ) ; -- L... at_P = lin Prep (mkPrep "ad" Acc ) ; -- L... on_P = lin Prep ( mkPrep "ad" Gen ) ; -- L... to_P = lin Prep ( mkPrep "ad" Acc ) ; -- L... Gen_Prep = lin Prep ( mkPrep "" Gen ) ; Acc_Prep = lin Prep ( mkPrep "" Acc ) ; Dat_Prep = lin Prep ( mkPrep "" Dat ) ; Abl_Prep = lin Prep ( mkPrep "" Abl ) ; VPSlash = VerbPhrase ** {c2 : Preposition} ; predV : Verb -> VerbPhrase = \v -> { fin = v.act ; inf = v.inf ; obj = [] ; adj = \\a => [] } ; predV2 : (Verb ** {c : Preposition}) -> VPSlash = \v -> predV v ** {c2 = v.c} ; appPrep : Preposition -> (Case => Str) -> Str = \c,s -> c.s ++ s ! c.c ; insertObj : Str -> VerbPhrase -> VerbPhrase = \obj,vp -> { fin = vp.fin ; inf = vp.inf ; obj = obj ++ vp.obj ; adj = vp.adj } ; insertAdj : (Agr => Str) -> VerbPhrase -> VerbPhrase = \adj,vp -> { fin = vp.fin ; inf = vp.inf ; obj = vp.obj ; adj = \\a => adj ! a ++ vp.adj ! a } ; -- Clause = {s : VAnter => VTense => Polarity => Str} ; -- mkClause : Pronoun -> VP -> Clause = \np,vp -> { -- s = \\a,t,p => np.s ! Nom ++ vp.obj ++ vp.adj ! np.g ! np.n ++ negation p ++ -- vp.fin ! VAct a t np.n np.p -- } ; negation : Polarity -> Str = \p -> case p of { Pos => [] ; Neg => "non" } ; -- determiners Determiner : Type = { s : Gender => Case => Str ; -- s,sp : Gender => Case => Str ; Don't know what sp is for n : Number } ; mkDeterminer : Adjective -> Number -> Determiner = \a,n -> { n = n ; s = \\g,c => a.s ! Posit ! Ag g n c ; } ; Quantifier : Type = { s,sp : Agr => Str ; } ; mkQuantifG : (_,_,_,_,_ : Str) -> (_,_,_,_ : Str) -> (_,_,_ : Str) -> Gender => Case => Str = \mn,ma,mg,md,mab, fno,fa,fg,fab, nn,ng,nab -> table { Masc => pronForms mn ma mg md mab ; Fem => pronForms fno fa fg md fab ; Neutr => pronForms nn nn ng md nab } ; mkQuantifier : (sg,pl : Gender => Case => Str) -> Quantifier = \sg,pl -> let ssp = table { Ag g Sg c => sg ! g ! c ; Ag g Pl c => pl ! g ! c } in { s = ssp ; sp = ssp } ; hic_Quantifier = mkQuantifier (mkQuantifG "hic" "hunc" "huius" "huic" "hoc" "haec" "hanc" "huius" "hac" "hoc" "huius" "hoc") (mkQuantifG "hi" "hos" "horum" "his" "his" "hae" "has" "harum" "his" "haec" "horum" "his") ; ille_Quantifier = mkQuantifier (mkQuantifG "ille" "illum" "illius" "illi" "illo" "illa" "illam" "illius" "illa" "illud" "illius" "illo") (mkQuantifG "illi" "illos" "illorum" "illis" "illis" "illae" "illas" "illarum" "illis" "illa" "illorum" "illis") ; mkPrep : Str -> Case -> Preposition = \s,c -> lin Preposition {s = s ; c = c} ; mkAdv : Str -> { s: Str } = \adv -> { s = adv } ; param Unit = one | ten | hundred | thousand | ten_thousand | hundred_thousand ; }